4 research outputs found

    Guaranteed Output Delivery Comes Free in Honest Majority MPC

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    We study the communication complexity of unconditionally secure MPC with guaranteed output delivery over point-to-point channels for corruption threshold t < n/2, assuming the existence of a public broadcast channel. We ask the question: “is it possible to construct MPC in this setting s.t. the communication complexity per multiplication gate is linear in the number of parties?” While a number of works have focused on reducing the communication complexity in this setting, the answer to the above question has remained elusive until now. We also focus on the concrete communication complexity of evaluating each multiplication gate. We resolve the above question in the affirmative by providing an MPC with communication complexity O(Cn\phi) bits (ignoring fixed terms which are independent of the circuit) where \phi is the length of an element in the field, C is the size of the (arithmetic) circuit, n is the number of parties. This is the first construction where the asymptotic communication complexity matches the best-known semi-honest protocol. This represents a strict improvement over the previously best-known communication complexity of O(C(n\phi+\kappa)+D_Mn^2\kappa) bits, where \kappa is the security parameter and D_M is the multiplicative depth of the circuit. Furthermore, the concrete communication complexity per multiplication gate is 5.5 field elements per party in the best case and 7.5 field elements in the worst case when one or more corrupted parties have been identified. This also roughly matches the best-known semi-honest protocol, which requires 5.5 field elements per gate

    Asymptotically Good Multiplicative LSSS over Galois Rings and Applications to MPC over Z/ pkZ

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    We study information-theoretic multiparty computation (MPC) protocols over rings Z/ pkZ that have good asymptotic communication complexity for a large number of players. An important ingredient for such protocols is arithmetic secret sharing, i.e., linear secret-sharing schemes with multiplicative properties. The standard way to obtain these over fields is with a family of linear codes C, such that C, C⊄ and C2 are asymptotically good (strongly multiplicative). For our purposes here it suffices if the square code C2 is not the whole space, i.e., has codimension at least 1 (multiplicative). Our approach is to lift such a family of codes defined over a finite field F to a Galois ring, which is a local ring that has F as its residue field and that contains Z/ pkZ as a subring, and thus enables arithmetic that is compatible with both structures. Although arbitrary lifts preserve the distance and dual distance of a code, as we demonstrate with a counterexample, the multiplicative property is not preserved. We work around this issue by showing a dedicated lift that preserves self-orthogonality (as well as distance and dual distance), for p≄ 3. Self-orthogonal codes are multiplicative, therefore we can use existing results of asymptotically good self-dual codes over fields to obtain arithmetic secret sharing over Galois rings. For p= 2 we obtain multiplicativity by using existing techniques of secret-sharing using both C and C⊄, incurring a constant overhead. As a result, we obtain asymptotically good arithmetic secret-sharing schemes over Galois rings. With these schemes in hand, we extend existing field-based MPC protocols to obtain MPC over Z/ pkZ, in the setting of a submaximal adversary corrupting less than a fraction 1 / 2 - Δ of the players, where Δ&gt; 0 is arbitrarily small. We consider 3 different corruption models. For passive and active security with abort, our protocols communicate O(n) bits per multiplication. For full security with guaranteed output delivery we use a preprocessing model and get O(n) bits per multiplication in the online phase and O(nlog n) bits per multiplication in the offline phase. Thus, we obtain true linear bit complexities, without the common assumption that the ring size depends on the number of players

    Fast Fully Secure Multi-Party Computation over Any Ring with Two-Thirds Honest Majority

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    We introduce a new MPC protocol to securely compute any functionality over an arbitrary black-box finite ring (which may not be commutative), tolerating t<n/3t<n/3 active corruptions while \textit{guaranteeing output delivery} (G.O.D.). Our protocol is based on replicated secret-sharing, whose share size is known to grow exponentially with the number of parties nn. However, even though the internal storage and computation in our protocol remains exponential, the communication complexity of our protocol is \emph{constant}, except for a light constant-round check that is performed at the end before revealing the output. Furthermore, the amortized communication complexity of our protocol is not only constant, but very small: only 1+t−1n<1131 + \frac{t-1}{n}<1\frac{1}{3} ring elements per party, per multiplication gate over two rounds of interaction. This improves over the state-of-the art protocol in the same setting by Furukawa and Lindell (CCS 2019), which has a communication complexity of 2232\frac{2}{3} \emph{field} elements per party, per multiplication gate and while achieving fairness only. As an alternative, we also describe a variant of our protocol which has only one round of interaction per multiplication gate on average, and amortized communication cost of ≀112\le 1\frac{1}{2} ring elements per party on average for any natural circuit. Motivated by the fact that efficiency of distributed protocols are much more penalized by high communication complexity than local computation/storage, we perform a detailed analysis together with experiments in order to explore how large the number of parties can be, before the storage and computation overhead becomes prohibitive. Our results show that our techniques are viable even for a moderate number of parties (e.g., n>10n>10)

    On the Communication Efficiency of Statistically-Secure Asynchronous MPC with Optimal Resilience

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a fundamental problem in secure distributed computing. An MPC protocol allows a set of nn mutually distrusting parties with private inputs to securely compute any publicly-known function of their inputs, by keeping their respective inputs as private as possible. While several works in the past have addressed the problem of designing communication-efficient MPC protocols in the synchronous communication setting, not much attention has been paid to the design of efficient MPC protocols in the asynchronous communication setting. In this work, we focus on the design of efficient asynchronous MPC (AMPC) protocol with statistical security, tolerating a computationally unbounded adversary, capable of corrupting up to tt parties out of the nn parties. The seminal work of Ben-Or, Kelmer and Rabin (PODC 1994) and later Abraham, Dolev and Stern (PODC 2020) showed that the optimal resilience for statistically-secure AMPC is t<n/3t < n/3. Unfortunately, the communication complexity of the protocol presented by Ben-Or et al is significantly high, where the communication complexity per multiplication is Ω(n13Îș2log⁥n)\Omega(n^{13} \kappa^2 \log n) bits (where Îș\kappa is the statistical-security parameter). To the best of our knowledge, no work has addressed the problem of improving the communication complexity of the protocol of Ben-Or at al. In this work, our main contributions are the following. -- We present a new statistically-secure AMPC protocol with the optimal resilience t<n/3t < n/3 and where the communication complexity is O(n4Îș){\mathcal O}(n^4 \kappa) bits per multiplication. Apart from improving upon the communication complexity of the protocol of Ben-Or et al, our protocol is relatively simpler and based on very few sub-protocols, unlike the protocol of Ben-Or et al which involves several layers of subprotocols. A central component of our AMPC protocol is a new and simple protocol for verifiable asynchronous complete secret-sharing (ACSS), which is of independent interest. -- As a side result, we give the security proof for our AMPC protocol in the standard universal composability (UC) framework of Canetti (FOCS 2001, JACM 2020), which is now the defacto standard for proving the security of cryptographic protocols. This is unlike the protocol of Ben-Or et al, which was missing the formal security proofs