3,105 research outputs found

    The Half-Duplex AWGN Single-Relay Channel: Full Decoding or Partial Decoding?

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    This paper compares the partial-decode-forward and the complete-decode-forward coding strategies for the half-duplex Gaussian single-relay channel. We analytically show that the rate achievable by partial-decode-forward outperforms that of the more straightforward complete-decode-forward by at most 12.5%. Furthermore, in the following asymptotic cases, the gap between the partial-decode-forward and the complete-decode-forward rates diminishes: (i) when the relay is close to the source, (ii) when the relay is close to the destination, and (iii) when the SNR is low. In addition, when the SNR increases, this gap, when normalized to the complete-decode-forward rate, also diminishes. Consequently, significant performance improvements are not achieved by optimizing the fraction of data the relay should decode and forward, over simply decoding the entire source message.Comment: Authors' final version (to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications

    The Approximate Capacity of the MIMO Relay Channel

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    Capacity bounds are studied for the multiple-antenna complex Gaussian relay channel with t1 transmitting antennas at the sender, r2 receiving and t2 transmitting antennas at the relay, and r3 receiving antennas at the receiver. It is shown that the partial decode-forward coding scheme achieves within min(t1,r2) bits from the cutset bound and at least one half of the cutset bound, establishing a good approximate expression of the capacity. A similar additive gap of min(t1 + t2, r3) + r2 bits is shown to be achieved by the compress-forward coding scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On Capacity and Optimal Scheduling for the Half-Duplex Multiple-Relay Channel

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    We study the half-duplex multiple-relay channel (HD-MRC) where every node can either transmit or listen but cannot do both at the same time. We obtain a capacity upper bound based on a max-flow min-cut argument and achievable transmission rates based on the decode-forward (DF) coding strategy, for both the discrete memoryless HD-MRC and the phase-fading HD-MRC. We discover that both the upper bound and the achievable rates are functions of the transmit/listen state (a description of which nodes transmit and which receive). More precisely, they are functions of the time fraction of the different states, which we term a schedule. We formulate the optimal scheduling problem to find an optimal schedule that maximizes the DF rate. The optimal scheduling problem turns out to be a maximin optimization, for which we propose an algorithmic solution. We demonstrate our approach on a four-node multiple-relay channel, obtaining closed-form solutions in certain scenarios. Furthermore, we show that for the received signal-to-noise ratio degraded phase-fading HD-MRC, the optimal scheduling problem can be simplified to a max optimization.Comment: Author's final version (to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    On the Achievable Rates of Multihop Virtual Full-Duplex Relay Channels

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    We study a multihop "virtual" full-duplex relay channel as a special case of a general multiple multicast relay network. For such channel, quantize-map-and-forward (QMF) (or noisy network coding (NNC)) achieves the cut-set upper bound within a constant gap where the gap grows {\em linearly} with the number of relay stages KK. However, this gap may not be negligible for the systems with multihop transmissions (i.e., a wireless backhaul operating at higher frequencies). We have recently attained an improved result to the capacity scaling where the gap grows {\em logarithmically} as logK\log{K}, by using an optimal quantization at relays and by exploiting relays' messages (decoded in the previous time slot) as side-information. In this paper, we further improve the performance of this network by presenting a mixed scheme where each relay can perform either decode-and-forward (DF) or QMF with possibly rate-splitting. We derive the achievable rate and show that the proposed scheme outperforms the QMF-optimized scheme. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this performance improvement increases with KK.Comment: To be presented at ISIT 201

    Multi-Antenna Cooperative Wireless Systems: A Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff Perspective

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    We consider a general multiple antenna network with multiple sources, multiple destinations and multiple relays in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT). We examine several subcases of this most general problem taking into account the processing capability of the relays (half-duplex or full-duplex), and the network geometry (clustered or non-clustered). We first study the multiple antenna relay channel with a full-duplex relay to understand the effect of increased degrees of freedom in the direct link. We find DMT upper bounds and investigate the achievable performance of decode-and-forward (DF), and compress-and-forward (CF) protocols. Our results suggest that while DF is DMT optimal when all terminals have one antenna each, it may not maintain its good performance when the degrees of freedom in the direct link is increased, whereas CF continues to perform optimally. We also study the multiple antenna relay channel with a half-duplex relay. We show that the half-duplex DMT behavior can significantly be different from the full-duplex case. We find that CF is DMT optimal for half-duplex relaying as well, and is the first protocol known to achieve the half-duplex relay DMT. We next study the multiple-access relay channel (MARC) DMT. Finally, we investigate a system with a single source-destination pair and multiple relays, each node with a single antenna, and show that even under the idealistic assumption of full-duplex relays and a clustered network, this virtual multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system can never fully mimic a real MIMO DMT. For cooperative systems with multiple sources and multiple destinations the same limitation remains to be in effect.Comment: version 1: 58 pages, 15 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, version 2: Final version, to appear IEEE IT, title changed, extra figures adde