2 research outputs found

    Texture based Image Splicing Forgery Recognition using a Passive Approach

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    With the growing usage of the internet in daily life along with the usage of dominant picture editing software tools in creating forged pictures effortlessly, make us lose trust in the authenticity of the images. For more than a decade, extensive research is going on in the Image forensic area that aims at restoring trustworthiness in images by bringing various tampering detection techniques. In the proposed method, identification of image splicing technique is introduced which depends on the picture texture analysis which characterizes the picture areas by the content of the texture. In this method, an image is characterized by the regions of their texture content. The experimental outcomes describe that the proposed method is effective to identify spliced picture forgery with an accuracy of 79.5%

    Exposing image forgery by detecting traces of feather operation

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    Powerful digital image editing tools make it very easy to produce a perfect image forgery. The feather operation is necessary when tampering an image by copy–paste operation because it can help the boundary of pasted object to blend smoothly and unobtrusively with its surroundings. We propose a blind technique capable of detecting traces of feather operation to expose image forgeries. We model the feather operation, and the pixels of feather region will present similarity in their gradient phase angle and feather radius. An effectual scheme is designed to estimate each feather region pixel׳s gradient phase angle and feather radius, and the pixel׳s similarity to its neighbor pixels is defined and used to distinguish the feathered pixels from un-feathered pixels. The degree of image credibility is defined, and it is more acceptable to evaluate the reality of one image than just using a decision of YES or NO. Results of experiments on several forgeries demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique