5 research outputs found

    The Nature and Logic of Vagueness

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    The PhD thesis advances a new approach to vagueness as dispersion, comparing it with the main philosophical theories of vagueness in the analytic tradition

    Supervenience, Dependence, Disjunction

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    This paper explores variations on and connections between the topics mentioned in its title, using as something of an anchor the discussion in Valentin Goranko and Antti Kuusisto’s “Logics for propositional determinacy and independence”, a venture into what the authors call the logic of determinacy, which they contrast with (a demodalized version of) Jouko Väänänen’s modal dependence logic. As they make clear in their discussion, these logics are closely connected with the topics of noncontingency and supervenience. Two opening sections of the present paper address some of these connections, including related earlier logical work by the present author as well as very recent work by Jie Fan. The Väänänen-inspired treatment is presented in a third section, and then, in Sections 4 and 5, as a kind of centerpiece for the discussion, we follow Goranko and Kuusisto in elaborating one principal reason offered for preferring their own approach over that treatment, which concerns some anomalies over the behaviour of disjunction in the latter treatment. Sections 6 and 7 look at dependence and (several different versions of) disjunction in inquisitive logic, especially as presented by Ivano Ciardelli. Section 8 revisits the less formal property-supervenience literature with issues from the first two sections of the paper in mind, and we conclude with a Postscript addressing a further conceptual issue pertaining to the relation between modal and quantificational dependence logics


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    中智学为何诞生? 中智学(neutrosophy)起源于1995年美国, 它站在东西文化交融的立场上, 从对立统一的角度探索从科学技术到文学 艺术的一切宏观及微观结构, 构造超越一切学科、超越自然科学与社会科学界限的统一场, 以解决当今认知科学、信息 科学、系统科学、经济学、量子力学等科学技术前沿难题——非确定性问题。中智学努力通过新型开放模式改造当今 各自然科学与社会科学, 实现它们的新陈代谢、改革创新和更新换代。中智学在我们中国还属空白, 故借此对学科正式 命名并引入中国。 科学是真理吗? 比如, 当今信息科学的突出问题之一就是知识表达、知识处理及知识交流中的逻辑单一性: 不是真就是假, 从而不 能面对任何矛盾和冲突。由此, 人工智能、计算机网络、数据库、信息工程, 乃至电子商务、电子政务多多少少在走死 胡同。从表面上看, 它是模糊数学或协调逻辑的问题, 而从本质上看, 它属于结构性问题, 涉及到对哲学、逻辑学、集 合论、概率论、认知科学、信息科学基本概念以及众多相关领域的重新认识、重新塑造问题。 众所周知, 我国学习西方, 只图表面, 而不注重科学的内在结构, 不懂科学的概念和原理中也有基础设施 (换句话 说, 就是基础设施的基础设施), 从而建不起高楼大厦, 更谈不上科学上的自主, 从而形成盲目跟从西方的弊病。 科学, 这个被认为是永恒的真理, 其本质上没有半点永恒, 相反, 它时刻处于新老交替、新陈代谢、自我否定、自 我淘汰的动态之中——即使存在什么永恒的真理, 也终究会被后人推翻。科学实际上是一种战争, 而中智学正是关于它 的战略战术的科学。 当今世界上高深的科学莫过于爱因斯坦的相对论, 然而一切的一切, 都是建立在恒定光速的基础上——它正 在被现代的人们推翻

    Logical Form and the Limits of Thought

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    What is the relation of logic to thinking? My dissertation offers a new argument for the claim that logic is constitutive of thinking in the following sense: representational activity counts as thinking only if it manifests sensitivity to logical rules. In short, thinking has to be minimally logical. An account of thinking has to allow for our freedom to question or revise our commitments – even seemingly obvious conceptual connections – without loss of understanding. This freedom, I argue, requires that thinkers have general abilities to respond to support and tension among their thoughts. And these abilities are constituted by following logical rules. So thinkers have to follow logical rules. But there isn’t just one correct logic for thinking. I show that my view is consistent with logical pluralism: there are a range of correct logics, any one of which a thinker might follow. A logic for thinking does, however, have to contain certain minimal principles: Modus Ponens and Non-Contradiction, and perhaps others. We follow logical rules by exercising logical capacities, which display a distinctive first-person/third-person asymmetry: a subject can find the instances of a rule compelling without seeing them as instances of a rule. As a result, there are two limits on illogical thinking. First, thinkers have to tend to find instances of logical rules compelling. Second, thinkers can’t think in obviously illogical ways. So thinking has to be logical – but not perfectly so. When we try to think, but fail, we produce nonsense. But our failures to think are often subjectively indistinguishable from thinking. To explain how this occurs, I offer an account of nonsense. To be under the illusion that some nonsense makes sense is to enter a pretence that the nonsense is meaningful. Our use of nonsense within the pretence relies on the role of logical form in understanding. Finally, while the normativity of logic doesn’t fall directly out of logical constitutivism, it’s possible to build an attractive account of logical normativity which has logical constitutivism as an integral part. I argue that thinking is necessary for human flourishing, and that this is the source of logical normativity

    The Liar Paradox: A Consistent and Semantically Closed Solution

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    This thesis develops a new approach to the formal de nition of a truth predicate that allows a consistent, semantically closed defiition within classical logic. The approach is built on an analysis of structural properties of languages that make Liar Sentences and the paradoxical argument possible. By focusing on these conditions, standard formal dfinitions of semantics are shown to impose systematic limitations on the definition of formal truth predicates. The alternative approach to the formal definition of truth is developed by analysing our intuitive procedure for evaluating the truth value of sentences like "P is true". It is observed that the standard procedure breaks down in the case of the Liar Paradox as a side effect of the patterns of naming or reference necessary to the definition of Truth as a predicate. This means there are two ways in which a sentence like "P is true" can be not true, which requires that the T-Schema be modified for such sentences. By modifying the T-Schema, and taking seriously the effects of the patterns of naming/ reference on truth values, the new approach to the definition of truth is developed. Formal truth definitions within classical logic are constructed that provide an explicit and adequate truth definition for their own language, every sentence within the languages has a truth value, and there is no Strengthened Liar Paradox. This approach to solving the Liar Paradox can be easily applied to a very wide range of languages, including natural languages