146 research outputs found

    Graph-theoretic simplification of quantum circuits with the ZX-calculus

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    We present a completely new approach to quantum circuit optimisation, based on the ZX-calculus. We first interpret quantum circuits as ZX-diagrams, which provide a flexible, lower-level language for describing quantum computations graphically. Then, using the rules of the ZX-calculus, we give a simplification strategy for ZX-diagrams based on the two graph transformations of local complementation and pivoting and show that the resulting reduced diagram can be transformed back into a quantum circuit. While little is known about extracting circuits from arbitrary ZX-diagrams, we show that the underlying graph of our simplified ZX-diagram always has a graph-theoretic property called generalised flow, which in turn yields a deterministic circuit extraction procedure. For Clifford circuits, this extraction procedure yields a new normal form that is both asymptotically optimal in size and gives a new, smaller upper bound on gate depth for nearest-neighbour architectures. For Clifford+T and more general circuits, our technique enables us to to `see around' gates that obstruct the Clifford structure and produce smaller circuits than naïve `cut-and-resynthesise' methods

    Enumerating all bilocal Clifford distillation protocols through symmetry reduction

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    Entanglement distillation is an essential building block in quantum communication protocols. Here, we study the class of near-term implementable distillation protocols that use bilocal Clifford operations followed by a single round of communication. We introduce tools to enumerate and optimise over all protocols for up to n=5n=5 (not necessarily equal) Bell-diagonal states using a commodity desktop computer. Furthermore, by exploiting the symmetries of the input states, we find all protocols for up to n=8n=8 copies of a Werner state. For the latter case, we present circuits that achieve the highest fidelity. These circuits have modest depth and number of two-qubit gates. Our results are based on a correspondence between distillation protocols and double cosets of the symplectic group, and improve on previously known protocols.Comment: 13 pages main text, 5 pages appendices, 8 figure

    Efficient Learning of Quantum States Prepared With Few Non-Clifford Gates II: Single-Copy Measurements

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    Recent work has shown that nn-qubit quantum states output by circuits with at most tt single-qubit non-Clifford gates can be learned to trace distance ϵ\epsilon using poly(n,2t,1/ϵ)\mathsf{poly}(n,2^t,1/\epsilon) time and samples. All prior algorithms achieving this runtime use entangled measurements across two copies of the input state. In this work, we give a similarly efficient algorithm that learns the same class of states using only single-copy measurements.Comment: 22 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.1340