5 research outputs found

    Using deep learning to construct stochastic local search SAT solvers with performance bounds

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    The Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) is the most prototypical NP-complete problem and of great practical relevance. One important class of solvers for this problem are stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms that iteratively and randomly update a candidate assignment. Recent breakthrough results in theoretical computer science have established sufficient conditions under which SLS solvers are guaranteed to efficiently solve a SAT instance, provided they have access to suitable "oracles" that provide samples from an instance-specific distribution, exploiting an instance's local structure. Motivated by these results and the well established ability of neural networks to learn common structure in large datasets, in this work, we train oracles using Graph Neural Networks and evaluate them on two SLS solvers on random SAT instances of varying difficulty. We find that access to GNN-based oracles significantly boosts the performance of both solvers, allowing them, on average, to solve 17% more difficult instances (as measured by the ratio between clauses and variables), and to do so in 35% fewer steps, with improvements in the median number of steps of up to a factor of 8. As such, this work bridges formal results from theoretical computer science and practically motivated research on deep learning for constraint satisfaction problems and establishes the promise of purpose-trained SAT solvers with performance guarantees.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, code available at https://github.com/porscheofficial/sls_sat_solving_with_deep_learnin

    Automated SAT Problem Feature Extraction using Convolutional Autoencoders

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    The Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT) was the first known NP-complete problem and has a very broad literature focusing on it. It has been applied successfully to various real-world problems, such as scheduling, planning and cryptography. SAT problem feature extraction plays an essential role in this field. SAT solvers are complex, fine-tuned systems that exploit problem structure. The ability to represent/encode a large SAT problem using a compact set of features has broad practical use in instance classification, algorithm portfolios, and solver configuration. The performance of these techniques relies on the ability of feature extraction to convey helpful information. Researchers often craft these features “by hand” to capture particular structures of the problem. Instead, in this paper, we extract features using semi-supervised deep learning. We train a convolutional autoencoder (AE) to compress the SAT problem into a limited latent space and reconstruct it minimizing the reconstruction error. The latent space projection should preserve much of the structural features of the problem. We compare our approach to a set of features commonly used for algorithm selection. Firstly, we train classifiers on the projection to predict if the problems are satisfiable or not. If the compression conveys valuable information, a classifier should be able to take correct decisions. In the second experiment, we check if the classifiers can identify the original problem that was encoded as SAT. The empirical analysis shows that the autoencoder is able to represent problem features in a limited latent space efficiently, as well as convey more information than current feature extraction methods