1 research outputs found

    Integrated Method of Analysis and Visualization Based on HLA and Its Application to Collaborative Simulation in Shipbuilding

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    ν•™μœ„λ…Όλ¬Έ (석사)-- μ„œμšΈλŒ€ν•™κ΅ λŒ€ν•™μ› : 쑰선해양곡학과, 2016. 2. λ…Έλͺ…일.During ship construction and offshore installation, more than two cranes are required in many cases. Even using one crane, some signalmen also need to assist the crane operator. And it is noticeable that the probability of accidents is considerably high due to operators collaboration. In order to prevent potential risks and ensure safety of operation process, simulation technology is widely applied. In this study, collaborative simulation is developed which allows several workers to conduct the same operation simultaneously in visual environment and then investigate potential safety risks. The current study can be summarized into four parts. Firstly, in order to describe the crane and block as real as possible, and make it as working in the actual operation site, VR (virtual reality) technology that could improve the sense of reality and immersion is studied. Secondly, because the cranes and block in virtual environment should move like a real movement, research on physics analysis technology based on multibody system dynamic has been done. Thirdly, to control the cranes in the simulation, workers who operate the crane need a controller. Therefore, a scenario generator is developed which can convert the signals from the controllers to the input datum for VR and analysis. Finally, in order to effectively integrate the VR technology, multibody dynamic system technology and controller as well as consider of interoperability and reuse, this study proposes an integrated simulation interface based on the High Level Architecture. This study utilizes developed collaborative simulation, which can be applied in simulating block turn-over (rotating 90 or 180 degrees) operation and topside module installation. Each simulation allows four operators to operate under the same virtual environment simultaneously and during this process, some danger may occur due to operators mistakes. This study makes contributions in simulating potential outcomes caused by operators operations, and collecting detailed data for further investigation. This study can be applied in ensuring safety in complicated scenarios, training operators and many other aspects.1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background of this study 1 1.2. Four technologies for collaborative simulation 4 1.3. Related works 6 1.3.1. Summary of the realted works and this study 11 1.4. Overview of this study 12 2. Analysis based on multibody system dynamic 14 2.1. Introduction to multibody system 14 2.2. Configuration for the implementation of physics-based analysis program 16 2.2.1. Multibody system dynamics kernel 17 2.2.2. Force calculation kernel 17 2.2.3. Numerical analysis kernel 18 2.2.4. Hybrid DEVS/DTSS kernel 19 2.2.5. Scenario management kernel 19 2.2.6. Collision detection kernel 20 2.3. Procedure for solving equations of motion in physics-based analysis program 21 2.4. Modeling method in physics-based analysis program 22 3. Visualization for virtual reality 24 3.1. Introduction to virtual reality 24 3.2. Modeling method of virtual reality 26 4. Controller for interactive user input 27 4.1. Hardware parameters 27 4.1.1. Joystick 27 4.1.2. Head mounted display 28 4.2. Controller for scenario generation 29 5. Integrated simulation interface based on high level architecture 31 5.1. Necessity of HLA 31 5.2. Technical overview of HLA 34 5.2.1. Interoperability and reuse 34 5.2.2. Important concepts of HLA 35 5.2.3. HLA components 35 5.2.4. Management areas of RTI 37 5.3. Runtime infrastructure (RTI) 40 5.3.1. Process for selecting RTI 40 5.3.2. RACoN 40 5.3.3. Simulation Generator (SimGe) 40 5.3.4. Portico 41 5.4. Case study: chat federate application 43 5.4.1. Object model 44 5.4.2. The class structure 46 5.4.3. Implementation 47 5.4.4. Portico RTI initialization data 48 5.5. Framework of collaborative simulation 49 5.6. Integrated method of analysis, VR and controller 51 5.6.1. FOM design for block lifting example 51 5.6.2. Adapter design for block lifting example 52 5.6.3. Data transform procedure by using integrated simulation interface 53 6. Application examples of collaborative simulation in shipbuilding and offshore installation 54 6.1. Application to Block turn-over operation 56 6.1.1. Introduction to block turn-over operation 56 6.1.2. Collaborative simulation for block turn-over operation 58 6.1.3. Simulation components for block turn-over operation 59 6.1.4. Modeling result for analysis 60 6.1.5. Modeling result for VR 61 6.1.6. Inputs and outputs of simulation components 63 6.1.7. Data transform procedure by using integrated simulation interface 64 6.1.8. Prototype simulator based on the integrated simulation interface 69 6.1.9. Collaborative simulation results of the prototype simulator 70 6.1.10. Discussion on collaborative simulation results (wire tension) 74 6.2. Application to Topside module installation 77 6.2.1. Introduction to topside module installation 77 6.2.2. Collaborative simulation for block turn-over operation 79 6.2.3. Simulation components for block turn-over operation 81 6.2.4. Modeling result for analysis 82 6.2.5. Modeling result for VR 83 6.2.6. Inputs and outputs of simulation components 85 6.2.7. Data transform procedure by using integrated simulation interface 86 6.2.8. Collaborative simulation results of the prototype simulator 91 6.2.9. Discussion on collaborative simulation results (wire tension) 94 7. Conclusions 97 References 99 APPENDICES 101 A. Implemented services of RACoN 102 B. Prerequisites for RACoN 109 C. Portico environment configuration 110 초둝 111Maste