2 research outputs found

    A Unified Multilingual Handwriting Recognition System using multigrams sub-lexical units

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    We address the design of a unified multilingual system for handwriting recognition. Most of multi- lingual systems rests on specialized models that are trained on a single language and one of them is selected at test time. While some recognition systems are based on a unified optical model, dealing with a unified language model remains a major issue, as traditional language models are generally trained on corpora composed of large word lexicons per language. Here, we bring a solution by con- sidering language models based on sub-lexical units, called multigrams. Dealing with multigrams strongly reduces the lexicon size and thus decreases the language model complexity. This makes pos- sible the design of an end-to-end unified multilingual recognition system where both a single optical model and a single language model are trained on all the languages. We discuss the impact of the language unification on each model and show that our system reaches state-of-the-art methods perfor- mance with a strong reduction of the complexity.Comment: preprin

    Handwriting Recognition with Multigrams

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    International audienceWe introduce a novel handwriting recognition approach based on sub-lexical units known as multigrams of characters, that are variable lengths characters sequences. A Hidden Semi Markov model is used to model the multigrams occurrences within the target language corpus. Decoding the training language corpus with this model provides an optimized multigram lexicon of reduced size with high coverage rate of OOV compared to the traditional word modeling approach. The handwriting recognition system is composed of two components: the optical model and the statistical n-grams of multigrams language model. The two models are combined together during the recognition process using a decoding technique based on Weighted Finite State Transducers (WFST). We experiment the approach on two Latin language datasets (the French RIMES and English IAM datasets) and we show that it outperforms words and character models language models for high Out Of Vocabulary (OOV) words rates, and that it performs similarly to these traditional models for low OOV rates, with the advantage of a reduced complexity