4 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Mobility and Safety Benefits of Transit Signal Priority

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    The continuous growth of automobile traffic on urban and suburban arterials in recent years has created a substantial problem for transit, especially when it operates in mixed traffic conditions. As a result, there has been a growing interest in deploying Transit Signal Priority (TSP) to improve the operational performance of arterial corridors. TSP is an operational strategy that facilitates the movement of transit vehicles (e.g., buses) through signalized intersections that helps transit service be more reliable, faster, and more cost-effective. The goal of this research was to quantify the mobility and safety benefits of TSP. A microscopic simulation approach was used to estimate the mobility benefits of TSP. Microscopic simulation models were developed in VISSIM and calibrated to represent field conditions. Implementing TSP provided significant savings in travel time and average vehicle delay. Under the TSP scenario, the study corridor also experienced significant reduction in travel time and average vehicle delay for buses and all other vehicles. The importance and benefits of calibration of VISSIM model with TSP integration were also studied as a part of the mobility benefits. Besides quantifying the mobility benefits, the potential safety benefits of the TSP strategy were also quantified. An observational before-after full Bayes (FB) approach with a comparison-group was adopted to estimate the crash modification factors (CMFs) for total crashes, fatal/injury (FI) crashes, property damage only (PDO) crashes, rear-end crashes, sideswipe crashes, and angle crashes. The analysis was based on 12 corridors equipped with the TSP system and their corresponding 29 comparison corridors without the TSP system. Overall, the results indicated that the deployment of TSP improved safety. Specifically, TSP was found to reduce total crashes by 7.2% (CMF = 0.928), FI crashes by 14% (CMF = 0.860), PDO crashes by 8% (CMF = 0.920), rear-end crashes by 5.2% (CMF = 0.948), and angle crashes by 21.9% (CMF = 0.781). Alternatively, sideswipe crashes increased by 6% (CMF = 1.060), although the increase was not significant at a 95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI). These results may present key considerations for transportation agencies and practitioners when planning future TSP deployments

    Data Analytic Approach to Support the Activation of Special Signal Timing Plans in Response to Congestion

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    Improving arterial network performance has become a major challenge that is significantly influenced by signal timing control. In recent years, transportation agencies have begun focusing on Active Arterial Management Program (AAM) strategies to manage the performance of arterial streets under the flagship of Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) initiatives. The activation of special traffic signal plans during non-recurrent events is an essential component of AAM and can provide significant benefits in managing congestion. Events such as surges in demands or lane blockages can create queue spillbacks, even during off-peak periods resulting in delays and spillbacks to upstream intersections. To address this issue, some transportation agencies have started implementing processes to change the signal timing in real time based on traffic signal engineer/expert observations of incident and traffic conditions at the intersections upstream and downstream of congested locations. This dissertation develops methods to automate and enhance such decisions made at traffic management centers. First, a method is developed to learn from experts’ decisions by utilizing a combination of Recursive Partitioning and Regression Decision Tree (RPART) and Fuzzy Rule-Based System (FRBS) to deal with the vagueness and uncertainty of human decisions. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of this method in selecting plans to reduce congestion during non-recurrent events. However, the method can only recommend the changes in green time to the movement affected by the incident and does not give an optimized solution that considers all movements. Thus, there was a need to extend the method to decide how the reduction of green times should be distributed to other movements at the intersection. Considering the above, this dissertation further develops a method to derive optimized signal timing plans during non-recurrent congestion that considers the operations of the critical direction impacted by the incident, the overall corridor, as well as the critical intersection movement performance. The prerequisite of optimizing the signal plans is the accurate measurements of traffic flow conditions and turning movement counts. It is also important to calibrate any utilized simulation and optimization models to replicate the field traffic states according to field traffic conditions and local driver behaviors. This study evaluates the identified special signal-timing plan based on both the optimization and the DT and FRBS approaches. Although the DT and FRBS model outputs are able to reduce the existing queue and improve all other performance measures, the evaluation results show that the special signal timing plan obtained from the optimization method produced better performance compared to the DT and FRBS approaches for all of the evaluated non-recurrent conditions. However, there are opportunities to combine both approaches for the best selection of signal plans

    Work Zone Safety Analysis, Investigating Benefits from Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) on Roadway Safety

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    The attributes of work zones have significant impacts on the risk of crash occurrence. Therefore, identifying the factors associated with crash severity and frequency in work zone locations is of important value to roadway safety. In addition, the significant loss of workers’ lives and injuries resulting from work zone crashes indicates the emergent need for a comprehensive and in-depth investigation of work zone crash mechanisms. The cost of work zone crashes is another issue that should be taken into account as work zone crashes impose millions of dollars on society each year. Applying innovative construction methods like Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) dramatically decreases on-site construction duration and thus improves roadway safety. This safe and cost-effective procedure for building new bridges or replacing/rehabilitating existing bridges in just a few weeks instead of months or years may prevent crashes and avoid injuries as a result of work zone presence. The application of machine learning techniques in traffic safety studies has seen explosive growth in recent years. Compared to statistical methods, MLs are more accurate prediction models due to their ability to deal with more complex functions. To this end, this study focuses on three major areas: crash severity at construction work zones with worker presence, crash frequency at bridge locations, and assessment of the associated costs to calculate the contribution of safety to the benefit-cost ratio of ABC as compared to conventional methods. Some key findings of this study can be highlighted as in-depth investigation of contributing factors in conjunction with the results from statistical and machine learning models, which can provide a more comprehensive interpretation of crash severity/frequency outcomes. The demonstration of work zone crashes needs to be modeled separately by time of day for severity analysis with a high level of confidence. Investigation of the contributing factors revealed the nonlinear relationship between crash severity/frequency and contributing factors. Finally, the results showed that the safety benefits from a case study in Florida consisted of 43% of the total ABC implementation cost. This indicates that the safety benefits of ABC implementation consist of a considerable portion of its benefit-cost ratio

    Performance Evaluation of Connected Vehicle (CV) and Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Projects in Florida

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    BDV29-977-64Connected vehicle (CV) technologies and Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) strategies are increasingly being considered by transportation agencies to improve the safety and mobility of the transportation network. To fully understand the potential benefits of CV and TSM&O initiatives, it is crucial to not only identify the performance measures used to evaluate the progress of each initiative, but also to estimate the benefit-to-cost (B/C) ratios to justify the funding requests associated with implementing these technologies and strategies. The primary goal of this research was to assist the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in developing approaches to evaluate the performance of CV projects and current TSM&O strategies being deployed, including the Rapid Incident Scene Clearance (RISC) program, the Road Ranger Service Patrol (RRSP) program, and the Smart Work Zone (SWZ) TSM&O strategies. A comprehensive review of the existing body of literature was conducted to identify the quantitative and qualitative performance measures and metrics that are being considered in evaluating the performance of CV deployments and TSM&O strategies. B/C analyses were conducted to quantify the mobility and safety benefits associated with implementing the RISC and RRSP programs. Results indicate that for every dollar spent on the RISC program, 5.78isreturnedinsecondarycrashsavings,and5.78 is returned in secondary crash savings, and 1.20 is returned in incident-related traffic delay savings. For every dollar spent on the RRSP program, 5.15isreturnedinsecondarycrashsavings,and5.15 is returned in secondary crash savings, and 7.44 is returned in incident-related traffic delay savings. The study also discussed the potential safety and mobility benefits of Smart Work Zone (SWZ) technologies. Performance criteria and evaluation metrics were also developed for the different stages of the CV project development process (i.e., pre-project phase, planning phase, design-deploy-test phase, and the operations & maintenance phase). The performance criteria of two CV deployments in Florida (Gainesville Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Project and I-4 Florida\u2019s Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (I-4 FRAME) Project) were also reviewed. Findings from this research offer guidance in evaluating the effectiveness of CV and TSM&O initiatives. Evaluation criteria and approaches presented in this report can better prepare FDOT for deployments