435 research outputs found

    The Gutzwiller wave function as a disentanglement prescription

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    The Gutzwiller variational wave function is shown to correspond to a particular disentanglement of the thermal evolution operator, and to be physically consistent only in the temperature range U<<kT<<E_F, the Fermi energy of the non-interacting system. The correspondence is established without using the Gutzwiller approximation. It provides a systematic procedure for extending the ansatz to the strong-coupling regime. This is carried out to infinite order in a dominant class of commutators. The calculation shows that the classical idea of suppressing double occupation is replaced at low temperatures by a quantum RVB-like condition, which involves phases at neighboring sites. Low-energy phenomenologies are discussed in the light of this result.Comment: Final version as accepted in EPJ B, 10 pages, no figure

    Exact density matrix of the Gutzwiller wave function: II. Minority spin component

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    The density matrix, i.e. the Fourier transform of the momentum distribution, is obtained analytically for all magnetization of the Gutzwiller wave function in one dimension with exclusion of double occupancy per site. The present result complements the previous analytic derivation of the density matrix for the majority spin. The derivation makes use of a determinantal form of the squared wave function, and multiple integrals over particle coordinates are performed with the help of a diagrammatic representation. In the thermodynamic limit, the density matrix at distance x is completely characterized by quantities v_c x and v_s x, where v_s and v_c are spin and charge velocities in the supersymmetric t-J model for which the Gutzwiller wave function gives the exact ground state. The present result then gives the exact density matrix of the t-J model for all densities and all magnetization at zero temperature. Discontinuity, slope, and curvature singularities in the momentum distribution are identified. The momentum distribution obtained by numerical Fourier transform is in excellent agreement with existing result.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Exact analytic results for the Gutzwiller wave function with finite magnetization

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    We present analytic results for ground-state properties of Hubbard-type models in terms of the Gutzwiller variational wave function with non-zero values of the magnetization m. In dimension D=1 approximation-free evaluations are made possible by appropriate canonical transformations and an analysis of Umklapp processes. We calculate the double occupation and the momentum distribution, as well as its discontinuity at the Fermi surface, for arbitrary values of the interaction parameter g, density n, and magnetization m. These quantities determine the expectation value of the one-dimensional Hubbard Hamiltonian for any symmetric, monotonically increasing dispersion epsilon_k. In particular for nearest-neighbor hopping and densities away from half filling the Gutzwiller wave function is found to predict ferromagnetic behavior for sufficiently large interaction U.Comment: REVTeX 4, 32 pages, 8 figure

    On the evaluation of matrix elements in partially projected wave functions

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    We generalize the Gutzwiller approximation scheme to the calculation of nontrivial matrix elements between the ground state and excited states. In our scheme, the normalization of the Gutzwiller wave function relative to a partially projected wave function with a single non projected site (the reservoir site) plays a key role. For the Gutzwiller projected Fermi sea, we evaluate the relative normalization both analytically and by variational Monte-Carlo (VMC). We also report VMC results for projected superconducting states that show novel oscillations in the hole density near the reservoir site

    Comparison of Variational Approaches for the Exactly Solvable 1/r-Hubbard Chain

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    We study Hartree-Fock, Gutzwiller, Baeriswyl, and combined Gutzwiller-Baeriswyl wave functions for the exactly solvable one-dimensional 1/r1/r-Hubbard model. We find that none of these variational wave functions is able to correctly reproduce the physics of the metal-to-insulator transition which occurs in the model for half-filled bands when the interaction strength equals the bandwidth. The many-particle problem to calculate the variational ground state energy for the Baeriswyl and combined Gutzwiller-Baeriswyl wave function is exactly solved for the~1/r1/r-Hubbard model. The latter wave function becomes exact both for small and large interaction strength, but it incorrectly predicts the metal-to-insulator transition to happen at infinitely strong interactions. We conclude that neither Hartree-Fock nor Jastrow-type wave functions yield reliable predictions on zero temperature phase transitions in low-dimensional, i.e., charge-spin separated systems.Comment: 23 pages + 3 figures available on request; LaTeX under REVTeX 3.

    Correlated hopping of electrons: Effect on the Brinkman-Rice transition and the stability of metallic ferromagnetism

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    We study the Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction (`correlated hopping') in terms of the Gutzwiller wave function. We show how to express the Gutzwiller expectation value of the bond-charge interaction in terms of the correlated momentum-space occupation. This relation is valid in all spatial dimensions. We find that in infinite dimensions, where the Gutzwiller approximation becomes exact, the bond-charge interaction lowers the critical Hubbard interaction for the Brinkman-Rice metal-insulator transition. The bond-charge interaction also favors ferromagnetic transitions, especially if the density of states is not symmetric and has a large spectral weight below the Fermi energy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor changes, published versio
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