47,470 research outputs found

    Fine-Pruning: Joint Fine-Tuning and Compression of a Convolutional Network with Bayesian Optimization

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    When approaching a novel visual recognition problem in a specialized image domain, a common strategy is to start with a pre-trained deep neural network and fine-tune it to the specialized domain. If the target domain covers a smaller visual space than the source domain used for pre-training (e.g. ImageNet), the fine-tuned network is likely to be over-parameterized. However, applying network pruning as a post-processing step to reduce the memory requirements has drawbacks: fine-tuning and pruning are performed independently; pruning parameters are set once and cannot adapt over time; and the highly parameterized nature of state-of-the-art pruning methods make it prohibitive to manually search the pruning parameter space for deep networks, leading to coarse approximations. We propose a principled method for jointly fine-tuning and compressing a pre-trained convolutional network that overcomes these limitations. Experiments on two specialized image domains (remote sensing images and describable textures) demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.Comment: BMVC 2017 ora

    A Novel BiLevel Paradigm for Image-to-Image Translation

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    Image-to-image (I2I) translation is a pixel-level mapping that requires a large number of paired training data and often suffers from the problems of high diversity and strong category bias in image scenes. In order to tackle these problems, we propose a novel BiLevel (BiL) learning paradigm that alternates the learning of two models, respectively at an instance-specific (IS) and a general-purpose (GP) level. In each scene, the IS model learns to maintain the specific scene attributes. It is initialized by the GP model that learns from all the scenes to obtain the generalizable translation knowledge. This GP initialization gives the IS model an efficient starting point, thus enabling its fast adaptation to the new scene with scarce training data. We conduct extensive I2I translation experiments on human face and street view datasets. Quantitative results validate that our approach can significantly boost the performance of classical I2I translation models, such as PG2 and Pix2Pix. Our visualization results show both higher image quality and more appropriate instance-specific details, e.g., the translated image of a person looks more like that person in terms of identity

    Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification

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    Person Re-identification (re-id) faces two major challenges: the lack of cross-view paired training data and learning discriminative identity-sensitive and view-invariant features in the presence of large pose variations. In this work, we address both problems by proposing a novel deep person image generation model for synthesizing realistic person images conditional on the pose. The model is based on a generative adversarial network (GAN) designed specifically for pose normalization in re-id, thus termed pose-normalization GAN (PN-GAN). With the synthesized images, we can learn a new type of deep re-id feature free of the influence of pose variations. We show that this feature is strong on its own and complementary to features learned with the original images. Importantly, under the transfer learning setting, we show that our model generalizes well to any new re-id dataset without the need for collecting any training data for model fine-tuning. The model thus has the potential to make re-id model truly scalable.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition in Unlabeled Videos

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    Despite rapid advances in face recognition, there remains a clear gap between the performance of still image-based face recognition and video-based face recognition, due to the vast difference in visual quality between the domains and the difficulty of curating diverse large-scale video datasets. This paper addresses both of those challenges, through an image to video feature-level domain adaptation approach, to learn discriminative video frame representations. The framework utilizes large-scale unlabeled video data to reduce the gap between different domains while transferring discriminative knowledge from large-scale labeled still images. Given a face recognition network that is pretrained in the image domain, the adaptation is achieved by (i) distilling knowledge from the network to a video adaptation network through feature matching, (ii) performing feature restoration through synthetic data augmentation and (iii) learning a domain-invariant feature through a domain adversarial discriminator. We further improve performance through a discriminator-guided feature fusion that boosts high-quality frames while eliminating those degraded by video domain-specific factors. Experiments on the YouTube Faces and IJB-A datasets demonstrate that each module contributes to our feature-level domain adaptation framework and substantially improves video face recognition performance to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy. We demonstrate qualitatively that the network learns to suppress diverse artifacts in videos such as pose, illumination or occlusion without being explicitly trained for them.Comment: accepted for publication at International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201

    What is Holding Back Convnets for Detection?

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    Convolutional neural networks have recently shown excellent results in general object detection and many other tasks. Albeit very effective, they involve many user-defined design choices. In this paper we want to better understand these choices by inspecting two key aspects "what did the network learn?", and "what can the network learn?". We exploit new annotations (Pascal3D+), to enable a new empirical analysis of the R-CNN detector. Despite common belief, our results indicate that existing state-of-the-art convnet architectures are not invariant to various appearance factors. In fact, all considered networks have similar weak points which cannot be mitigated by simply increasing the training data (architectural changes are needed). We show that overall performance can improve when using image renderings for data augmentation. We report the best known results on the Pascal3D+ detection and view-point estimation tasks

    Learning from Synthetic Humans

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    Estimating human pose, shape, and motion from images and videos are fundamental challenges with many applications. Recent advances in 2D human pose estimation use large amounts of manually-labeled training data for learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Such data is time consuming to acquire and difficult to extend. Moreover, manual labeling of 3D pose, depth and motion is impractical. In this work we present SURREAL (Synthetic hUmans foR REAL tasks): a new large-scale dataset with synthetically-generated but realistic images of people rendered from 3D sequences of human motion capture data. We generate more than 6 million frames together with ground truth pose, depth maps, and segmentation masks. We show that CNNs trained on our synthetic dataset allow for accurate human depth estimation and human part segmentation in real RGB images. Our results and the new dataset open up new possibilities for advancing person analysis using cheap and large-scale synthetic data.Comment: Appears in: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017). 9 page
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