4 research outputs found

    Covid19/IT the digital side of Covid19: A picture from Italy with clustering and taxonomy

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    The Covid19 pandemic has significantly impacted on our lives, triggering a strong reaction resulting in vaccines, more effective diagnoses and therapies, policies to contain the pandemic outbreak, to name but a few. A significant contribution to their success comes from the computer science and information technology communities, both in support to other disciplines and as the primary driver of solutions for, e.g., diagnostics, social distancing, and contact tracing. In this work, we surveyed the Italian computer science and engineering community initiatives against the Covid19 pandemic. The 128 responses thus collected document the response of such a community during the first pandemic wave in Italy (February-May 2020), through several initiatives carried out by both single researchers and research groups able to promptly react to Covid19, even remotely. The data obtained by the survey are here reported, discussed and further investigated by Natural Language Processing techniques, to generate semantic clusters based on embedding representations of the surveyed activity descriptions. The resulting clusters have been then used to extend an existing Covid19 taxonomy with the classification of related research activities in computer science and information technology areas, summarizing this work contribution through a reproducible survey-to-taxonomy methodology

    Automatic taxonomy evaluation

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    This thesis would not be made possible without the generous support of IATA.Les taxonomies sont une représentation essentielle des connaissances, jouant un rôle central dans de nombreuses applications riches en connaissances. Malgré cela, leur construction est laborieuse que ce soit manuellement ou automatiquement, et l'évaluation quantitative de taxonomies est un sujet négligé. Lorsque les chercheurs se concentrent sur la construction d'une taxonomie à partir de grands corpus non structurés, l'évaluation est faite souvent manuellement, ce qui implique des biais et se traduit souvent par une reproductibilité limitée. Les entreprises qui souhaitent améliorer leur taxonomie manquent souvent d'étalon ou de référence, une sorte de taxonomie bien optimisée pouvant service de référence. Par conséquent, des connaissances et des efforts spécialisés sont nécessaires pour évaluer une taxonomie. Dans ce travail, nous soutenons que l'évaluation d'une taxonomie effectuée automatiquement et de manière reproductible est aussi importante que la génération automatique de telles taxonomies. Nous proposons deux nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation qui produisent des scores moins biaisés: un modèle de classification de la taxonomie extraite d'un corpus étiqueté, et un modèle de langue non supervisé qui sert de source de connaissances pour évaluer les relations hyperonymiques. Nous constatons que nos substituts d'évaluation corrèlent avec les jugements humains et que les modèles de langue pourraient imiter les experts humains dans les tâches riches en connaissances.Taxonomies are an essential knowledge representation and play an important role in classification and numerous knowledge-rich applications, yet quantitative taxonomy evaluation remains to be overlooked and left much to be desired. While studies focus on automatic taxonomy construction (ATC) for extracting meaningful structures and semantics from large corpora, their evaluation is usually manual and subject to bias and low reproducibility. Companies wishing to improve their domain-focused taxonomies also suffer from lacking ground-truths. In fact, manual taxonomy evaluation requires substantial labour and expert knowledge. As a result, we argue in this thesis that automatic taxonomy evaluation (ATE) is just as important as taxonomy construction. We propose two novel taxonomy evaluation methods for automatic taxonomy scoring, leveraging supervised classification for labelled corpora and unsupervised language modelling as a knowledge source for unlabelled data. We show that our evaluation proxies can exert similar effects and correlate well with human judgments and that language models can imitate human experts on knowledge-rich tasks