5,026 research outputs found

    Guaranteed Interval Analysis Localization for Mobile Robots

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    International audienceThis paper presents a set membership method (named Interval Analysis Localization (IAL)) to deal with the global localization problem of mobile robots. By using a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) range sensor, the odometry and a discrete map of an indoor environment, a robot has to determine its pose (position and orientation) in the map without any knowledge of its initial pose. In a bounded error context, the IAL algorithm searches a set of boxes (interval vector), with a cardinality as small as possible that includes the robot’s pose. The localization process is based on constraint propagation and interval analysis tools, such as bisection and relaxed intersection. The proposed method is validated using real data recorded during the CAROTTE challenge, organized by the French ANR (National Research Agency) and the French DGA (General Delegation of Armament). IAL is then compared with the well-known Monte Carlo Localization showing weaknesses and strengths of both algorithms. As it is shown in this paper with the IAL algorithm, interval analysis can be an efficient tool to solve the global localization problem

    A Novel Approach for Simplification of Industrial Robot Dynamic Model Using Interval Method

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    This paper proposes a new approach to simplify the dynamic model of industrial robot by means of interval method. Due to strong nonlinearities, some components of robot dynamic model such as the inertia matrix and the vector of centrifugal, Coriolis and gravitational torques, are very complicated for real-time control of industrial robots. Thus, a simplification algorithm is presented in this study in order to reduce the computation time and memory occupation. More importantly, this simplification is suitable for arbitrary trajectories in whole robot workspace. Furthermore, the method devotes to finding negligible inertia parameters, which is useful for robot model identification. A simulation has been carried out on a test trajectory using a 6-DOF industrial robot model, and the results have shown good performance and effectiveness of this method.ANR COROUSS

    Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory: Applied to Cooperative Robots

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    This paper describes an approach to the design of a population of cooperative robots based on concepts borrowed from Systems Theory and Artificial Intelligence. The research has been developed under the SocRob project, carried out by the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the Institute for Systems and Robotics - Instituto Superior Tecnico (ISR/IST) in Lisbon. The acronym of the project stands both for "Society of Robots" and "Soccer Robots", the case study where we are testing our population of robots. Designing soccer robots is a very challenging problem, where the robots must act not only to shoot a ball towards the goal, but also to detect and avoid static (walls, stopped robots) and dynamic (moving robots) obstacles. Furthermore, they must cooperate to defeat an opposing team. Our past and current research in soccer robotics includes cooperative sensor fusion for world modeling, object recognition and tracking, robot navigation, multi-robot distributed task planning and coordination, including cooperative reinforcement learning in cooperative and adversarial environments, and behavior-based architectures for real time task execution of cooperating robot teams

    Graph Optimization Approach to Range-based Localization

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    In this paper, we propose a general graph optimization based framework for localization, which can accommodate different types of measurements with varying measurement time intervals. Special emphasis will be on range-based localization. Range and trajectory smoothness constraints are constructed in a position graph, then the robot trajectory over a sliding window is estimated by a graph based optimization algorithm. Moreover, convergence analysis of the algorithm is provided, and the effects of the number of iterations and window size in the optimization on the localization accuracy are analyzed. Extensive experiments on quadcopter under a variety of scenarios verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and demonstrate a much higher localization accuracy than the existing range-based localization methods, especially in the altitude direction