2 research outputs found

    Ground state solutions for nonlinearly coupled systems of Choquard type with lower critical exponent

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    In this paper, we study the existence of ground state solutions for the following nonlinearly coupled systems of Choquard type with lower critical exponent by variational methods −∆u + V(x)u = (Iα ∗ |u| N +1 )|u| N −1u + p|u| p−2u|υ| q , in RN, −∆υ + V(x)υ = (Iα ∗ |υ| N +1 N −1 υ + q|υ| q−2 υ|u| p , in RN. Where N ≥ 3, α ∈ (0, N), Iα is the Riesz potential, p, q ∈ 1, q N N−2 and N p + (N + 2)q < 2N + 4, N+α N is the lower critical exponent in the sense of Hardy– Littlewood–Sobolev inequality and V ∈ C(RN,(0, ∞)) is a bounded potential function. As far as we have known, little research has been done on this type of coupled systems up to now. Our research is a promotion and supplement to previous research

    Ground state solutions for nonlinearly coupled systems of Choquard type with lower critical exponent

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    In this paper, we study the existence of ground state solutions for the following nonlinearly coupled systems of Choquard type with lower critical exponent by variational methods \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} \displaystyle-\Delta u+V(x)u=(I_\alpha\ast|u|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}+1})|u|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}-1}u+p|u|^{p-2}u|\upsilon|^q,&\mbox{in }\mathbb{R}^N,\\ \displaystyle-\Delta\upsilon+V(x)\upsilon=(I_\alpha\ast|\upsilon|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}+1})|\upsilon|^{\frac{\alpha}{N}-1}\upsilon+q|\upsilon|^{q-2}\upsilon|u|^p,&\mbox{in } \mathbb{R}^N. \end{cases} \end{equation*} Where N≥3N\geq3, α∈(0,N)\alpha\in(0,N), IαI_\alpha is the Riesz potential, p,q∈(1,NN−2)p,q\in\big(1,\sqrt{\frac{N}{N-2}}\big) and Np+(N+2)q<2N+4Np+(N+2)q<2N+4, N+αN\frac{N+\alpha}{N} is the lower critical exponent in the sense of Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality and V∈C(RN,(0,∞))V\in C(\mathbb{R}^N,(0,\infty)) is a bounded potential function. As far as we have known, little research has been done on this type of coupled systems up to now. Our research is a promotion and supplement to previous research