17 research outputs found

    Explaining Math Word Problem Solvers

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    Automated math word problem solvers based on neural networks have successfully managed to obtain 70-80\% accuracy in solving arithmetic word problems. However, it has been shown that these solvers may rely on superficial patterns to obtain their equations. In order to determine what information math word problem solvers use to generate solutions, we remove parts of the input and measure the model's performance on the perturbed dataset. Our results show that the model is not sensitive to the removal of many words from the input and can still manage to find a correct answer when given a nonsense question. This indicates that automatic solvers do not follow the semantic logic of math word problems, and may be overfitting to the presence of specific words

    Unbiased Math Word Problems Benchmark for Mitigating Solving Bias

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    In this paper, we revisit the solving bias when evaluating models on current Math Word Problem (MWP) benchmarks. However, current solvers exist solving bias which consists of data bias and learning bias due to biased dataset and improper training strategy. Our experiments verify MWP solvers are easy to be biased by the biased training datasets which do not cover diverse questions for each problem narrative of all MWPs, thus a solver can only learn shallow heuristics rather than deep semantics for understanding problems. Besides, an MWP can be naturally solved by multiple equivalent equations while current datasets take only one of the equivalent equations as ground truth, forcing the model to match the labeled ground truth and ignoring other equivalent equations. Here, we first introduce a novel MWP dataset named UnbiasedMWP which is constructed by varying the grounded expressions in our collected data and annotating them with corresponding multiple new questions manually. Then, to further mitigate learning bias, we propose a Dynamic Target Selection (DTS) Strategy to dynamically select more suitable target expressions according to the longest prefix match between the current model output and candidate equivalent equations which are obtained by applying commutative law during training. The results show that our UnbiasedMWP has significantly fewer biases than its original data and other datasets, posing a promising benchmark for fairly evaluating the solvers' reasoning skills rather than matching nearest neighbors. And the solvers trained with our DTS achieve higher accuracies on multiple MWP benchmarks. The source code is available at https://github.com/yangzhch6/UnbiasedMWP

    Expression Syntax Information Bottleneck for Math Word Problems

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    Math Word Problems (MWP) aims to automatically solve mathematical questions given in texts. Previous studies tend to design complex models to capture additional information in the original text so as to enable the model to gain more comprehensive features. In this paper, we turn our attention in the opposite direction, and work on how to discard redundant features containing spurious correlations for MWP. To this end, we design an Expression Syntax Information Bottleneck method for MWP (called ESIB) based on variational information bottleneck, which extracts essential features of expression syntax tree while filtering latent-specific redundancy containing syntax-irrelevant features. The key idea of ESIB is to encourage multiple models to predict the same expression syntax tree for different problem representations of the same problem by mutual learning so as to capture consistent information of expression syntax tree and discard latent-specific redundancy. To improve the generalization ability of the model and generate more diverse expressions, we design a self-distillation loss to encourage the model to rely more on the expression syntax information in the latent space. Experimental results on two large-scale benchmarks show that our model not only achieves state-of-the-art results but also generates more diverse solutions. The code is available.Comment: This paper has been accepted by SIGIR 2022. The code can be found at https://github.com/menik1126/math_ESI

    SMART: A Situation Model for Algebra Story Problems via Attributed Grammar

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    Solving algebra story problems remains a challenging task in artificial intelligence, which requires a detailed understanding of real-world situations and a strong mathematical reasoning capability. Previous neural solvers of math word problems directly translate problem texts into equations, lacking an explicit interpretation of the situations, and often fail to handle more sophisticated situations. To address such limits of neural solvers, we introduce the concept of a \emph{situation model}, which originates from psychology studies to represent the mental states of humans in problem-solving, and propose \emph{SMART}, which adopts attributed grammar as the representation of situation models for algebra story problems. Specifically, we first train an information extraction module to extract nodes, attributes, and relations from problem texts and then generate a parse graph based on a pre-defined attributed grammar. An iterative learning strategy is also proposed to improve the performance of SMART further. To rigorously study this task, we carefully curate a new dataset named \emph{ASP6.6k}. Experimental results on ASP6.6k show that the proposed model outperforms all previous neural solvers by a large margin while preserving much better interpretability. To test these models' generalization capability, we also design an out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluation, in which problems are more complex than those in the training set. Our model exceeds state-of-the-art models by 17\% in the OOD evaluation, demonstrating its superior generalization ability

    Non-Autoregressive Math Word Problem Solver with Unified Tree Structure

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    Existing MWP solvers employ sequence or binary tree to present the solution expression and decode it from given problem description. However, such structures fail to handle the variants that can be derived via mathematical manipulation, e.g., (a1+a2)a3(a_1+a_2) * a_3 and a1a3+a2a3a_1 * a_3+a_2 * a_3 can both be possible valid solutions for a same problem but formulated as different expression sequences or trees. The multiple solution variants depicting different possible solving procedures for the same input problem would raise two issues: 1) making it hard for the model to learn the mapping function between the input and output spaces effectively, and 2) wrongly indicating \textit{wrong} when evaluating a valid expression variant. To address these issues, we introduce a unified tree structure to present a solution expression, where the elements are permutable and identical for all the expression variants. We propose a novel non-autoregressive solver, named \textit{MWP-NAS}, to parse the problem and deduce the solution expression based on the unified tree. For evaluating the possible expression variants, we design a path-based metric to evaluate the partial accuracy of expressions of a unified tree. The results from extensive experiments conducted on Math23K and MAWPS demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed MWP-NAS. The codes and checkpoints are available at: \url{https://github.com/mengqunhan/MWP-NAS}.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP202

    ComSearch: Equation Searching with Combinatorial Strategy for Solving Math Word Problems with Weak Supervision

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    17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, May 2-6, 2023Previous studies have introduced a weakly-supervised paradigm for solving math word problems requiring only the answer value annotation. While these methods search for correct value equation candidates as pseudo labels, they search among a narrow sub-space of the enormous equation space. To address this problem, we propose a novel search algorithm with combinatorial strategy ComSearch, which can compress the search space by excluding mathematically equivalent equations. The compression allows the searching algorithm to enumerate all possible equations and obtain high-quality data. We investigate the noise in the pseudo labels that hold wrong mathematical logic, which we refer to as the false-matching problem, and propose a ranking model to denoise the pseudo labels. Our approach holds a flexible framework to utilize two existing supervised math word problem solvers to train pseudo labels, and both achieve state-of-the-art performance in the weak supervision task

    ATHENA: Mathematical Reasoning with Thought Expansion

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    Solving math word problems depends on how to articulate the problems, the lens through which models view human linguistic expressions. Real-world settings count on such a method even more due to the diverse practices of the same mathematical operations. Earlier works constrain available thinking processes by limited prediction strategies without considering their significance in acquiring mathematical knowledge. We introduce Attention-based THought Expansion Network Architecture (ATHENA) to tackle the challenges of real-world practices by mimicking human thought expansion mechanisms in the form of neural network propagation. A thought expansion recurrently generates the candidates carrying the thoughts of possible math expressions driven from the previous step and yields reasonable thoughts by selecting the valid pathways to the goal. Our experiments show that ATHENA achieves a new state-of-the-art stage toward the ideal model that is compelling in variant questions even when the informativeness in training examples is restricted.Comment: EMNLP 2023 (main); 13 pages, 5 figures, 8 table

    An Expression Tree Decoding Strategy for Mathematical Equation Generation

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    Generating mathematical equations from natural language requires an accurate understanding of the relations among math expressions. Existing approaches can be broadly categorized into token-level and expression-level generation. The former treats equations as a mathematical language, sequentially generating math tokens. Expression-level methods generate each expression one by one. However, each expression represents a solving step, and there naturally exist parallel or dependent relations between these steps, which are ignored by current sequential methods. Therefore, we integrate tree structure into the expression-level generation and advocate an expression tree decoding strategy. To generate a tree with expression as its node, we employ a layer-wise parallel decoding strategy: we decode multiple independent expressions (leaf nodes) in parallel at each layer and repeat parallel decoding layer by layer to sequentially generate these parent node expressions that depend on others. Besides, a bipartite matching algorithm is adopted to align multiple predictions with annotations for each layer. Experiments show our method outperforms other baselines, especially for these equations with complex structures.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP-2023, camera-ready versio