142 research outputs found

    Disturbance Grassmann Kernels for Subspace-Based Learning

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    In this paper, we focus on subspace-based learning problems, where data elements are linear subspaces instead of vectors. To handle this kind of data, Grassmann kernels were proposed to measure the space structure and used with classifiers, e.g., Support Vector Machines (SVMs). However, the existing discriminative algorithms mostly ignore the instability of subspaces, which would cause the classifiers misled by disturbed instances. Thus we propose considering all potential disturbance of subspaces in learning processes to obtain more robust classifiers. Firstly, we derive the dual optimization of linear classifiers with disturbance subject to a known distribution, resulting in a new kernel, Disturbance Grassmann (DG) kernel. Secondly, we research into two kinds of disturbance, relevant to the subspace matrix and singular values of bases, with which we extend the Projection kernel on Grassmann manifolds to two new kernels. Experiments on action data indicate that the proposed kernels perform better compared to state-of-the-art subspace-based methods, even in a worse environment.Comment: This paper include 3 figures, 10 pages, and has been accpeted to SIGKDD'1

    Bags of Affine Subspaces for Robust Object Tracking

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    We propose an adaptive tracking algorithm where the object is modelled as a continuously updated bag of affine subspaces, with each subspace constructed from the object's appearance over several consecutive frames. In contrast to linear subspaces, affine subspaces explicitly model the origin of subspaces. Furthermore, instead of using a brittle point-to-subspace distance during the search for the object in a new frame, we propose to use a subspace-to-subspace distance by representing candidate image areas also as affine subspaces. Distances between subspaces are then obtained by exploiting the non-Euclidean geometry of Grassmann manifolds. Experiments on challenging videos (containing object occlusions, deformations, as well as variations in pose and illumination) indicate that the proposed method achieves higher tracking accuracy than several recent discriminative trackers.Comment: in International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 201

    Scalable Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: A Grassmannian Perspective

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    This paper addresses the task of dense non-rigid structure-from-motion (NRSfM) using multiple images. State-of-the-art methods to this problem are often hurdled by scalability, expensive computations, and noisy measurements. Further, recent methods to NRSfM usually either assume a small number of sparse feature points or ignore local non-linearities of shape deformations, and thus cannot reliably model complex non-rigid deformations. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a new approach for dense NRSfM by modeling the problem on a Grassmann manifold. Specifically, we assume the complex non-rigid deformations lie on a union of local linear subspaces both spatially and temporally. This naturally allows for a compact representation of the complex non-rigid deformation over frames. We provide experimental results on several synthetic and real benchmark datasets. The procured results clearly demonstrate that our method, apart from being scalable and more accurate than state-of-the-art methods, is also more robust to noise and generalizes to highly non-linear deformations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, typos fixed and acknowledgement adde

    Jumping Manifolds: Geometry Aware Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion

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    Given dense image feature correspondences of a non-rigidly moving object across multiple frames, this paper proposes an algorithm to estimate its 3D shape for each frame. To solve this problem accurately, the recent state-of-the-art algorithm reduces this task to set of local linear subspace reconstruction and clustering problem using Grassmann manifold representation \cite{kumar2018scalable}. Unfortunately, their method missed on some of the critical issues associated with the modeling of surface deformations, for e.g., the dependence of a local surface deformation on its neighbors. Furthermore, their representation to group high dimensional data points inevitably introduce the drawbacks of categorizing samples on the high-dimensional Grassmann manifold \cite{huang2015projection, harandi2014manifold}. Hence, to deal with such limitations with \cite{kumar2018scalable}, we propose an algorithm that jointly exploits the benefit of high-dimensional Grassmann manifold to perform reconstruction, and its equivalent lower-dimensional representation to infer suitable clusters. To accomplish this, we project each Grassmannians onto a lower-dimensional Grassmann manifold which preserves and respects the deformation of the structure w.r.t its neighbors. These Grassmann points in the lower-dimension then act as a representative for the selection of high-dimensional Grassmann samples to perform each local reconstruction. In practice, our algorithm provides a geometrically efficient way to solve dense NRSfM by switching between manifolds based on its benefit and usage. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is very effective in handling noise with reconstruction accuracy as good as or better than the competing methods.Comment: New version with corrected typo. 10 Pages, 7 Figures, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019. Acknowledgement added. Supplementary material is available at https://suryanshkumar.github.io


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    During the past many decades, many face recognition algorithms have been proposed. The face recognition problem under controlled environment has been well studied and almost solved. However, in unconstrained environments, the performance of face recognition methods could still be significantly affected by factors such as illumination, pose, resolution, occlusion, aging, etc. In this thesis, we look into the problem of face recognition across these variations and quantization. We present a face recognition algorithm based on simultaneous sparse approximations under varying illumination and pose with dictionaries learned for each class. A novel test image is projected onto the span of the atoms in each learned dictionary. The resulting residual vectors are then used for classification. An image relighting technique based on pose-robust albedo estimation is used to generate multiple frontal images of the same person with variable lighting. As a result, the proposed algorithm has the ability to recognize human faces with high accuracy even when only a single or a very few images per person are provided for training. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated using publicly available databases and it is shown that this method is efficient and can perform significantly better than many competitive face recognition algorithms. The problem of recognizing facial images across aging remains an open problem. We look into this problem by studying the growth in the facial shapes. Building on recent advances in landmark extraction, and statistical techniques for landmark-based shape analysis, we show that using well-defined shape spaces and its associated geometry, one can obtain significant performance improvements in face verification. Toward this end, we propose to model the facial shapes as points on a Grassmann manifold. The face verification problem is then formulated as a classification problem on this manifold. We then propose a relative craniofacial growth model which is based on the science of craniofacial anthropometry and integrate it with the Grassmann manifold and the SVM classifier. Experiments show that the proposed method is able to mitigate the variations caused by the aging progress and thus effectively improve the performance of open-set face verification across aging. In applications such as document understanding, only binary face images may be available as inputs to a face recognition algorithm. We investigate the effects of quantization on several classical face recognition algorithms. We study the performances of PCA and multiple exemplar discriminant analysis (MEDA) algorithms with quantized images and with binary images modified by distance and Box-Cox transforms. We propose a dictionary-based method for reconstructing the grey scale facial images from the quantized facial images. Two dictionaries with low mutual coherence are learned for the grey scale and quantized training images respectively using a modified KSVD method. A linear transform function between the sparse vectors of quantized images and the sparse vectors of grey scale images is estimated using the training data. In the testing stage, a grey scale image is reconstructed from the quantized image using the transform matrix and normalized dictionaries. The identities of the reconstructed grey scale images are then determined using the dictionary-based face recognition (DFR) algorithm. Experimental results show that the reconstructed images are similar to the original grey-scale images and the performance of face recognition on the quantized images is comparable to the performance on grey scale images. The online social network and social media is growing rapidly. It is interesting to study the impact of social network on computer vision algorithms. We address the problem of automated face recognition on a social network using a loopy belief propagation framework. The proposed approach propagates the identities of faces in photos across social graphs. We characterize its performance in terms of structural properties of the given social network. We propose a distance metric defined using face recognition results for detecting hidden connections. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed on graph structure networks, scalability, different degrees of nodes, labeling errors correction and hidden connections discovery. The result demonstrates that the constraints imposed by the social network have the potential to improve the performance of face recognition methods. The result also shows it is possible to discover hidden connections in a social network based on face recognition

    Subspace Representations for Robust Face and Facial Expression Recognition

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    Analyzing human faces and modeling their variations have always been of interest to the computer vision community. Face analysis based on 2D intensity images is a challenging problem, complicated by variations in pose, lighting, blur, and non-rigid facial deformations due to facial expressions. Among the different sources of variation, facial expressions are of interest as important channels of non-verbal communication. Facial expression analysis is also affected by changes in view-point and inter-subject variations in performing different expressions. This dissertation makes an attempt to address some of the challenges involved in developing robust algorithms for face and facial expression recognition by exploiting the idea of proper subspace representations for data. Variations in the visual appearance of an object mostly arise due to changes in illumination and pose. So we first present a video-based sequential algorithm for estimating the face albedo as an illumination-insensitive signature for face recognition. We show that by knowing/estimating the pose of the face at each frame of a sequence, the albedo can be efficiently estimated using a Kalman filter. Then we extend this to the case of unknown pose by simultaneously tracking the pose as well as updating the albedo through an efficient Bayesian inference method performed using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter. Since understanding the effects of blur, especially motion blur, is an important problem in unconstrained visual analysis, we then propose a blur-robust recognition algorithm for faces with spatially varying blur. We model a blurred face as a weighted average of geometrically transformed instances of its clean face. We then build a matrix, for each gallery face, whose column space spans the space of all the motion blurred images obtained from the clean face. This matrix representation is then used to define a proper objective function and perform blur-robust face recognition. To develop robust and generalizable models for expression analysis one needs to break the dependence of the models on the choice of the coordinate frame of the camera. To this end, we build models for expressions on the affine shape-space (Grassmann manifold), as an approximation to the projective shape-space, by using a Riemannian interpretation of deformations that facial expressions cause on different parts of the face. This representation enables us to perform various expression analysis and recognition algorithms without the need for pose normalization as a preprocessing step. There is a large degree of inter-subject variations in performing various expressions. This poses an important challenge on developing robust facial expression recognition algorithms. To address this challenge, we propose a dictionary-based approach for facial expression analysis by decomposing expressions in terms of action units (AUs). First, we construct an AU-dictionary using domain experts' knowledge of AUs. To incorporate the high-level knowledge regarding expression decomposition and AUs, we then perform structure-preserving sparse coding by imposing two layers of grouping over AU-dictionary atoms as well as over the test image matrix columns. We use the computed sparse code matrix for each expressive face to perform expression decomposition and recognition. Most of the existing methods for the recognition of faces and expressions consider either the expression-invariant face recognition problem or the identity-independent facial expression recognition problem. We propose joint face and facial expression recognition using a dictionary-based component separation algorithm (DCS). In this approach, the given expressive face is viewed as a superposition of a neutral face component with a facial expression component, which is sparse with respect to the whole image. This assumption leads to a dictionary-based component separation algorithm, which benefits from the idea of sparsity and morphological diversity. The DCS algorithm uses the data-driven dictionaries to decompose an expressive test face into its constituent components. The sparse codes we obtain as a result of this decomposition are then used for joint face and expression recognition

    Activity Representation from Video Using Statistical Models on Shape Manifolds

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    Activity recognition from video data is a key computer vision problem with applications in surveillance, elderly care, etc. This problem is associated with modeling a representative shape which contains significant information about the underlying activity. In this dissertation, we represent several approaches for view-invariant activity recognition via modeling shapes on various shape spaces and Riemannian manifolds. The first two parts of this dissertation deal with activity modeling and recognition using tracks of landmark feature points. The motion trajectories of points extracted from objects involved in the activity are used to build deformation shape models for each activity, and these models are used for classification and detection of unusual activities. In the first part of the dissertation, these models are represented by the recovered 3D deformation basis shapes corresponding to the activity using a non-rigid structure from motion formulation. We use a theory for estimating the amount of deformation for these models from the visual data. We study the special case of ground plane activities in detail because of its importance in video surveillance applications. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose to model the activity by learning an affine invariant deformation subspace representation that captures the space of possible body poses associated with the activity. These subspaces can be viewed as points on a Grassmann manifold. We propose several statistical classification models on Grassmann manifold that capture the statistical variations of the shape data while following the intrinsic Riemannian geometry of these manifolds. The last part of this dissertation addresses the problem of recognizing human gestures from silhouette images. We represent a human gesture as a temporal sequence of human poses, each characterized by a contour of the associated human silhouette. The shape of a contour is viewed as a point on the shape space of closed curves and, hence, each gesture is characterized and modeled as a trajectory on this shape space. We utilize the Riemannian geometry of this space to propose a template-based and a graphical-based approaches for modeling these trajectories. The two models are designed in such a way to account for the different invariance requirements in gesture recognition, and also capture the statistical variations associated with the contour data
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