112,176 research outputs found

    Loo.py: From Fortran to performance via transformation and substitution rules

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    A large amount of numerically-oriented code is written and is being written in legacy languages. Much of this code could, in principle, make good use of data-parallel throughput-oriented computer architectures. Loo.py, a transformation-based programming system targeted at GPUs and general data-parallel architectures, provides a mechanism for user-controlled transformation of array programs. This transformation capability is designed to not just apply to programs written specifically for Loo.py, but also those imported from other languages such as Fortran. It eases the trade-off between achieving high performance, portability, and programmability by allowing the user to apply a large and growing family of transformations to an input program. These transformations are expressed in and used from Python and may be applied from a variety of settings, including a pragma-like manner from other languages.Comment: ARRAY 2015 - 2nd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2015

    Approximating Generalized Network Design under (Dis)economies of Scale with Applications to Energy Efficiency

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    In a generalized network design (GND) problem, a set of resources are assigned to multiple communication requests. Each request contributes its weight to the resources it uses and the total load on a resource is then translated to the cost it incurs via a resource specific cost function. For example, a request may be to establish a virtual circuit, thus contributing to the load on each edge in the circuit. Motivated by energy efficiency applications, recently, there is a growing interest in GND using cost functions that exhibit (dis)economies of scale ((D)oS), namely, cost functions that appear subadditive for small loads and superadditive for larger loads. The current paper advances the existing literature on approximation algorithms for GND problems with (D)oS cost functions in various aspects: (1) we present a generic approximation framework that yields approximation results for a much wider family of requests in both directed and undirected graphs; (2) our framework allows for unrelated weights, thus providing the first non-trivial approximation for the problem of scheduling unrelated parallel machines with (D)oS cost functions; (3) our framework is fully combinatorial and runs in strongly polynomial time; (4) the family of (D)oS cost functions considered in the current paper is more general than the one considered in the existing literature, providing a more accurate abstraction for practical energy conservation scenarios; and (5) we obtain the first approximation ratio for GND with (D)oS cost functions that depends only on the parameters of the resources' technology and does not grow with the number of resources, the number of requests, or their weights. The design of our framework relies heavily on Roughgarden's smoothness toolbox (JACM 2015), thus demonstrating the possible usefulness of this toolbox in the area of approximation algorithms.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure. An extended abstract of this paper is to appear in the 50th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2018

    Fast Generation of Random Spanning Trees and the Effective Resistance Metric

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    We present a new algorithm for generating a uniformly random spanning tree in an undirected graph. Our algorithm samples such a tree in expected O~(m4/3)\tilde{O}(m^{4/3}) time. This improves over the best previously known bound of min(O~(mn),O(nω))\min(\tilde{O}(m\sqrt{n}),O(n^{\omega})) -- that follows from the work of Kelner and M\k{a}dry [FOCS'09] and of Colbourn et al. [J. Algorithms'96] -- whenever the input graph is sufficiently sparse. At a high level, our result stems from carefully exploiting the interplay of random spanning trees, random walks, and the notion of effective resistance, as well as from devising a way to algorithmically relate these concepts to the combinatorial structure of the graph. This involves, in particular, establishing a new connection between the effective resistance metric and the cut structure of the underlying graph

    Smart Conversational Agents for Reminiscence

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    In this paper we describe the requirements and early system design for a smart conversational agent that can assist older adults in the reminiscence process. The practice of reminiscence has well documented benefits for the mental, social and emotional well-being of older adults. However, the technology support, valuable in many different ways, is still limited in terms of need of co-located human presence, data collection capabilities, and ability to support sustained engagement, thus missing key opportunities to improve care practices, facilitate social interactions, and bring the reminiscence practice closer to those with less opportunities to engage in co-located sessions with a (trained) companion. We discuss conversational agents and cognitive services as the platform for building the next generation of reminiscence applications, and introduce the concept application of a smart reminiscence agent

    Anatomy of the Third-Party Web Tracking Ecosystem

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    The presence of third-party tracking on websites has become customary. However, our understanding of the third-party ecosystem is still very rudimentary. We examine third-party trackers from a geographical perspective, observing the third-party tracking ecosystem from 29 countries across the globe. When examining the data by region (North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, Middle East, and Oceania), we observe significant geographical variation between regions and countries within regions. We find trackers that focus on specific regions and countries, and some that are hosted in countries outside their expected target tracking domain. Given the differences in regulatory regimes between jurisdictions, we believe this analysis sheds light on the geographical properties of this ecosystem and on the problems that these may pose to our ability to track and manage the different data silos that now store personal data about us all

    Quantum central limit theorem for continuous-time quantum walks on odd graphs in quantum probability theory

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    The method of the quantum probability theory only requires simple structural data of graph and allows us to avoid a heavy combinational argument often necessary to obtain full description of spectrum of the adjacency matrix. In the present paper, by using the idea of calculation of the probability amplitudes for continuous-time quantum walk in terms of the quantum probability theory, we investigate quantum central limit theorem for continuous-time quantum walks on odd graphs.Comment: 19 page, 1 figure