4 research outputs found

    Graduate Employment Prediction with Bias

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    The failure of landing a job for college students could cause serious social consequences such as drunkenness and suicide. In addition to academic performance, unconscious biases can become one key obstacle for hunting jobs for graduating students. Thus, it is necessary to understand these unconscious biases so that we can help these students at an early stage with more personalized intervention. In this paper, we develop a framework, i.e., MAYA (Multi-mAjor emploYment stAtus) to predict students' employment status while considering biases. The framework consists of four major components. Firstly, we solve the heterogeneity of student courses by embedding academic performance into a unified space. Then, we apply a generative adversarial network (GAN) to overcome the class imbalance problem. Thirdly, we adopt Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) with a novel dropout mechanism to comprehensively capture sequential information among semesters. Finally, we design a bias-based regularization to capture the job market biases. We conduct extensive experiments on a large-scale educational dataset and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our prediction framework

    Graduate employment prediction with bias

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    The failure of landing a job for college students could cause serious social consequences such as drunkenness and suicide. In addition to academic performance, unconscious biases can become one key obstacle for hunting jobs for graduating students. Thus, it is necessary to understand these unconscious biases so that we can help these students at an early stage with more personalized intervention. In this paper, we develop a framework, i.e., MAYA (Multi-mAjor emploYment stAtus) to predict students’ employment status while considering biases. The framework consists of four major components. Firstly, we solve the heterogeneity of student courses by embedding academic performance into a unified space. Then, we apply a generative adversarial network (GAN) to overcome the class imbalance problem. Thirdly, we adopt Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) with a novel dropout mechanism to comprehensively capture sequential information among semesters. Finally, we design a bias-based regularization to capture the job market biases. We conduct extensive experiments on a large-scale educational dataset and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our prediction framework. Copyright © 2020, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Feng Xia” is provided in this record*

    Heterogeneous graph learning for explainable recommendation over academic networks

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    With the explosive growth of new graduates with research degrees every year, unprecedented challenges arise for early-career researchers to find a job at a suitable institution. This study aims to understand the behavior of academic job transition and hence recommend suitable institutions for PhD graduates. Specifically, we design a deep learning model to predict the career move of early-career researchers and provide suggestions. The design is built on top of scholarly/academic networks, which contains abundant information about scientific collaboration among scholars and institutions. We construct a heterogeneous scholarly network to facilitate the exploring of the behavior of career moves and the recommendation of institutions for scholars. We devise an unsupervised learning model called HAI (Heterogeneous graph Attention InfoMax) which aggregates attention mechanism and mutual information for institution recommendation. Moreover, we propose scholar attention and meta-path attention to discover the hidden relationships between several meta-paths. With these mechanisms, HAI provides ordered recommendations with explainability. We evaluate HAI upon a real-world dataset against baseline methods. Experimental results verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. © 2021 ACM

    Lost at starting line : predicting maladaptation of university freshmen based on educational big data

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    The transition from secondary education to higher education could be challenging for most freshmen. For students who fail to adjust to university life smoothly, their status may worsen if the university cannot offer timely and proper guidance. Helping students adapt to university life is a long-term goal for any academic institution. Therefore, understanding the nature of the maladaptation phenomenon and the early prediction of “at-risk” students are crucial tasks that urgently need to be tackled effectively. This article aims to analyze the relevant factors that affect the maladaptation phenomenon and predict this phenomenon in advance. We develop a prediction framework (MAladaptive STudEnt pRediction, MASTER) for the early prediction of students with maladaptation. First, our framework uses the SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) algorithm to solve the data label imbalance issue. Moreover, a novel ensemble algorithm, priority forest, is proposed for outputting ranks instead of binary results, which enables us to perform proactive interventions in a prioritized manner where limited education resources are available. Experimental results on real-world education datasets demonstrate that the MASTER framework outperforms other state-of-art methods. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Association for Information Science and Technology