4 research outputs found

    Apoio a promoção da visibilidade da dívida técnica

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2018.A Dívida Técnica é uma metáfora que retrata a perda de qualidade no código, sendo utilizada para tomada de decisões durante o desenvolvimento. Essa dívida técnica parece estar mais presente nas metodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento de software devido a ênfase em entrega de funcionalidades, em que a dívida pode acabar prejudicando a produtividade do time a longo prazo, sendo interessante para essas metodologias poderem tomar decisões relacionadas a dívida técnica de modo mais estratégico para beneficiar a organização. Mas para isso é necessário que essa dívida esteja visível para as partes interessadas, sendo que a dívida precisa ser identificada, coletada e comunicada na organização. Este trabalho discute sobre como é possível promover a visibilidade da Dívida Técnica dentro de um contexto de metodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento. Para isso foi identificado que técnicas existem para se identificar, medir e comunicar a dívida, e bem quais métricas existem para se estimar a dívida. Por fim, é proposto um método para promover a visibilidade, que permite a identificação, medição e comunicação da dívida, podendo fornecer os valores estimados em duas métricas diferentes, a de esforço e em valores financeiros.The Technical Debt is a metaphor that portrays the loss of quality in the code, being used for decision making during development. This technical debt seems to be more present in the agile methodologies of software development due to the emphasis on functional delivery, in which the debt can end up harming the team’s productivity in the long term, being interesting for these methodologies to be able to make decisions related to technical debt in a way to benefit the organization. But for this it is necessary for the debt to be visible to the interested parties, being that the debt needs to be identified, estimated and communicated in the organization. This work discusses how it is possible to promote the visibility of the Technical Debt within a context of agile methodologies of development. For this, it was identified what techniques exist to identify, measure and communicate the debt, and well what metrics exist to estimate the debt. Finally, a method is proposed to promote visibility, which allows the identification, measurement and communication of the debt, and can provide the estimated values in two different metrics, effort and financial figures

    Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review

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    Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor that is used to communicate the consequences of poor software development practices to non-technical stakeholders. In recent years, it has gained significant attention in agile software development (ASD). The purpose of this study is to analyze and synthesize the state of the art of TD, and its causes, consequences, and management strategies in the context of ASD. Using a systematic literature review (SLR), 38 primary studies, out of 346 studies, were identified and analyzed. We found five research areas of interest related to the literature of TD in ASD. Among those areas, managing TD in ASD received the highest attention, followed by architecture in ASD and its relationship with TD. In addition, eight categories regarding the causes and five categories regarding the consequences of incurring TD in ASD were identified. Focus on quick delivery and architectural and design issues were the most popular causes of incurring TD in ASD. Reduced productivity, system degradation and increased maintenance cost were identified as significant consequences of incurring TD in ASD. Additionally, we found 12 strategies for managing TD in the context of ASD, out of which refactoring and enhancing the visibility of TD were the most significant. The results of this study provide a structured synthesis of TD and its management in the context of ASD as well as potential research areas for further investigation

    Technical Debt: An empirical investigation of its harmfulness and on management strategies in industry

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    Background: In order to survive in today\u27s fast-growing and ever fast-changing business environment, software companies need to continuously deliver customer value, both from a short- and long-term perspective. However, the consequences of potential long-term and far-reaching negative effects of shortcuts and quick fixes made during the software development lifecycle, described as Technical Debt (TD), can impede the software development process.Objective: The overarching goal of this Ph.D. thesis is twofold. The first goal is to empirically study and understand in what way and to what extent, TD influences today’s software development work, specifically with the intention to provide more quantitative insight into the field. Second, to understand which different initiatives can reduce the negative effects of TD and also which factors are important to consider when implementing such initiatives.Method: To achieve the objectives, a combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are used, including interviews, surveys, a systematic literature review, a longitudinal study, analysis of documents, correlation analysis, and statistical tests. In seven of the eleven studies included in this Ph.D. thesis, a combination of multiple research methods are used to achieve high validity.Results: We present results showing that software suffering from TD will cause various negative effects on both the software and the developing process. These negative effects are illustrated from a technical, financial, and a developer’s working situational perspective. These studies also identify several initiatives that can be undertaken in order to reduce the negative effects of TD.Conclusion: The results show that software developers report that they waste 23% of their working time due to experiencing TD and that TD required them to perform additional time-consuming work activities. This study also shows that, compared to all types of TD, architectural TD has the greatest negative impact on daily software development work and that TD has negative effects on several different software quality attributes. Further, the results show that TD reduces developer morale. Moreover, the findings show that intentionally introducing TD in startup companies can allow the startups to cut development time, enabling faster feedback and increased revenue, preserve resources, and decrease risk and thereby contribute to beneficial\ua0effects. This study also identifies several initiatives that can be undertaken in order to reduce the negative effects of TD, such as the introduction of a tracking process where the TD items are introduced in an official backlog. The finding also indicates that there is an unfulfilled potential regarding how managers can influence the manner in which software practitioners address TD

    Guiding Flexibility Investment in Agile Architecting

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