3 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of e-Commerce Between China and Uzbekistan.

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    This research work is devoted for the purpose of showing the diverse opportunities and unravel the growing trends of e-Commerce in terms of trade between China and Uzbekistan. On-line customer research has been carried out mainly for American and European markets by academics and marketers. While e-Commerce is developing more rapidly in China with big companies raking in billions, it is somehow slow in Uzbekistan; a profound understanding of necessitating modalities is a fundamental drive into promoting further growth. This work investigates this intriguing concept in context of e-Commerce involved in inquiring about e-Business and corresponding e-Payment systems in China and Uzbekistan respectively. The article features theoretical segments through which statistical models and correlations were interpolated. The main aim being to establish segmental information and identify influential factors of e-Shopping using e-Payment models developed in the respective countries. The key findings include the geographical influence, demographic statistical analysis and internet technologies being used in the two countries

    Os sites de compra coletiva e o Customer Relationship Management : estudo múltiplo de casos

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    Mestrado em MarketingO presente trabalho final de mestrado analisa a relação entre a presença das empresas em sites de compra coletiva e as suas estratégias de Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Para o efeito, realizaram-se estudos de caso em onze empresas na área de Lisboa presentes em sites de compras coletivas. Realizaram-se entrevistas através das quais se identificou o que levava as empresas a aderir aos sites, como tinham tido conhecimento da existência dos mesmos, a frequência com que aderiam e os critérios de seleção dos sites, bem como as estratégias de utilização e os tipos de produtos/serviços que colocavam para venda. Finalmente, procurou-se identificar se haveria diferenças no tratamento dos clientes que chegavam através destes sites, verificando se estes retornavam às empresas (com ou sem cupão adquirido nos sites de compra coletiva) e se o facto de as empresas estarem presentes nestes sites, estava relacionado com as suas estratégias de CRM. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as empresas, para além de utilizarem estes sites para a sua própria divulgação e promoção, têm o objetivo de angariar novos clientes e, posteriormente, o retorno destes sem cupão, isto é, fidelizá-los.The present Master dissertation aims to examine the relationship between the presence of companies in group-buying websites and their strategies for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). To fulfill this goal, eleven companies from the Lisbon area, represented in group-buying websites, were used as case studies. Through interviews, the motives underlying the adherence of these companies to the sites were identified and the way by which they became aware of such sites was questioned; the frequency with which the companies adhered, the criteria for selection of sites, as well as strategies for the use and the types of products/services that were put for sale were also analyzed. Finally, we sought to identify whether there were differences in the treatment of clients who came through these sites, verifying if they returned to the companies (with or without coupon acquired in group-buying websites) and if the fact that companies are present in these sites was related to their CRM strategies. The results obtained allow concluding that besides the use of these sites to their own advertisement and promotion they aim to attract new customers and subsequently make them return to the companies without coupon, that is, make them loyal

    Group-Buying E-Commerce in China

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