206,799 research outputs found

    Power Grid Frequency Forecasting from μPMU Data using Hybrid Vector-Output LSTM network

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    The instantaneous balance of electrical supply and demand on the power grid is indicated by the power grid frequency, making it a pivotal variable for power system controls. Accurate frequency forecasting could enable new faster means of frequency management that enhance power system stability. A hybrid vector-output Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network has been studied using microsynchrophasor data to predict trajectories. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of very short time horizon frequency prediction using this method. The proposed model has been trained with over and under-frequency operational limit excursion events as well as normal condition state, with the goal of minimising prediction errors. Training and testing have been conducted using 390,000 datapoints covering 65 frequency events obtained from a distribution grid connected solar farm in England. The results demonstrate this method can provide useful grid frequency projections and shed light on underlying behaviour. Index Terms—Electrical grid frequency, power system stability, time series forecasting, long short term memor

    Deep learning enhanced solar energy forecasting with AI-driven IoT

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    Short-term photovoltaic (PV) energy generation forecasting models are important, stabilizing the power integration between the PV and the smart grid for artificial intelligence- (AI-) driven internet of things (IoT) modeling of smart cities. With the recent development of AI and IoT technologies, it is possible for deep learning techniques to achieve more accurate energy generation forecasting results for the PV systems. Difficulties exist for the traditional PV energy generation forecasting method considering external feature variables, such as the seasonality. In this study, we propose a hybrid deep learning method that combines the clustering techniques, convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), and attention mechanism with the wireless sensor network to overcome the existing difficulties of the PV energy generation forecasting problem. The overall proposed method is divided into three stages, namely, clustering, training, and forecasting. In the clustering stage, correlation analysis and self-organizing mapping are employed to select the highest relevant factors in historical data. In the training stage, a convolutional neural network, long short-term memory neural network, and attention mechanism are combined to construct a hybrid deep learning model to perform the forecasting task. In the testing stage, the most appropriate training model is selected based on the month of the testing data. The experimental results showed significantly higher prediction accuracy rates for all time intervals compared to existing methods, including traditional artificial neural networks, long short-term memory neural networks, and an algorithm combining long short-term memory neural network and attention mechanism

    Reconstructing Secondary Data based on Air Quality, Meteorological and Traffic Data Considering Spatiotemporal Components

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    This paper introduces the reconstructed dataset along with procedures to implement air quality prediction, which consists of air quality, meteorological and traffic data over time, and their monitoring stations and measurement points. Given the fact that those monitoring stations and measurement points are located in different places, it is important to incorporate their time series data into a spatiotemporal dimension. The output can be used as input for various predictive analyses, in particular, we used the reconstructed dataset as input for grid-based (Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory and Bidirectional Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory) and graph-based (Attention Temporal Graph Convolutional Network) machine learning algorithms. The raw dataset is obtained from the Open Data portal of the Madrid City Council

    Application of Deep Learning Long Short-Term Memory in Energy Demand Forecasting

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    The smart metering infrastructure has changed how electricity is measured in both residential and industrial application. The large amount of data collected by smart meter per day provides a huge potential for analytics to support the operation of a smart grid, an example of which is energy demand forecasting. Short term energy forecasting can be used by utilities to assess if any forecasted peak energy demand would have an adverse effect on the power system transmission and distribution infrastructure. It can also help in load scheduling and demand side management. Many techniques have been proposed to forecast time series including Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning. In this work we use Long Short Term Memory architecture to forecast 3-day ahead energy demand across each month in the year. The results show that 3-day ahead demand can be accurately forecasted with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error of 3.15%. In addition to that, the paper proposes way to quantify the time as a feature to be used in the training phase which is shown to affect the network performance