2,455 research outputs found

    Greedy Routing and the Algorithmic Small-World Phenomenom

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    The algorithmic small-world phenomenon, empirically established by Milgram's letter forwarding experiments from the 60s, was theoretically explained by Kleinberg in 2000. However, from today's perspective his model has several severe shortcomings that limit the applicability to real-world networks. In order to give a more convincing explanation of the algorithmic small-world phenomenon, we study greedy routing in a more realistic random graph model (geometric inhomogeneous random graphs), which overcomes the previous shortcomings. Apart from exhibiting good properties in theory, it has also been extensively experimentally validated that this model reasonably captures real-world networks. In this model, we show that greedy routing succeeds with constant probability, and in case of success almost surely finds a path that is an almost shortest path. Our results are robust to changes in the model parameters and the routing objective. Moreover, since constant success probability is too low for technical applications, we study natural local patching methods augmenting greedy routing by backtracking and we show that such methods can ensure success probability 1 in a number of steps that is close to the shortest path length. These results also address the question of Krioukov et al. whether there are efficient local routing protocols for the internet graph. There were promising experimental studies, but the question remained unsolved theoretically. Our results give for the first time a rigorous and analytical answer, assuming our random graph model

    Neighbor selection and hitting probability in small-world graphs

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    Small-world graphs, which combine randomized and structured elements, are seen as prevalent in nature. Jon Kleinberg showed that in some graphs of this type it is possible to route, or navigate, between vertices in few steps even with very little knowledge of the graph itself. In an attempt to understand how such graphs arise we introduce a different criterion for graphs to be navigable in this sense, relating the neighbor selection of a vertex to the hitting probability of routed walks. In several models starting from both discrete and continuous settings, this can be shown to lead to graphs with the desired properties. It also leads directly to an evolutionary model for the creation of similar graphs by the stepwise rewiring of the edges, and we conjecture, supported by simulations, that these too are navigable.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AAP499 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Adaptive Dynamics of Realistic Small-World Networks

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    Continuing in the steps of Jon Kleinberg's and others celebrated work on decentralized search in small-world networks, we conduct an experimental analysis of a dynamic algorithm that produces small-world networks. We find that the algorithm adapts robustly to a wide variety of situations in realistic geographic networks with synthetic test data and with real world data, even when vertices are uneven and non-homogeneously distributed. We investigate the same algorithm in the case where some vertices are more popular destinations for searches than others, for example obeying power-laws. We find that the algorithm adapts and adjusts the networks according to the distributions, leading to improved performance. The ability of the dynamic process to adapt and create small worlds in such diverse settings suggests a possible mechanism by which such networks appear in nature
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