11 research outputs found

    Definitions and Semantic Simulations Based on Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling

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    We have proposed going beyond traditional ontologies to use rich semantics implemented in programming languages for modeling. In this paper, we discuss the application of executable semantic models to two examples, first a structured definition of a waterfall and second the cardiopulmonary system. We examine the components of these models and the way those components interact. Ultimately, such models should provide the basis for direct representation

    An AI-Resilient Text Rendering Technique for Reading and Skimming Documents

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    Readers find text difficult to consume for many reasons. Summarization can address some of these difficulties, but introduce others, such as omitting, misrepresenting, or hallucinating information, which can be hard for a reader to notice. One approach to addressing this problem is to instead modify how the original text is rendered to make important information more salient. We introduce Grammar-Preserving Text Saliency Modulation (GP-TSM), a text rendering method with a novel means of identifying what to de-emphasize. Specifically, GP-TSM uses a recursive sentence compression method to identify successive levels of detail beyond the core meaning of a passage, which are de-emphasized by rendering words in successively lighter but still legible gray text. In a lab study (n=18), participants preferred GP-TSM over pre-existing word-level text rendering methods and were able to answer GRE reading comprehension questions more efficiently.Comment: Conditionally accepted to CHI 202

    Crowdsourcing StoryLines:Harnessing the Crowd for Causal Relation Annotation

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    Nieostrość z perspektywy teorii komunikacji i badań normalności

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    The issue of fuzziness has not been analysed as yet from the perspective of communication theory and communication research. The article deals with the role of fuzziness in the communication process (the latter understood as the mechanizm of negotiating meanings generating the third (communicational) reality). The starting point that illustrates the broadness of the issue and its various aspects is constituted by fuzzy pictures (photographies) and (verbal) reactions referring to them. The theoretic basis is built by communication theory and research concerning normality assumptions in communication; the results of other research in the field of language and visuality serve as a wider context. The text presents the characteristics of fuzziness as a category of communication(s), where fuzziness appears both as a construct and concept (linked to a system of assumptions). The analysis against a theoretic background allows to reveal the basic functions of fuzziness for starting and perpetuating the communication process that are realized by generating connectivity (in the sense of a broad range of potential references regarding a given communicational (visual or verbal) offer). This allows to outline the research problem and guiding questions for planned further empiric investigation which might concern (a) the semantics and communicational meaning of the word “fuzziness” in concrete applications as well as (b) the functional contexts of fuzziness not only as a term, but as a concept and functional element. Possible ways of operationalization regarding research material and methods are presented for both areas

    Strategie komunikacyjne i procesy twórcze

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    W serii Nauka Sztuki – Sztuka Nauki publikowane będą prace promujące i rozwijające perspektywę badawczą, w której twórczość naukowa i artystyczna stanowią komplementarne i wzajemnie nieredukowalne sfery aktywności, które mimo swojej autonomii mogą się z jednej strony kreatywnie inspirować, z drugiej zaś ukazywać nowe ścieżki indywidualnego i kulturowo-cywilizacyjnego rozwoju. Seria ma służyć inicjowaniu, rozwijaniu i promocji interdyscyplinarnych badań humanistycznych, wymagających wypracowywania precyzyjnego warsztatu teoretyczno-metodologicznego i rzetelnej analizy materiału badawczego. Zebrane w inicjującej serię monografii teksty obejmują zróżnicowaną problematykę teoretyczną i metodologiczną – ich wspólnym motywem jest szeroko rozumiana korelacja nauki i sztuki. Sztuka nie jest traktowana jedynie jako przedmiot naukowego badania, ale również jako przestrzeń doświadczania procesu twórczego i komunikacyjnego. Tak pomyślane forum wymiany obejmuje wzajemne uzupełnianie się humanistycznych badań naukowych z twórczą praktyką artystyczną i komunikacyjną w kształtowaniu szerokiej perspektywy poznawczej