5 research outputs found

    Resource-Based Learning of Students in The System of Cross-Cultural Training of Future Specialists in Fitness and Recreation

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    The article considers the problem of introduction of resource-based learning of students in the practice of the educational process of higher education institutions that provide training under the educational program «Fitness and Recreation». The aim of the study is to clarify the place of RBL of students in the system of cross-cultural training of fitness and recreation professionals. The study involved 233 students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical, empirical and methods of mathematical data processing. The essence and place of resource-based learning of students in the system of cross-cultural training of future specialists in fitness and recreation were determined, a subsystem «Resource-based learning of future professionals in fitness and recreation» was developed, which consists of three interrelated components: target, implementation and performance; mechanisms of information search for acquisition of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of fitness industry are considered

    The Dynamics of Google within the Frame of a Large Technical System: An LTS analysis of Google

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    The Large Technical System approach was introduced by the influential historian of technology, Thomas P. Hughes, in the 1970’s and is one of the most prominent theoretical frameworks within the Science and Technology Studies. However, it has found little attention in relation to the digital realm. This research applies the LTS framework onto the US-American company Google and seeks to bring a conceptual understanding to the company’s exponential growth. Thus, it describes the emergence and evolution of Google as a complex system – an alignment of components of technical and non-technical nature – and assigns patterns and concepts to its development. This research provides an answer to how Google not only gained a system structure but also reached the notion of momentum. Yet, suggesting a social constructivist path, this paper secludes by elucidating the influencing power of the LTS’s user – an important factor which was widely disregarded in the initial works of Hughes

    The Search for Clarity in an Attorney\u27s Duty to Google

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    Attorneys have a professional duty to investigate relevant facts about the matters on which they work. There is no specific rule or statute requiring that an attorney perform an internet search as part of this investigation. Yet attorneys have been found by judges to violate a “Duty to Google” when they have failed to conduct an internet search for relevant information about, for example, a claim, their own client, and even potential jurors in a trial. So much information is now available to attorneys so easily in electronic search results, it is time to wonder where, when, and how much attorneys should be searching. This Article examines the following questions: is the “Duty to Google” merely yet another example of how attorneys must become proficient in technology to meet their professional ethical obligations? Or is it something more? Where should this duty be codified, if anywhere? At what point does technology like a search engine become so “mainstream” that attorneys have a duty to use it or face allegations of malpractice? How will attorneys know how much Googling is enough? This article explores an attorney’s duty of investigation and notes that this duty has been, like the rest of legal practice, forever changed (and ever changing) by technology. It examines the potential sources of a Duty to Google and argues that this responsibility is poorly defined. Accordingly, this article argues for a better-defined duty of investigation, codified in a rule of professional conduct. The article concludes by looking to the future and suggesting industry-wide changes to better prepare attorneys to meet their (better defined) obligations of technological competency

    Oppilaiden internet-tiedonhakutaidot alakoulun viidennellä luokalla

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää millaiset viidesluokkalaisten tiedonhakutaidot ovat. Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan, millaisia prosesseja viidesluokkalaisten tiedonhakuun sisältyy ja mitkä toiminnot johtavat onnistuneeseen tai epäonnistuneeseen tiedonhakuun. Yleinen käsitys on, että digitaalisena aikana syntyneet lapset ovat taitavia tekemään tiedonhakua, mutta useat tutkimukset ovat todistaneet tämän uskomuksen vääräksi. Tein kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen kuvaillakseni kuinka viidesluokkalaiset lapset toimivat hakiessaan tietoa internetin hakukoneella. Tutkin 14:ta viidesluokkalaista oppilasta, joilla oli käytössä tiedonhakuun soveltuva iPad. Tutkimus toteutettiin videoimalla oppilaiden ruutua heidän vastatessa 12 kysymykseen, jotka vaativat internet-tiedonhakua. Tutkimustulokset teemoiteltiin oppilaiden oikeiden vastausten perusteella. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan oppilaiden tiedonhakujen määrä oli yhteydessä oikeisiin vastauksiin. Oppilaat käyttivät tiedonhauissa luonnollista kieltä eivätkä osanneet kriittisesti arvioida hakutuloksia tai löytynyttä tietoa. Oppilailla oli vaikeuksia luoda aiheista kokonaiskuvaa. Oppilaat tekivät useasti vain yhden haun kysymystä kohden etsiessään tietoa. Ikä ja kognitiivinen kehitys ovat todettu tärkeämmäksi tekijäksi kuin aikaisempi internetin käyttömäärä tiedonhaun onnistumisen kannalta Oppilaiden lähdekriittisyyden puute ja vajavaisuudet taidoissa muodostaa avainsanoja ovat huolestuttavia. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää antaa oppilaille enemmän hyvään tiedonhakuun tähtäävää opetusta sekä työkaluja muodostaa avainsanoja

    Google Search Secrets

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