13 research outputs found

    New-HOPLA--A Higher-Order Process Language with Name Generation

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    This paper introduces new-HOPLA, a concise but powerful language for higher-order nondeterministic processes with name generation. Its origins as a metalanguage for domain theory are sketched but for the most part the paper concentrates on its operational semantics. The language is typed, the type of a process describing the shape of the computation paths it can perform. Its transition semantics, bisimulation, congruence properties and expressive power are explored. Encodings are given of well-known process algebras, including pi-calculus, Higher-Order pi-calculus and Mobile Ambients

    On the Recursive Enumerability of Fixed-Point Combinators

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    We show that the set of fixed-point combinators forms a recursively-enumerable subset of a larger set of terms that is (A) not recursively enumerable, and (B) the terms of which are observationally equivalent to fixed-point combinators in any computable context

    Circuits on Cylinders

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    We consider the computational power of constant width polynomial size cylindrical circuits and nondeterministic branching programs. We show that every function computed by a Pi_2 o MOD o AC^0 circuit can also be computed by a constant width polynomial size cylindrical nondeterministic branching program (or cylindrical circuit) and that every function computed by a constant width polynomial size cylindrical circuit belongs to ACC^0

    On the Adaptiveness of Quicksort

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    Bisimilarity is not Finitely Based over BPA with Interrupt

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    This paper shows that bisimulation equivalence does not afford a finite equational axiomatization over the language obtained by enriching Bergstra and Klop's Basic Process Algebra with the interrupt operator. Moreover, it is shown that the collection of closed equations over this language is also not finitely based

    Domain Theory for Concurrency

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    A simple domain theory for concurrency is presented. Based on a categorical model of linear logic and associated comonads, it highlights the role of linearity in concurrent computation. Two choices of comonad yield two expressive metalanguages for higher-order processes, both arising from canonical constructions in the model. Their denotational semantics are fully abstract with respect to contextual equivalence. One language derives from an exponential of linear logic; it supports a straightforward operational semantics with simple proofs of soundness and adequacy. The other choice of comonad yields a model of affine-linear logic, and a process language with a tensor operation to be understood as a parallel composition of independent processes. The domain theory can be generalised to presheaf models, providing a more refined treatment of nondeterministic branching. The article concludes with a discussion of a broader programme of research, towards a fully fledged domain theory for concurrency

    An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy

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    We present an abstract machine and a reduction semantics for the lambda-calculus extended with control operators that give access to delimited continuations in the CPS hierarchy. The abstract machine is derived from an evaluator in continuation-passing style (CPS); the reduction semantics (i.e., a small-step operational semantics with an explicit representation of evaluation contexts) is constructed from the abstract machine; and the control operators are the shift and reset family. At level n of the CPS hierarchy, programs can use the control operators shift_i and reset_i for

    Profunctors, Open Maps and Bisimulation

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    This paper studies fundamental connections between profunctors (i.e., distributors, or bimodules), open maps and bisimulation. In particular, it proves that a colimit preserving functor between presheaf categories (corresponding to a profunctor) preserves open maps and open map bisimulation. Consequently, the composition of profunctors preserves open maps as 2-cells. A guiding idea is the view that profunctors, and colimit preserving functors, are linear maps in a model of classical linear logic. But profunctors, and colimit preserving functors, as linear maps, are too restrictive for many applications. This leads to a study of a range of pseudo-comonads and how non-linear maps in their co-Kleisli bicategories preserve open maps and bisimulation. The pseudo-comonads considered are based on finite colimit completion, ``lifting'', and indexed families. The paper includes an appendix summarising the key results on coends, left Kan extensions and the preservation of colimits. One motivation for this work is that it provides a mathematical framework for extending domain theory and denotational semantics of programming languages to the more intricate models, languages and equivalences found in concurrent computation. But the results are likely to have more general applicability because of the ubiquitous nature of profunctors

    HOPLA鈥攁 higher-order process language

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    Abstract. A small but powerful language for higher-order nondeterministic processes is introduced. Its roots in a linear domain theory for concurrency are sketched though for the most part it lends itself to a more operational account. The language can be viewed as an extension of the lambda calculus with a "prefixed sum", in which types express the form of computation path of which a process is capable. Its operational semantics, bisimulation, congruence properties and expressive power are explored; in particular, it is shown how it can directly encode process languages such as CCS, CCS with process passing, and mobile ambients with public names

    HOPLA--A Higher-Order Process Language

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