21 research outputs found

    Graph Representations for Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving

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    This paper presents the first use of graph neural networks (GNNs) for higher-order proof search and demonstrates that GNNs can improve upon state-of-the-art results in this domain. Interactive, higher-order theorem provers allow for the formalization of most mathematical theories and have been shown to pose a significant challenge for deep learning. Higher-order logic is highly expressive and, even though it is well-structured with a clearly defined grammar and semantics, there still remains no well-established method to convert formulas into graph-based representations. In this paper, we consider several graphical representations of higher-order logic and evaluate them against the HOList benchmark for higher-order theorem proving

    Goal-Aware Neural SAT Solver

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    Modern neural networks obtain information about the problem and calculate the output solely from the input values. We argue that it is not always optimal, and the network's performance can be significantly improved by augmenting it with a query mechanism that allows the network at run time to make several solution trials and get feedback on the loss value on each trial. To demonstrate the capabilities of the query mechanism, we formulate an unsupervised (not depending on labels) loss function for Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT) and theoretically show that it allows the network to extract rich information about the problem. We then propose a neural SAT solver with a query mechanism called QuerySAT and show that it outperforms the neural baseline on a wide range of SAT tasks

    Using deep learning to construct stochastic local search SAT solvers with performance bounds

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    The Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) is the most prototypical NP-complete problem and of great practical relevance. One important class of solvers for this problem are stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms that iteratively and randomly update a candidate assignment. Recent breakthrough results in theoretical computer science have established sufficient conditions under which SLS solvers are guaranteed to efficiently solve a SAT instance, provided they have access to suitable "oracles" that provide samples from an instance-specific distribution, exploiting an instance's local structure. Motivated by these results and the well established ability of neural networks to learn common structure in large datasets, in this work, we train oracles using Graph Neural Networks and evaluate them on two SLS solvers on random SAT instances of varying difficulty. We find that access to GNN-based oracles significantly boosts the performance of both solvers, allowing them, on average, to solve 17% more difficult instances (as measured by the ratio between clauses and variables), and to do so in 35% fewer steps, with improvements in the median number of steps of up to a factor of 8. As such, this work bridges formal results from theoretical computer science and practically motivated research on deep learning for constraint satisfaction problems and establishes the promise of purpose-trained SAT solvers with performance guarantees.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, code available at https://github.com/porscheofficial/sls_sat_solving_with_deep_learnin

    A Formal Proof of PAC Learnability for Decision Stumps

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    We present a formal proof in Lean of probably approximately correct (PAC) learnability of the concept class of decision stumps. This classic result in machine learning theory derives a bound on error probabilities for a simple type of classifier. Though such a proof appears simple on paper, analytic and measure-theoretic subtleties arise when carrying it out fully formally. Our proof is structured so as to separate reasoning about deterministic properties of a learning function from proofs of measurability and analysis of probabilities.Comment: 13 pages, appeared in Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 202