5 research outputs found

    5-choosability of graphs with crossings far apart

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    We give a new proof of the fact that every planar graph is 5-choosable, and use it to show that every graph drawn in the plane so that the distance between every pair of crossings is at least 15 is 5-choosable. At the same time we may allow some vertices to have lists of size four only, as long as they are far apart and far from the crossings.Comment: 55 pages, 11 figures; minor revision according to the referee suggestion

    5-Choosability of Planar-plus-two-edge Graphs

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    We prove that graphs that can be made planar by deleting two edges are 5-choosable. To arrive at this, first we prove an extension of a theorem of Thomassen. Second, we prove an extension of a theorem Postle and Thomas. The difference between our extensions and the theorems of Thomassen and of Postle and Thomas is that we allow the graph to contain an inner 4-list vertex. We also use a colouring technique from two papers by Dvořák, Lidický and Škrekovski, and independently by Compos and Havet

    Choosability of Graphs with Bounded Order: Ohba's Conjecture and Beyond

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    The \emph{choice number} of a graph GG, denoted ch(G)\ch(G), is the minimum integer kk such that for any assignment of lists of size kk to the vertices of GG, there is a proper colouring of GG such that every vertex is mapped to a colour in its list. For general graphs, the choice number is not bounded above by a function of the chromatic number. In this thesis, we prove a conjecture of Ohba which asserts that ch(G)=χ(G)\ch(G)=\chi(G) whenever V(G)2χ(G)+1|V(G)|\leq 2\chi(G)+1. We also prove a strengthening of Ohba's Conjecture which is best possible for graphs on at most 3χ(G)3\chi(G) vertices, and pose several conjectures related to our work.Comment: Master's Thesis, McGill Universit

    Graphs with two crossings are 5-choosable

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    A graph G is k-choosable if G can be properly colored whenever every vertex has a list of at least k available colors. Thomassen’s theorem states that every planar graph is 5-choosable. We extend the result by showing that every graph with at most two crossings is 5-choosable