3 research outputs found

    Ground plane detection using Kinect Sensor

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    Görüntü işleme tabanlı mobil robotların başarılı navigasyonu için zemin düzlemi algılama esastır. Bu bildiride Kinect derinlik sensöründen elde edilen derinlik bilgisine dayalı yeni ve gürbüz bir zemin düzlemi algılama algoritması önerilmektedir. Literatürdeki benzer yöntemlerin aksine, zemin düzleminin sahnedeki en büyük alan olduğunu varsayılmamaktadır. Yöntemimiz sensörün yeri görüş açısının sabit olduğu veya değişken olabileceği iki farklı durum için iki değişik algoritma halinde sunulmaktadır. Yaptığımız deneylerde her iki durum için önerdiğimiz algoritmaların oldukça başarılı olduğu gösterilmektedir.Ground plane detection is essential for successful navigation of vision based mobile robots. We introduce a novel and robust ground plane detection algorithm using depth information acquired by a Kinect sensor. Unlike similar methods from the literature, we do not assume that the ground plane covers the largest area in the scene. Furthermore our algorithm handles two different conditions: fixed and changing view angle of the sensor. We show that the algorithm is robust if the view angle is fixed whereas an additional procedure handles different view angles satisfactorily.Publisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Ground Plane Detection Using Kinect Sensor

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    21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) -- APR 24-26, 2013 -- CYPRUSWOS: 000325005300196Ground plane detection is essential for successful navigation of vision based mobile robots. We introduce a novel and robust ground plane detection algorithm using depth information acquired by a Kinect sensor. Unlike similar methods from the literature, we do not assume that the ground plane covers the largest area in the scene. Furthermore our algorithm handles two different conditions: fixed and changing view angle of the sensor. We show that the algorithm is robust if the view angle is fixed whereas an additional procedure handles different view angles satisfactorily

    Ground plane detection using kinect sensor [Microsoft kinect sensörü kullanarak zemin düzlemi algilama]

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    2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2013 -- 24 April 2013 through 26 April 2013 -- Haspolat -- 98109Ground plane detection is essential for successful navigation of vision based mobile robots. We introduce a novel and robust ground plane detection algorithm using depth information acquired by a Kinect sensor. Unlike similar methods from the literature, we do not assume that the ground plane covers the largest area in the scene. Furthermore our algorithm handles two different conditions: fixed and changing view angle of the sensor. We show that the algorithm is robust if the view angle is fixed whereas an additional procedure handles different view angles satisfactorily. © 2013 IEEE