44 research outputs found

    The GreatSPN tool: recent enhancements

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    GreatSPN is a tool that supports the design and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) and of Stochastic Well-Formed Nets (SWN). The very first version of GreatSPN saw the light in the late eighties of last century: since then two main releases where developed and widely distributed to the research community: GreatSPN1.7 [13], and GreatSPN2.0 [8]. This paper reviews the main functionalities of GreatSPN2.0 and presents some recently added features that significantly enhance the efficacy of the tool

    The Conversion of Dynamic Fault Trees to Stochastic Petri Nets, as a case of Graph Transformation

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    AbstractA model-to-model transformation from Dynamic Fault Trees to Stochastic Petri Nets, by means of graph transformation rules, is presented in this paper. Dynamic Fault Trees (DFT) are used for the reliability analysis of complex and large systems and represent by means of gates, how combinations or sequences of component failure events, lead to the failure of the system. DFTs need the state space solution which can be obtained by converting a DFT to a Stochastic Petri Net: this task is expressed by means of graph transformation rules, and is applied to a case of system

    Modelling dynamic reliability via Fluid Petri Nets

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    Combinatorial models for reliability analysis (like fault-trees or block diagram) are static models that cannot include any type of component dependence. In the CTMC (Continuous Time Markov Chain) framework, the transition rates can depend on the state of the system thus allowing the analyst to include some dependencies among components. However, in more general terms, the system reliability may depend on parameters or quantities that vary continuously in time (like temperature, pressure, distance, etc.). Systems whose behavior in time can be described by discrete as well as continuous variables, are called hybrid systems. In the dependability literature, the case in which the reliability characteristics vary continuously versus a process parameter, is sometimes referred to as dynamic reliability [1]. The modelling and analysis of hybrid dynamic systems is an open research area. The present paper discusses the evaluation of a benchmark on dynamic reliability proposed in [1] via a modelling framework called Fluid Stochastic Petri Net (FSPN)

    List of requirements on formalisms and selection of appropriate tools

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    This deliverable reports on the activities for the set-up of the modelling environments for the evaluation activities of WP5. To this objective, it reports on the identified modelling peculiarities of the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures and of their interdependencies, recalls the tools that have been considered and concentrates on the tools that are, and will be, used in the project: DrawNET, DEEM and EPSys which have been developed before and during the project by the partners, and M\uf6bius and PRISM, developed respectively at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and at the University of Birmingham (and recently at the University of Oxford)

    A GSPN semantics for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks with Immediate Nodes

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    In this report we present an extension to Continuous Time Bayesian Networks (CTBN) called Generalized Continuous Time Bayesian Networks (GCTBN). The formalism allows one to model, in addition to continuous time delayed variables (with exponentially distributed transition rates), also non delayed or "immediate" variables, which act as standard chance nodes in a Bayesian Network. This allows the modeling of processes having both a continuous-time temporal component and an immediate (i.e. non-delayed) component capturing the logical/probabilistic interactions among the model\u2019s variables. The usefulness of this kind of model is discussed through an example concerning the reliability of a simple component-based system. A semantic model of GCTBNs, based on the formalism of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) is outlined, whose purpose is twofold: to provide a well-de\ufb01ned semantics for GCTBNs in terms of the underlying stochastic process, and to provide an actual mean to perform inference (both prediction and smoothing) on GCTBNs. The example case study is then used, in order to highlight the exploitation of GSPN analysis for posterior probability computation on the GCTBN model

    Behavioural – based modelling and analysis of Navigation\ud Patterns across Information Networks

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    Navigation behaviour can be considered as one of the most crucial\ud aspects of user behaviour in an electronic commerce environment, which is very\ud good indicator of user’s interests either in the process of browsing or purchasing.\ud Revealing user navigation patterns is very helpful in finding out a way for\ud increasing sale, turning the most browsers into buyers, keeping costumer’s\ud attention, loyalty, adjusting and improving the interface in order to boost the user\ud experience and interaction with the system. In this regard, this research has\ud identified the most common user navigation patterns across information networks,\ud illustrated through the example of an electronic bookstore. A behavioural-based\ud model that provides profound knowledge about the processes of navigation is\ud proposed, specifically examined for different types of users, automatically\ud identified and clustered into two clusters according to their navigational\ud behaviour. The developed model is based on stochastic modelling using the\ud concept of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets which complex solution relies on\ud Continuous Time Markov Chain. As a result, calculation of several performance\ud measures is performed, such as: expected time spent in a transient tangible\ud marking, cumulative sojourn time spent in a transient tangible marking, total\ud number of visits in a transient tangible marking etc

    Model checking medium access control for sensor networks

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    We describe verification of S-MAC, a medium access control protocol designed for wireless sensor networks, by means of the PRISM model checker. The S-MAC protocol is built on top of the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless ad hoc networks and, as such, it uses the same randomised backoff procedure as a means to avoid collision. In order to minimise energy consumption, in S-MAC, nodes are periodically put into a sleep state. Synchronisation of the sleeping schedules is necessary for the nodes to be able to communicate. Intuitively, energy saving obtained through a periodic sleep mechanism will be at the expense of performance. In previous work on S-MAC verification, a combination of analytical techniques and simulation has been used to confirm the correctness of this intuition for a simplified (abstract) version of the protocol in which the initial schedules coordination phase is assumed correct. We show how we have used the PRISM model checker to verify the behaviour of S-MAC and compare it to that of IEEE 802.11