83 research outputs found

    End-to-End Multiview Gesture Recognition for Autonomous Car Parking System

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    The use of hand gestures can be the most intuitive human-machine interaction medium. The early approaches for hand gesture recognition used device-based methods. These methods use mechanical or optical sensors attached to a glove or markers, which hinders the natural human-machine communication. On the other hand, vision-based methods are not restrictive and allow for a more spontaneous communication without the need of an intermediary between human and machine. Therefore, vision gesture recognition has been a popular area of research for the past thirty years. Hand gesture recognition finds its application in many areas, particularly the automotive industry where advanced automotive human-machine interface (HMI) designers are using gesture recognition to improve driver and vehicle safety. However, technology advances go beyond active/passive safety and into convenience and comfort. In this context, one of America’s big three automakers has partnered with the Centre of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI) at the University of Waterloo to investigate expanding their product segment through machine learning to provide an increased driver convenience and comfort with the particular application of hand gesture recognition for autonomous car parking. In this thesis, we leverage the state-of-the-art deep learning and optimization techniques to develop a vision-based multiview dynamic hand gesture recognizer for self-parking system. We propose a 3DCNN gesture model architecture that we train on a publicly available hand gesture database. We apply transfer learning methods to fine-tune the pre-trained gesture model on a custom-made data, which significantly improved the proposed system performance in real world environment. We adapt the architecture of the end-to-end solution to expand the state of the art video classifier from a single image as input (fed by monocular camera) to a multiview 360 feed, offered by a six cameras module. Finally, we optimize the proposed solution to work on a limited resources embedded platform (Nvidia Jetson TX2) that is used by automakers for vehicle-based features, without sacrificing the accuracy robustness and real time functionality of the system

    A preliminary study of micro-gestures:dataset collection and analysis with multi-modal dynamic networks

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    Abstract. Micro-gestures (MG) are gestures that people performed spontaneously during communication situations. A preliminary exploration of Micro-Gesture is made in this thesis. By collecting recorded sequences of body gestures in a spontaneous state during games, a MG dataset is built through Kinect V2. A novel term ‘micro-gesture’ is proposed by analyzing the properties of MG dataset. Implementations of two sets of neural network architectures are achieved for micro-gestures segmentation and recognition task, which are the DBN-HMM model and the 3DCNN-HMM model for skeleton data and RGB-D data respectively. We also explore a method for extracting neutral states used in the HMM structure by detecting the activity level of the gesture sequences. The method is simple to derive and implement, and proved to be effective. The DBN-HMM and 3DCNN-HMM architectures are evaluated on MG dataset and optimized for the properties of micro-gestures. Experimental results show that we are able to achieve micro-gesture segmentation and recognition with satisfied accuracy with these two models. The work we have done about the micro-gestures in this thesis also explores a new research path for gesture recognition. Therefore, we believe that our work could be widely used as a baseline for future research on micro-gestures

    Indian Sign Language Recognition through Hybrid ConvNet-LSTM Networks

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    Dynamic hand gesture recognition is a challenging task of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Vision. The potential application areas of gesture recognition include sign language translation, video gaming, video surveillance, robotics, and gesture-controlled home appliances. In the proposed research, gesture recognition is applied to recognize sign language words from real-time videos. Classifying the actions from video sequences requires both spatial and temporal features. The proposed system handles the former by the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is the core of several computer vision solutions and the latter by the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), which is more efficient in handling the sequences of movements. Thus, the real-time Indian sign language (ISL) recognition system is developed using the hybrid CNN-RNN architecture. The system is trained with the proposed CasTalk-ISL dataset. The ultimate purpose of the presented research is to deploy a real-time sign language translator to break the hurdles present in the communication between hearing-impaired people and normal people. The developed system achieves 95.99% top-1 accuracy and 99.46% top-3 accuracy on the test dataset. The obtained results outperform the existing approaches using various deep models on different datasets


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    Face detection is currently used for various purposes, one of which is to record employees attendance. This strategy is ineffective since the employees still can hack the attendance by making their own photos and put them in their desks. If they are unable to come to the office,they can always ask their colleagues to submit their already available photos.Therefore, an alternative that can complement the current face detection method is highly needed.One of the methods that can be used is hand gesture detection.This study aims to detect hand gestures made by the employees to ensure whether they really come to work or not,so the chance for manipulation is quite small.For the purpose of hand gesture recognition, this study utilized Local Binary Pattern Histogram algorithm. LBPH is an algorithm used for the image matching process between images that have been given training and images taken in real time.The hand gesture image was first taken using a raspberry pi camera and then processed to examine whether it matches the registered ID or not.The results showed that ID recognition by using hand gestures is detectable and is in accordance with the registered ID.The number recognition in hand gestures includes numbers 1 to 10. The test results showed that, the average time required for reading hand gestures using a laptop was 9.2 seconds, while that of using raspberry was 14,2 seconds.Motion reading using a raspberry takes longer than that of using a laptop because the laptop's performance is higher than that of a raspberry

    Error Action Recognition on Playing The Erhu Musical Instrument Using Hybrid Classification Method with 3D-CNN and LSTM

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    Erhu is a stringed instrument originating from China. In playing this instrument, there are rules on how to position the player's body and hold the instrument correctly. Therefore, a system is needed that can detect every movement of the Erhu player. This study will discuss action recognition on video using the 3DCNN and LSTM methods. The 3D Convolutional Neural Network method is a method that has a CNN base. To improve the ability to capture every information stored in every movement, combining an LSTM layer in the 3D-CNN model is necessary. LSTM is capable of handling the vanishing gradient problem faced by RNN. This research uses RGB video as a dataset, and there are three main parts in preprocessing and feature extraction. The three main parts are the body, erhu pole, and bow. To perform preprocessing and feature extraction, this study uses a body landmark to perform preprocessing and feature extraction on the body segment. In contrast, the erhu and bow segments use the Hough Lines algorithm. Furthermore, for the classification process, we propose two algorithms, namely, traditional algorithm and deep learning algorithm. These two-classification algorithms will produce an error message output from every movement of the erhu player
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