72,011 research outputs found

    The onset of instability in unsteady boundary-layer separation

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    The process of unsteady two-dimensional boundary-layer separation at high Reynolds number is considered. Solutions of the unsteady non-interactive boundary-layer equations are known to develop a generic separation singularity in regions where the pressure gradient is prescribed and adverse. As the boundary layer starts to separate from the surface, however, the external pressure distribution is altered through viscous-inviscid interaction just prior to the formation of the separation singularity; hitherto this has been referred to as the first interactive stage. A numerical solution of this stage is obtained here in Lagrangian coordinates. The solution is shown to exhibit a high-frequency inviscid instability resulting in an immediate finite-time breakdown of this stage. The presence of the instability is confirmed through a linear stability analysis. The implications for the theoretical description of unsteady boundary-layer separation are discussed, and it is suggested that the onset of interaction may occur much sooner than previously thought

    Microstructure of strongly sheared suspensions and its impact on rheology and diffusion

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    The effects of Brownian motion alone and in combination with an interparticle force of hard-sphere type upon the particle configuration in a strongly sheared suspension are analysed. In the limit Pe[rightward arrow][infty infinity] under the influence of hydrodynamic interactions alone, the pair-distribution function of a dilute suspension of spheres has symmetry properties that yield a Newtonian constitutive behaviour and a zero self-diffusivity. Here, Pe=[gamma][ogonek]a2/2D is the PĂ©clet number with [gamma][ogonek] the shear rate, a the particle radius, and D the diffusivity of an isolated particle. Brownian diffusion at large Pe gives rise to an O(aPe[minus sign]1) thin boundary layer at contact in which the effects of Brownian diffusion and advection balance, and the pair-distribution function is asymmetric within the boundary layer with a contact value of O(Pe0.78) in pure-straining motion; non-Newtonian effects, which scale as the product of the contact value and the O(a3Pe[minus sign]1) layer volume, vanish as Pe[minus sign]0.22 as Pe[rightward arrow][infty infinity]

    Diffusion of a passive scalar from a no-slip boundary into a two-dimensional chaotic advection field

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    Using a time-periodic perturbation of a two-dimensional steady separation bubble on a plane no-slip boundary to generate chaotic particle trajectories in a localized region of an unbounded boundary layer flow, we study the impact of various geometrical structures that arise naturally in chaotic advection fields on the transport of a passive scalar from a local 'hot spot' on the no-slip boundary. We consider here the full advection-diffusion problem, though attention is restricted to the case of small scalar diffusion, or large Peclet number. In this regime, a certain one-dimensional unstable manifold is shown to be the dominant organizing structure in the distribution of the passive scalar. In general, it is found that the chaotic structures in the flow strongly influence the scalar distribution while, in contrast, the flux of passive scalar from the localized active no-slip surface is, to dominant order, independent of the overlying chaotic advection. Increasing the intensity of the chaotic advection by perturbing the velocity held further away from integrability results in more non-uniform scalar distributions, unlike the case in bounded flows where the chaotic advection leads to rapid homogenization of diffusive tracer. In the region of chaotic particle motion the scalar distribution attains an asymptotic state which is time-periodic, with the period the same as that of the time-dependent advection field. Some of these results are understood by using the shadowing property from dynamical systems theory. The shadowing property allows us to relate the advection-diffusion solution at large Peclet numbers to a fictitious zero-diffusivity or frozen-field solution, corresponding to infinitely large Peclet number. The zero-diffusivity solution is an unphysical quantity, but is found to be a powerful heuristic tool in understanding the role of small scalar diffusion. A novel feature in this problem is that the chaotic advection field is adjacent to a no-slip boundary. The interaction between the necessarily non-hyperbolic particle dynamics in a thin near-wall region and the strongly hyperbolic dynamics in the overlying chaotic advection field is found to have important consequences on the scalar distribution; that this is indeed the case is shown using shadowing. Comparisons are made throughout with the flux and the distributions of the passive scalar for the advection-diffusion problem corresponding to the steady, unperturbed, integrable advection field

    Measurements and a model for convective velocities in the turbulent boundary layer

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    A physical model is presented which describes convective velocities within a flat plate turbulent boundary layer. A production zone concept is used as a basis for the physical model. The production zone concept employs the idea that packets of turbulent fluid are generated near the viscous sublayer. These packets are found to be discernible from the mean motion and may move either outward from the production zone or inward depending on their circulation relative to the fluid surrounding the packet. The packets are predicted to travel with a convective velocity different from the local mean velocity throughout most of the boundary layer. The model also predicts that the convective velocities will be functions of wave number outside the production zone

    Mitigation of Through-Wall Distortions of Frontal Radar Images using Denoising Autoencoders

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    Radar images of humans and other concealed objects are considerably distorted by attenuation, refraction and multipath clutter in indoor through-wall environments. While several methods have been proposed for removing target independent static and dynamic clutter, there still remain considerable challenges in mitigating target dependent clutter especially when the knowledge of the exact propagation characteristics or analytical framework is unavailable. In this work we focus on mitigating wall effects using a machine learning based solution -- denoising autoencoders -- that does not require prior information of the wall parameters or room geometry. Instead, the method relies on the availability of a large volume of training radar images gathered in through-wall conditions and the corresponding clean images captured in line-of-sight conditions. During the training phase, the autoencoder learns how to denoise the corrupted through-wall images in order to resemble the free space images. We have validated the performance of the proposed solution for both static and dynamic human subjects. The frontal radar images of static targets are obtained by processing wideband planar array measurement data with two-dimensional array and range processing. The frontal radar images of dynamic targets are simulated using narrowband planar array data processed with two-dimensional array and Doppler processing. In both simulation and measurement processes, we incorporate considerable diversity in the target and propagation conditions. Our experimental results, from both simulation and measurement data, show that the denoised images are considerably more similar to the free-space images when compared to the original through-wall images

    Fluid structure interaction of a two-dimensional membrane in a flow with a pressure gradient with application to convertible car roofs

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    Original article can be found at : http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Copyright ElsevierThe flow-induced deformation of a membrane in a flow with a pressure gradient is studied. The investigation focuses on the deformation of aerodynamically loaded convertible car roofs. A computational methodology is developed with a line-element structural model that incorporates initial slackness of the flexible roof material. The computed flow–structure interaction yields stable solutions, the flexible roof settling into static equilibrium. The interaction converges to a static deformation within 1% difference in the displacement variable after three iterations between fluid and structural codes. Reasonably accurate predictions, to within 7%, are possible using only a single iteration between the fluid and the structural codes for the model problem studied herein. However, the deformation results are shown to be highly dependent on the physical parameters that are used in the calculation. Accurate representation of initial geometry, material properties and slackness should be found before the predictive benefits of the fluid–structure computations are sought. The iterative methodology overcomplicates the computation of deformation for the relatively small displacements encountered for the model problem studied herein. Such an approach would be better suited to applications with large amplitude displacements such as those encountered in sail design or deployment of a parachute.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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