496 research outputs found

    Handwritten Digits Recognition

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    My work of diploma consisted in developing a Windows application for the recognition of the handwritten digits. The source images come from a pen-scanner. The user can also draw the digits directly with the mouse and do the recognition of it. In this software, I integrated the SVM Light reconizer

    Handwritten Digits Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Network: An Experimental Study using EBlearn

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    In this paper, results of an experimental study of a deep convolution neural network architecture which can classify different handwritten digits using EBLearn library are reported. The purpose of this neural network is to classify input images into 10 different classes or digits (0-9) and to explore new findings. The input dataset used consists of digits images of size 32X32 in grayscale (MNIST dataset).Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some errors and incomplete stud

    Binary Weighted Memristive Analog Deep Neural Network for Near-Sensor Edge Processing

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    The memristive crossbar aims to implement analog weighted neural network, however, the realistic implementation of such crossbar arrays is not possible due to limited switching states of memristive devices. In this work, we propose the design of an analog deep neural network with binary weight update through backpropagation algorithm using binary state memristive devices. We show that such networks can be successfully used for image processing task and has the advantage of lower power consumption and small on-chip area in comparison with digital counterparts. The proposed network was benchmarked for MNIST handwritten digits recognition achieving an accuracy of approximately 90%

    Handwritten digit recognition by bio-inspired hierarchical networks

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    The human brain processes information showing learning and prediction abilities but the underlying neuronal mechanisms still remain unknown. Recently, many studies prove that neuronal networks are able of both generalizations and associations of sensory inputs. In this paper, following a set of neurophysiological evidences, we propose a learning framework with a strong biological plausibility that mimics prominent functions of cortical circuitries. We developed the Inductive Conceptual Network (ICN), that is a hierarchical bio-inspired network, able to learn invariant patterns by Variable-order Markov Models implemented in its nodes. The outputs of the top-most node of ICN hierarchy, representing the highest input generalization, allow for automatic classification of inputs. We found that the ICN clusterized MNIST images with an error of 5.73% and USPS images with an error of 12.56%

    An embodied model for handwritten digits recognition in a cognitive robot

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    This paper presents an embodied model for recognition of handwritten digits in a cognitive developmental robot scenario. Inspired by neuro-psychological data, the model integrates three modules: a stacked auto-encoder network to process the visual information, a feedforward neural controller for the fingers, and a generalized regression network that associates number digits to finger configurations. Results from developmental learning experiments show an improvement in the digits' recognition rate thanks to the inclusion of the robot fingers in the training especially in its early stages (epochs) or with a low number of examples. This behaviour can be linked to that observed in psychological studies with children, who seem to benefit of finger counting only in the initial stage of mathematical learning. These results suggest the potential of the embodied approach to favour the creation of a psychologically plausible developmental model for mathematical cognition in robots and to support the creation of more complex models of human-like behaviours

    Handwritten digits recognition with decision tree classification: a machine learning approach

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    Handwritten digits recognition is an area of machine learning, in which a machine is trained to identify handwritten digits. One method of achieving this is with decision tree classification model. A decision tree classification is a machine learning approach that uses the predefined labels from the past known sets to determine or predict the classes of the future data sets where the class labels are unknown. In this paper we have used the standard kaggle digits dataset for recognition of handwritten digits using a decision tree classification approach. And we have evaluated the accuracy of the model against each digit from 0 to 9

    Multiple classifiers fusion and CNN feature extraction for handwritten digits recognition

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    Handwritten digits recognition has been treated as a multi-class classification problem in the machine learning context, where each of the ten digits (0-9) is viewed as a class and the machine learning task is essentially to train a classifier that can effectively discriminate the ten classes. In practice, it is very usual that the performance of a single classifier trained by using a standard learning algorithm is varied on different data sets, which indicates that the same learning algorithm may train strong classifiers on some data sets but weak classifiers may be trained on other data sets. It is also possible that the same classifier shows different performance on different test sets, especially when considering the case that image instances can be highly diverse due to the different handwriting styles of different people on the same digits. In order to address the above issue, development of ensemble learning approaches have been very necessary to improve the overall performance and make the performance more stable on different data sets. In this paper, we propose a framework that involves CNN based feature extraction from the MINST data set and algebraic fusion of multiple classifiers trained on different feature sets, which are prepared through feature selection applied to the original feature set extracted using CNN. The experimental results show that the classifiers fusion can achieve the classification accuracy of ≥ 98%

    Neuro-memristive Circuits for Edge Computing: A review

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    The volume, veracity, variability, and velocity of data produced from the ever-increasing network of sensors connected to Internet pose challenges for power management, scalability, and sustainability of cloud computing infrastructure. Increasing the data processing capability of edge computing devices at lower power requirements can reduce several overheads for cloud computing solutions. This paper provides the review of neuromorphic CMOS-memristive architectures that can be integrated into edge computing devices. We discuss why the neuromorphic architectures are useful for edge devices and show the advantages, drawbacks and open problems in the field of neuro-memristive circuits for edge computing

    Algebraic fusion of multiple classifiers for handwritten digits recognition

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    Recognition of handwritten digits is a very popular application of machine learning. In this context, each of the ten digits (0-9) is defined as a class in the setting of machine learning based classification tasks. In general, popular learning methods , such as support vector machine, neural networks and K nearest neighbours, have been used for classifying instances of handwritten digits to one of the ten classes. However, due to the diversity of handwriting styles from different people, it can happen that some handwritten digits (e.g. 4 and 9) are very similar and are thus difficult to distinguish. Also, each single learning algorithm may have its own advantages and disadvantages, which means that a single algorithm would be capable of learning some but not all specific characteristics of handwritten digits. From this point of view, a method for handwritten digits recognition is proposed in the setting of ensemble learning, towards encouraging the diversity among different classifiers trained by different learning algorithms. In particular, the image features of handwritten digits are extracted by using the Convolutional Neural Network architecture. Furthermore, single classifiers trained respectively by K nearest neighbours and random forests are fused as an ensemble one. The experimental results show that the ensemble classifier was able to achieve a recognition accuracy of ≥ 98% using the MNISET data set