1 research outputs found

    Bayesian network structure learning using characteristic properties of permutation representations with applications to prostate cancer treatment.

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    Over the last decades, Bayesian Networks (BNs) have become an increasingly popular technique to model data under presence of uncertainty. BNs are probabilistic models that represent relationships between variables by means of a node structure and a set of parameters. Learning efficiently the structure that models a particular dataset is a NP-hard task that requires substantial computational efforts to be successful. Although there exist many families of techniques for this purpose, this thesis focuses on the study and improvement of search and score methods such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In the domain of BN structure learning, previous work has investigated the use of permutations to represent variable orderings within EAs. In this thesis, the characteristic properties of permutation representations are analysed and used in order to enhance BN structure learning. The thesis assesses well-established algorithms to provide a detailed analysis of the difficulty of learning BN structures using permutation representations. Using selected benchmarks, rugged and plateaued fitness landscapes are identified that result in a loss of population diversity throughout the search. The thesis proposes two approaches to handle the loss of diversity. First, the benefits of introducing the Island Model (IM) paradigm are studied, showing that diversity loss can be significantly reduced. Second, a novel agent-based metaheuristic is presented in which evolution is based on the use of several mutation operators and the definition of a distance metric in permutation spaces. The latter approach shows that diversity can be maintained throughout the search while exploring efficiently the solution space. In addition, the use of IM is investigated in the context of distributed data, a common property of real-world problems. Experiments prove that privacy can be preserved while learning BNs of high quality. Finally, using UK-wide data related to prostate cancer patients, the thesis assesses the general suitability of BNs alongside the proposed learning approaches for medical data modeling. Following comparisons with tools currently used in clinical settings and with alternative classifiers, it is shown that BNs can improve the predictive power of prostate cancer staging tools, a major concern in the field of urology