490,519 research outputs found

    Adaptive Harmonic Analysis

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    In this paper we describe a new approach to the harmonic analysis of the tide. For a number of reasons the harmonic constants are not really constant but vary slowly in time. Therefore, we introduce a narrow-band noise process to model the time-varying behaviour of these harmonic parameters. Furthermore, since the measurements available are not perfect, we also introduce a, possibly time-varying, measurement noise process to model the errors associated with the measurement process. By employing a Kalman filter to estimate the harmonic parameters recursively, the estimates can be adapted contineously to chaning conditions. The adaptive harmonic analysis can be used for the on-line prediction of the astronomical tide or, since the Kalman filter also produces the covariance of the estimation error, to gain quantitative insight into the resolution of tidal constituents

    Projective Pseudodifferential Analysis and Harmonic Analysis

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    We consider pseudodifferential operators on functions on Rn+1\R^{n+1} which commute with the Euler operator, and can thus be restricted to spaces of functions homogeneous of some given degree. Their symbols can be regarded as functions on a reduced phase space, isomorphic to the homogeneous space Gn/Hn=SL(n+1,R)/GL(n,R)G_n/H_n=SL(n+1,\R)/GL(n,\R), and the resulting calculus is a pseudodifferential analysis of operators acting on spaces of appropriate sections of line bundles over the projective space Pn(R)P_n(\R) : these spaces are the representation spaces of the maximal degenerate series (πiλ,ϵ)(\pi_{i\lambda,\epsilon}) of GnG_n . This new approach to the quantization of Gn/HnG_n/H_n, already considered by other authors, has several advantages: as an example, it makes it possible to give a very explicit version of the continuous part from the decomposition of L2(Gn/Hn)L^2(G_n/H_n) under the quasiregular action of GnG_n . We also consider interesting special symbols, which arise from the consideration of the resolvents of certain infinitesimal operators of the representation πiλ,ϵ\pi_{i\lambda,\epsilon}
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