4 research outputs found

    Guaranteed service virtual channel allocation in NoCs for run-time task scheduling

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    Advanced Connection Allocation Techniques in Circuit Switching Network on Chip

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    With the advancement of semiconductor technology, the System on Chip (SoC) is becoming more and more complex, so the on-chip communication has become a bottleneck of SoC Design. Since the traditional bus system is inefficient and not scalable, the Network-On-Chip (NoC) has emerged as the promising communication mechanism for complex SoCs. As some systems have specific performance requirements, such as a minimum throughput (for real-time streaming data) or bounded latency (for interrupts, process synchronization, etc), communication with Guaranteed Service (GS) support becomes crucial for predictable SoC architectures. Circuit Switching (CS) is a popular approach to support GS, which firstly has to allocate an exclusively connection (circuit) between the source and destination nodes, and then the data packets are delivered over this connection. However, it is inefficient and inflexible because the resource is occupied by single connection during its whole lifetime, which can block other communications. Hence, two extensions of CS have been proposed to share resources: i) Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), in which the available link capacity is split into multiple time slots to be shared by different flows in TDM scheme; and ii) Space-Division-Multiplexing (SDM), in which only a subset (sub-channel) of the link wires is exclusively allocated to a specific connection, while the remaining wires of the link can be used by other flows. The connection allocation is critical for CS, since the data delivery can start only after the associated connection is allocated. In this thesis, we propose a dedicated hardware connection allocator to solve the dynamic connection allocation problem for CS NoCs, which has to i) allocate a contention-free path between source-destination pairs and ii) allocate appropriate portions of link bandwidth (appropriate number of time slots and subsets) along the path. The dedicated connection allocator, called NoCManager, solves the connection allocation problem by employing a trellis-search based shortest path algorithm. The trellis search can explore all possible paths between source node and destination. Moreover, it shall find the requested path in a fixed low latency and can guarantee the path optimality in terms of path length if the path is available. In this thesis, two different trellis graphs, Forward-Backtrack trellis and Register-Exchange trellis are proposed. The Forward-Backtrack trellis completes the path search in two steps: forward search and backtracking. Firstly, the forward search begins at source node that traverses the network to find the free path. When destination node is reached, the backtrack starts from destination to select the survivor path and collect the associated path parameters. However, Register-Exchange trellis saves the entire survivor path sequences during forward search. Consequently, the backtracking step can be omitted, and thus the allocation time is halved compared to forward-backtrack approaches. Moreover, each trellis graph consists of three categories, unfolded structure, folded structure and bidirectional structure. The unfolded structure can provide high allocation speed while folded structure is more efficient from a hardware point of view. The bidirectional structure starts the search at two sides, source node and destination node simultaneously, so the allocation speed is 2 times faster than previous unidirectional search. Furthermore, in order to address the scalability issue of previous centralized systems, the partitioned architecture (i.e. spatial partitioning technique) is proposed to divide the large system into multiple smaller differentiated logical partitions served by local NoCManagers. This partitioning technique keeps the request load of the manager and manager-node communication overhead moderate. Inside each partition, the path search problem is solved by a local manager with trellis-search algorithm. To establish a path that crosses partitions, the managers communicate with each other in distributed manner to converge the global path. In order to further enhance the path diversity and resource utilization, we adopt the combined TDM and SDM technique. In combined TDM-SDM approach, each SDM sub-channel is split into multiple time slots so that can be shared by multiple flows. Hence, the number of sub-channels can be kept moderate to reduce router complexity, while still providing higher path diversity than TDM scheme. In order to investigate and optimize TDM-SDM partitioning strategy, we studied the influence of different TDM-SDM link partitioning strategies on success rate and path length that allowed us to find the optimal solution. The dedicated connection allocator using the trellis-search algorithm is employed for TDM, SDM and TDM-SDM CS. In the end, we present the router architecture that combines the circuit-switching network (for GS communication) and packet-switching network (for best-effort communication)

    Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Multicast Communication in Optical Network-on-Chip

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    An Optical Network-on-Chip (ONoC) is an emerging chip-level optical interconnection technology to realise high-performance and power-efficient inter-core communication for many-core processors. Within the field, multicast communication is one of the most important inter-core communication forms. It is not only widely used in parallel computing applications in Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs), but also common in emerging areas such as neuromorphic computing. While many studies have been conducted on designing ONoC architectures and routing schemes to support multicast communication, most existing solutions adopt the methods that were initially proposed for electrical interconnects. These solutions can neither fully take advantage of optical communication nor address the special requirements of an ONoC. Moreover, most of them focus only on the optimisation of one multicast, which limits the practical applications because real systems often have to handle multiple multicasts requested from various applications. Hence, this thesis will address the design of a high-performance communication scheme for multiple multicasts by taking into account the unique characteristics and constraints of an ONoC. This thesis studies the problem from a network-level perspective. The design methodology is to optimally route all multicasts requested simultaneously from the applications in an ONoC, with the objective of efficiently utilising available wavelengths. The novelty is to adopt multicast-splitting strategies, where a multicast can be split into several sub-multicasts according to the distribution of multicast nodes, in order to reduce the conflicts of different multicasts. As routing and wavelength assignment problem is an NP-hard problem, heuristic approaches that use the multicast-splitting strategy are proposed in this thesis. Specifically, three routing and wavelength assignment schemes for multiple multicasts in an ONoC are proposed for different problem domains. Firstly, PRWAMM, a Path-based Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Multiple Multicasts in an ONoC, is proposed. Due to the low manufacture complexity requirement of an ONoC, e.g., no splitters, path-based routing is studied in PRWAMM. Two wavelength-assignment strategies for multiple multicasts under path-based routing are proposed. One is an intramulticast wavelength assignment, which assigns wavelength(s) for one multicast. The other is an inter-multicast wavelength assignment, which assigns wavelength(s) for different multicasts, according to the distributions of multicasts. Simulation results show that PRWAMM can reduce the average number of wavelengths by 15% compared to other path-based schemes. Secondly, RWADMM, a Routing and Wavelength Assignment scheme for Distribution-based Multiple Multicasts in a 2D ONoC, is proposed. Because path-based routing lacks flexibility, it cannot reduce the link conflicts effectively. Hence, RWADMM is designed, based on the distribution of different multicasts, which includes two algorithms. One is an optimal routing and wavelength assignment algorithm for special distributions of multicast nodes. The other is a heuristic routing and wavelength assignment algorithm for random distributions of multicast nodes. Simulation results show that RWADMM can reduce the number of wavelengths by 21.85% on average, compared to the state-of-the-art solutions in a 2D ONoC. Thirdly, CRRWAMM, a Cluster-based Routing and Reusable Wavelength Assignment scheme for Multiple Multicasts in a 3D ONoC, is proposed. Because of the different architectures with a 2D ONoC (e.g., the layout of nodes, optical routers), the methods designed for a 2D ONoC cannot be simply extended to a 3D ONoC. In CRRWAMM, the distribution of multicast nodes in a mesh-based 3D ONoC is analysed first. Then, routing theorems for special instances are derived. Based on the theorems, a general routing scheme, which includes a cluster-based routing method and a reusable wavelength assignment method, is proposed. Simulation results show that CRRWAMM can reduce the number of wavelengths by 33.2% on average, compared to other schemes in a 3D ONoC. Overall, the three routing and wavelength assignment schemes can achieve high-performance multicast communication for multiple multicasts of their problem domains in an ONoC. They all have the advantages of a low routing complexity, a low wavelength requirement, and good scalability, compared to their counterparts, respectively. These methods make an ONoC a flexible high-performance computing platform to execute various parallel applications with different multicast requirements. As future work, I will investigate the power consumption of various routing schemes for multicasts. Using a multicast-splitting strategy may increase power consumption since it needs different wavelengths to send packets to different destinations for one multicast, though the reduction of wavelengths used in the schemes can also potentially decrease overall power consumption. Therefore, how to achieve the best trade-off between the total number of wavelengths used and the number of sub-multicasts in order to reduce power consumption will be interesting future research

    High-Performance and Wavelength-Reused Optical Network on Chip (ONoC) Architectures and Communication Schemes for Manycore Processor

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    Optical Network on Chip (ONoC) is an emerging chip-scale optical interconnection technology to realize the high-performance and power-efficient inter-core communication for many-core processors. By utilizing the silicon photonic interconnects to transmit data packets with optical signals, it can achieve ultra low communication delay, high bandwidth capacity, and low power dissipation. With the benefits of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), multiple optical signals can simultaneously be transmitted in the same optical interconnect through different wavelengths. Thus, the WDM-based ONoC is becoming a hot research topic recently. However, the maximal number of available wavelengths is restricted for the reliable and power-efficient optical communication in ONoC. Hence, with a limited number of wavelengths, the design of high-performance and power-efficient ONoC architecture is an important and challenging problem. In this thesis, the design methodology of wavelength-reused ONoC architecture is explored. With the wavelength reuse scheme in optical routing paths, high-performance and power-efficient communication is realized for many-core processors only using a small number of available wavelengths. Three wavelength-reused ONoC architectures and communication schemes are proposed to fulfil different communication requirements, i.e., network scalability, multicast communication, and dark silicon. Firstly, WRH-ONoC, a wavelength-reused hierarchical Optical Network on Chip architecture, is proposed to achieve high network scalability, namely obtaining low communication delay and high throughput capacity for hundreds of thousands of cores by reusing the limited number of available wavelengths with the modest hardware cost and energy overhead. WRH-ONoC combines the advantages of non-blocking communication in each lambda-router and wavelength reuse in all lambda-routers through the hierarchical networking. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that WRH-ONoC can achieve prominent improvement on the communication performance and scalability (e.g., 46.0% of reduction on the zero-load packet delay and 72.7% of improvement on the network throughput for 400 cores with small hardware cost and energy overhead) in comparison with existing schemes. Secondly, DWRMR, a dynamical wavelength-reused multicast scheme based on the optical multicast ring, is proposed for widely existing multicast communications in many-core processors. In DWRMR, an optical multicast ring is dynamically constructed for each multicast group and the multicast packets are transmitted in a single-send-multi-receive manner requiring only one wavelength. All the cores in the same multicast group can reuse the established multicast ring through an optical token arbitration scheme for the interactive multicast communications, thereby avoiding the frequent construction of multicast routing paths dedicatedly for each core. Simulation results indicate that DWRMR can reduce more than 50% of end-to-end packet delay with slight hardware cost, or require only half number of wavelengths to achieve the same performance compared with existing schemes. Thirdly, Dark-ONoC, a dynamically configurable ONoC architecture, is proposed for the many-core processor with dark silicon. Dark silicon is an inevitable phenomenon that only a small number of cores can be activated simultaneously while the other cores must stay in dark state (power-gated) due to the restricted power budget. Dark-ONoC periodically allocates non-blocking optical routing paths only between the active cores with as less wavelengths as possible. Thus, it can obtain high-performance communication and low power consumption at the same time. Extensive simulations are conducted with the dark silicon patterns from both synthetic distribution and real data traces. The simulation results indicate that the number of wavelengths is reduced by around 15% and the overall power consumption is reduced by 23.4% compared to existing schemes. Finally, this thesis concludes several important principles on the design of wavelength-reused ONoC architecture, and summarizes some perspective issues for the future research