6 research outputs found

    Asymptotically Good Additive Cyclic Codes Exist

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    Long quasi-cyclic codes of any fixed index >1>1 have been shown to be asymptotically good, depending on Artin primitive root conjecture in (A. Alahmadi, C. G\"uneri, H. Shoaib, P. Sol\'e, 2017). We use this recent result to construct good long additive cyclic codes on any extension of fixed degree of the base field. Similarly self-dual double circulant codes, and self-dual four circulant codes, have been shown to be good, also depending on Artin primitive root conjecture in (A. Alahmadi, F. \"Ozdemir, P. Sol\'e, 2017) and ( M. Shi, H. Zhu, P. Sol\'e, 2017) respectively. Building on these recent results, we can show that long cyclic codes are good over \F_q, for many classes of qq's. This is a partial solution to a fifty year old open problem

    Functional Kuppinger-Durisi-B\"{o}lcskei Uncertainty Principle

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    Let X\mathcal{X} be a Banach space. Let {τj}j=1n,{ωk}k=1m⊆X\{\tau_j\}_{j=1}^n, \{\omega_k\}_{k=1}^m\subseteq \mathcal{X} and {fj}j=1n\{f_j\}_{j=1}^n, {gk}k=1m⊆X∗\{g_k\}_{k=1}^m\subseteq \mathcal{X}^* satisfy ∣fj(τj)∣≥1 |f_j(\tau_j)|\geq 1 for all 1≤j≤n 1\leq j \leq n, ∣gk(ωk)∣≥1|g_k(\omega_k)|\geq 1 for all 1≤k≤m1\leq k \leq m. If x∈X∖{0}x \in \mathcal{X}\setminus \{0\} is such that x=θτθfx=θωθgxx=\theta_\tau\theta_f x=\theta_\omega\theta_g x, then we show that \begin{align}\label{FKDB} (1) \quad\quad\quad\quad \|\theta_fx\|_0\|\theta_gx\|_0\geq \frac{\bigg[1-(\|\theta_fx\|_0-1)\max\limits_{1\leq j,r \leq n,j\neq r}|f_j(\tau_r)|\bigg]^+\bigg[1-(\|\theta_g x\|_0-1)\max\limits_{1\leq k,s \leq m,k\neq s}|g_k(\omega_s)|\bigg]^+}{\left(\displaystyle\max_{1\leq j \leq n, 1\leq k \leq m}|f_j(\omega_k)|\right)\left(\displaystyle\max_{1\leq j \leq n, 1\leq k \leq m}|g_k(\tau_j)|\right)}. \end{align} We call Inequality (1) as \textbf{Functional Kuppinger-Durisi-B\"{o}lcskei Uncertainty Principle}. Inequality (1) improves the uncertainty principle obtained by Kuppinger, Durisi and B\"{o}lcskei \textit{[IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (2012)]} (which improved the Donoho-Stark-Elad-Bruckstein uncertainty principle \textit{[SIAM J. Appl. Math. (1989), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (2002)]}). We also derive functional form of the uncertainity principle obtained by Studer, Kuppinger, Pope and B\"{o}lcskei \textit{[EEE Trans. Inform. Theory (2012)]}.Comment: 9 Pages, 0 Figure

    Good cyclic codes and the uncertainty principle

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