13 research outputs found

    Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control Tasks

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    Multistage decision policies provide useful control strategies in high-dimensional state spaces, particularly in complex control tasks. However, they exhibit weak performance guarantees in the presence of disturbance, model mismatch, or model uncertainties. This brittleness limits their use in high-risk scenarios. We present how to quantify the sensitivity of such policies in order to inform of their robustness capacity. We also propose a minimax iterative dynamic game framework for designing robust policies in the presence of disturbance/uncertainties. We test the quantification hypothesis on a carefully designed deep neural network policy; we then pose a minimax iterative dynamic game (iDG) framework for improving policy robustness in the presence of adversarial disturbances. We evaluate our iDG framework on a mecanum-wheeled robot, whose goal is to find a ocally robust optimal multistage policy that achieve a given goal-reaching task. The algorithm is simple and adaptable for designing meta-learning/deep policies that are robust against disturbances, model mismatch, or model uncertainties, up to a disturbance bound. Videos of the results are on the author's website, http://ecs.utdallas.edu/~opo140030/iros18/iros2018.html, while the codes for reproducing our experiments are on github, https://github.com/lakehanne/youbot/tree/rilqg. A self-contained environment for reproducing our results is on docker, https://hub.docker.com/r/lakehanne/youbotbuntu14/Comment: 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Collective Robot Reinforcement Learning with Distributed Asynchronous Guided Policy Search

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    In principle, reinforcement learning and policy search methods can enable robots to learn highly complex and general skills that may allow them to function amid the complexity and diversity of the real world. However, training a policy that generalizes well across a wide range of real-world conditions requires far greater quantity and diversity of experience than is practical to collect with a single robot. Fortunately, it is possible for multiple robots to share their experience with one another, and thereby, learn a policy collectively. In this work, we explore distributed and asynchronous policy learning as a means to achieve generalization and improved training times on challenging, real-world manipulation tasks. We propose a distributed and asynchronous version of Guided Policy Search and use it to demonstrate collective policy learning on a vision-based door opening task using four robots. We show that it achieves better generalization, utilization, and training times than the single robot alternative.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 201

    Deterministic Value-Policy Gradients

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    Reinforcement learning algorithms such as the deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm (DDPG) has been widely used in continuous control tasks. However, the model-free DDPG algorithm suffers from high sample complexity. In this paper we consider the deterministic value gradients to improve the sample efficiency of deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Previous works consider deterministic value gradients with the finite horizon, but it is too myopic compared with infinite horizon. We firstly give a theoretical guarantee of the existence of the value gradients in this infinite setting. Based on this theoretical guarantee, we propose a class of the deterministic value gradient algorithm (DVG) with infinite horizon, and different rollout steps of the analytical gradients by the learned model trade off between the variance of the value gradients and the model bias. Furthermore, to better combine the model-based deterministic value gradient estimators with the model-free deterministic policy gradient estimator, we propose the deterministic value-policy gradient (DVPG) algorithm. We finally conduct extensive experiments comparing DVPG with state-of-the-art methods on several standard continuous control benchmarks. Results demonstrate that DVPG substantially outperforms other baselines