6 research outputs found


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    Pesatnya perkembangan publikasi ilmu pengetahuan terutama dalam bentuk elektronik, menjadi sebuah tantangan sekaligus kesempatan dalam memperkirakan topik yang akan menjadi tren di masa yang akan datang, Media dalam mempublikasikan suatu karya ilmiah kini tidak lagi hanya sebatas berbentuk tercetak (misalnya majalah, jurnal, buku) namun juga berbentuk digital (e-book, e-journal) sehingga peneliti memiliki lebih banyak pilihan guna mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya, akan tetapi setiap peneliti belum sepenuhnya memahami nilai kontribusi dan ukuran yang sudah dicapai dari hasil penelitiannya, oleh karena itu perlu adanya penjelesan bibliometrika dalam menganalisis masalah tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Menganalisis produktivitas pengarang pada jurnal bidang perpustakaan dan infromasi di Indonesia terindeks scopus tahun 2015-2019; (2) Menganalisis Kolaborasi pengarang pada jurnal bidang perpustakaan dan infromasi di Indonesia terindeks scopus tahun 2015-2019. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah : (1) Pola produktivitas pengarang karya ilmiah bidang perpustakaan dan informasi di Indonesia yang terindeks Scopus tahun 2015-2019  berdasarkan hukum Lotka memiliki nilai eksponen n = 2.1894 dengan tetapan C = 0,6082; (2) Total 1903 karya tulis ilmiah bidang perpustakaan dan informasi di Indonesia yang terindeks scopus memiliki tingkat kolaborasi penulis 96% = 0,96

    Bibliometric and visualization analysis of research trend in mental health problems of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ObjectivesTo analyze the evolution of research on children and adolescents mental health issues during COVID-19 pandemic and discuss research hotspots and cutting-edge developments.MethodsThe literature obtained from the web of science core collection as of June 28, 2022, was analyzed using Citespace, VOSviewer bibliometric visualization mapping software.ResultsA total of 6,039 relevant papers were found, of which 5,594 were included in the study. The number of literatures is growing since 2020; and the country, institution, and journal publications were analyzed. The co-citation analysis shows that there are more research articles among the highly cited articles and a lack of systematic reviews that use critical thinking for review. In the cluster analysis, mental health and life change were the most representative. The timeline view of the keywords shows that Online learning (#0), Public health (#1), and Mental health (#2) are the three largest clusters and shows the change over time.ConclusionThis study helped analyze the mental health of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified hot trends and shortcomings, which are important references for the theoretical basis of future research and decision making and technical guidance for systematic reviews

    Research related to fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) around the world over the year 2000 – 2021: an overview and guidelines

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    Fireflies are groups of the Coleoptera order and the Lampyridae family. Fireflies are typically classified as nocturnal insects, however some are diurnal, and others have mixed nocturnal and diurnal characteristics. They are also known as luminescent insects due to their ability to emit light. Bibliometric analysis is a popular and rigorous method for discovering and analyzing enormous volumes of scientific data. Therefore, the objective of this study is to present overview and guidelines in studies related to firefly research worldwide from 2000 to 2021 using bibliometric analysis to provide researchers and scholars around the world an overview of results and trends in firefly research. A textual query on three databases; Scopus (289 papers), Web of Science (303 papers), and PubMed (541 papers) using the term “Fireflies Coleoptera Lampyridae” was performed on 30 August 2021 retrieving 1133 scholarly papers from 2000 to 2021 related to firefly studies for in-depth analysis. Bibliometric analysis were performed using Rstudio software version 4.1.1 and biblioshiniy for bibliometrix to visualize and analyze trends of firefly research. This bibliometric analysis was analyzed the annual scientific publication growth, the most productive authors, most frequent word has been using, most famous journal name, and which countries has highest collaboration with other country in firefly research. According to the findings of the analysis, there is significant inconsistency in global trends in annual scientific production, with the number of publications increasing and decreasing. In firefly research, according to the findings has show the most relevant authors is Fu X (Scopus), Fu XH (WoS), and Hosseinkhani S (PubMed). Moreover, the most relevant journals articles in fireflies studies is Zootaxa (Scopus & WoS), and Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences : Official Journal Of The European Photochemistry Association And The European Society For Photobiology (PubMed). Futhermore, the most frequently utilized keywords in fireflies study is lampyridae, firefly, bioluminescence, animals and fireflies. China and USA is the most highest collaboration among others countries in fireflies research. This research can help researchers or academics who are new to firefly research by providing information on which publications and authors to refer when performing firefly research

    Bibliometric evaluation of research on political risks in construction projects

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    The current study aims to provide an overview of the research on political risk using the Web of Science(WoS)database as well as summarize research results and put forward some suggestions for research directions of political risk in international construction projects. It is the first time scientometric analysis of political risk research is executed. In this regard, the papers related to political risk in the WoS database have been retrieved and the literature is sorted out by visual and content analysis methods. Visual analysis is used to analyze the research overview, knowledge base, and research hotspots of this field. The content analysis method is adopted to expound the current research focus from three perspectives inducing the influence of political risk, risk assessment, and risk management measures. The results show that in the political risk context, the number of publications has experienced an increasing trend in recent years. Based on the existing literature on political risk for all companies, this overview provides some suggestions to address the political risk in international construction projects in the future. The results contribute to the scholars understanding of the research overview, research hotspots, and future research directions of political risk research in construction projects

    Identifying and prioritizing cost reduction solutions in the supply chain by integrating value engineering and gray multi-criteria decision-making

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    Value engineering is an appropriate policy for creating and improving value, which reduces unnecessary costs and maintains core functionality. Despite the mentioned benefits, this approach has so far received little attention in the area of supply chain management. Although this approach is highly structured, limitations such as overemphasizing the cost criterion and failure to meet other criteria, utilizing team members’ votes to rank solutions, ignoring inherent uncertainty and ultimately disagreement between value engineering team members have reduced the effectiveness of this approach. The present study aims to provide a coherent framework for utilizing a value engineering approach to supply chain cost management and overcome the aforementioned limitations by utilizing gray multi-criteria decision-making. In this regard, in the first phase, the initial list of improvement solutions is determined, the criteria extracted from the literature are localized using value engineering team members’ opinion. These criteria are weighted using the gray stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA-Gray) method. Then, the score of each solution is calculated by the value engineering team based on the list of criteria as a gray number. The scores are aggregated using the gray evaluation based on distance from average solution (EDAS-Gray) method, and the solutions are prioritized. Finally, the application of the proposed framework is investigated in a real case study in a power plant in Iran. The results of the research show that the final rankings of the solutions rarely changed for different methods; so the model used in this study has acceptable stability. First published online 24 September 202