14 research outputs found

    “Can you just put your phone away?”: The effects of cell phone use on face-to-face conflict in romantic relationships

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    Effective conflict management is critical for satisfying close relationships, and communication technology is now a fundamental part of conflict management. One way that communication technology may be central to face-to-face (FtF) conflict interactions is by the presence or use of cell phones during conflict interactions. There is empirical evidence for a “mere presence” effect of cell phones on FtF interactions, such that the presence of cell phones is dissatisfying. Existing perspectives also suggest that individuals may be motivated to multitask with communication technology while carrying out a FtF interaction or meeting, but the effects of multitasking in close relationships is less clear. As such, this dissertation investigates the influence of cell phone usage and presence on conflict interactions. Romantic couples in college (n = 64 dyads) had a 10-minute serial argument conversation. Dyads were randomly assigned into a phone absent, phone present, or phone use condition, and one member of the dyad was randomly selected to act as a confederate. Confederates either received messages on their cell phone, were instructed to use their cell phone while trying to resolve the serial argument with their partner, or did not have a cell phone during the interaction. Results provide evidence that cell phone use during a FtF conflict conversation is dissatisfying. In addition, perceptions of technological interference due to confederate cell phone use elicited dissatisfaction, whereas as global ratings of partner interference increased, perceived resolvability decreased for participants in the multicommunication condition. The results offer theoretical and practical implications for effectively managing conflict when cell phones are present or are in use by a romantic partner

    An Affective Events Theory Analysis of Conflict Perception Emergence

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    Popular conceptualizations of conflict conflate conflict perception with other discrete constructs such as disagreement and emotions. This makes research using those conceptualizations difficult to interpret. I invoke affective events theory to describe how constructs conflated with conflict perception, as well as negative prescriptive expectancy violations (EVs), may collectively serve as antecedents to conflict perception. By reconceptualizing conflict perception as an evaluative judgment and distinguishing between episodic (short-term) and global (long-term) conflict perceptions, my model describes how episodic conflict perceptions cumulatively influence global conflict perceptions over time. Two types of events (disagreements and negative prescriptive EVs) were proposed to predict episodic conflict perceptions through motive inconsistent emotions. Disagreements were expected to positively predict episodic conflict perceptions when disagreement outcome favorability is low and negatively predict job satisfaction when disagreement outcome favorability is high. A pilot study provided initial support for the validity of the main study measures. Then, a three-phase longitudinal design was used to collect data from employed undergraduate participants reporting on supervisory relationships. In Phase 1, training for daily surveys was completed. In Phase 2, participants completed ten daily self-report measures of negative prescriptive EVs, disagreements, outcome favorability, emotions, and episodic conflict perceptions. In Phase 3, global conflict perception and job satisfaction were assessed. This method allowed for an examination of multilevel emergence between repeated measures variables at Level 1 (negative prescriptive EVs, disagreements, motive inconsistent emotions, episodic conflict perceptions) and single measures variables at Level 2 (global conflict perception, job satisfaction). Data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel regression. Results generally support the proposed model. However, the nature of the interactions between disagreements and outcome favorability on motive inconsistent emotions, motive consistent emotions, and on job satisfaction were different than expected. Implications and future directions are discussed

    Supportive guidance methods for wiki-based learning and knowledge construction

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    Wikis gelten als besondere Vertreter sozio-technischer Systeme, die zunehmend für die kollaborative Konstruktion von Wissen und darüber hinaus für individuelles und kollaboratives Lernen genutzt werden. Das grundlegende Design von Wiki-Systemen ermöglicht es den Nutzern, Inhalte als Artikel zu generieren und auf zugehörigen Diskussionsseiten ("`Talk Pages"') im Artikelhintergrund über Themen zu diskutieren. Aufbauend auf bestehenden Theorien und gegenwärtiger Forschung zum Wissensaufbau mit Wikis, und darüber hinaus aus dem Bereich des computergestützen kollaborativen Lernens (CSCL), wurden in dieser Dissertation mehrere Effekte auf Prozesse und Ergebnisse untersucht in Bezug auf zusätzliche ergänzende Strukturierungsmaßnahmen für wiki-basiertes Lernen. Konkret konzentrierte sich diese Arbeit auf (1) die Effektivität und Effizienz impliziter Lenkung für Wiki-Talk-Seiten, (2) die Auswirkungen zweier Ansätze von Kollaborationsskripten als explizite Lenkung zur Wissenskonstruktion mit Wikis und (3) die Relevanz spezifischer lernbezogener individueller Unterschiede für kollaboratives Lernen mit Wikis. Insgesamt wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation fünf empirische Studien durchgeführt. Mit Studie 1 wurden die Auswirkungen von visuellen Hervorhebungen kontroverser Argumentationen für Wiki-Diskussionen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse des Experiments zeigten, dass zusätzliche Hervorhebungen für kontroverse Diskussionen sich direkt auf das individuelle Selektions- und Leseverhalten sowie indirekt und in geringerem Maße auf die Lernergebnisse und die Qualität von Wiki-Beiträgen auswirken. In Studie 2 wurde untersucht, ob Visualisierungen von Autorenwissen und Beurteilungen durch die Wiki-Community implizit die Wahrnehmung die Leser von kontroversen Diskussionen in Wikis beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass, wenn zusätzliche Autoreninformationen visualisiert werden, es wahrscheinlicher ist, dass Leser von Wiki-Diskussionen der Argumentation eines angenommenen Experten folgen. In den Studien 3 und 4 wurden die Effekte zweier unterschiedlicher Kollaborationsskript-Ansätze untersucht. Das erste Skript wurde von Wikipedia abgeleitet, während das zweite Skript ein selbst entwickeltes Skript ist, das von empirischen Untersuchungen inspiriert wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der alternative Skriptvorschlag vorteilhafter ist in Bezug auf Perspektivübernahme und Integration widersprüchlicher Belege, sowie für den individuellen Lernerfolg und die Qualität kollaborativ bearbeiteter Artikel. Studie 5 untersuchte die Auswirkungen der Hervorhebungen für kontroverse Diskussionen und des alternativen Kollaborationsskripts im Zusammenspiel mit individuellen Unterschieden des kognitiven Geschlossenheitsbedürfnisses. Dieses Konstrukt ist relevant für das Verständnis, wie Menschen zweideutige Informationen verarbeiten, die in kontroversen Diskussionen zu finden sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Personen mit einem hohen Bedürfnis nach kognitiver Geschlossenheit in Bezug auf den Lernerfolg mehr von den Hervorhebungen für kontroverse Diskussionen als implizite Lenkung profitieren, während Personen mit einem niedrigen Bedürfnis mehr von dem Kollaborationsskript als explizite Lenkung profitieren. Diese Studienreihe erweitert die empirische Basis der Forschung zu wiki-basierter Wissenskonstruktion und Lernprozessen um Untersuchungen zu ergänzenden unterschiedlichen Strukturierungsmaßnahmen und die Berücksichtigung individueller Unterschiede.Wikis are a special representative of socio-technical systems that are increasingly used for the collaborative construction of knowledge and furthermore for individual and collaborative learning. The basic design of wiki systems enables users to generate content as articles and as well to discuss about subject matters on corresponding discussion forums in the article background, the so-called talk pages. Building upon prevailing theories and previous research on knowledge building with wikis, and more broadly computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in general, this dissertation investigated several effects of added supplemental scaffolding measures for wiki-based learning on processes and outcomes. Specifically, this work focused on (1) the effectiveness and efficiency implicit guidance approaches for wiki talk pages, (2) the effects of two distinct collaboration scripts as explicit guidance for knowledge construction with wikis, and (3) the relevance of specific learning-related individual differences for collaborative learning with wikis. Overall, five empirical studies have been conducted as part of this dissertation. Study 1 examined the effects of added controversy awareness highlights for wiki discussions. Results of the experiment showed that added highlights for controversial discussions directly affect individual selection and reading behaviour, as well as indirectly and to a lesser extent the learning outcomes and wiki contribution quality. Study 2 examined whether visualisations of author expertise and community-rating implicitly affect the user perception of controversial discussions in wikis. Results showed that if additional author information is visualised, it is much more likely that readers of wiki discussions follow an assumed expert’s argumentation. Studies 3 and 4 both examined effects of two distinct collaboration script approaches. The first script was derived from Wikipedia, whereas the second script is a self-developed script that was inspired by related empirical research. Results showed that the alternative script proposal is more beneficial for perspective-taking and integration of opposing evidence, as well as for individual learning success and the quality of collaboratively edited articles. Study 5 examined the effects of the controversy awareness highlights and the alternative collaboration script in interaction with individual differences of the Need for Cognitive Closure. This construct is relevant for the understanding of how people process ambiguous information that are likely to be found in controversial discussions. Results showed that persons with a high Need for Cognitive Closure benefit more, in terms of learning success, from the controversy awareness highlights for implicit guidance, whereas persons with a low Need for Cognitive Closure benefit more from the collaboration script as explicit guidance. This study series extends the empirical base of research on wiki-based knowledge construction and learning processes with investigations of supplemental different guidance measures and the consideration of individual differences

    Verbal Aggressiveness in Marriage: Examining the Influence of Empathy and Accountability on the Fundamental Attribution Error

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    This study examined causal attributions made for verbal aggressiveness in marriage relationships. Specifically, empathy and accountability interventions were used to mitigate the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE), or the tendency to underestimate the involvement of situational factors and overestimate the role of dispositional traits in a person’s behavior (Heider, 1958). Other relevant variables were also examined for their association with attributions, including relationship satisfaction, closeness, emotional distress, and severity associated with the verbally aggressive message. An experimental design containing four conditions—accountability, empathy, additive (those who received both accountability and empathy manipulations), and control—was used to assess attributions and perceptions associated with verbal aggressiveness in marriage. Results indicated support for the FAE. Individuals in the control condition made significantly more dispositional attributions for their partners’ aggressive behavior as compared to the other conditions. While the empathy and accountability interventions failed to have a significant influence on causal attributions, individuals who reported greater feelings of empathy toward their partners made significantly more situational attributions and significantly less dispositional attributions for their partners’ aggressive behavior. Relationship satisfaction was also positively related to situational attributions and negatively related to dispositional attributions and to emotional distress associated with the verbally aggressive episode. Emotional distress and relational harm were also positively related, as were severity of episode and relational harm. Similarly, severity of episode and satisfaction were negatively related. Finally, emotional distress and severity of episode were both positively related to dispositional attributions for partners’ aggressive behavior. Results suggest that generating targeted feelings of empathy—rather than general feelings of empathy—may be an effective therapeutic approach for reducing negative reciprocity in verbal aggressive encounters. Additional practical implications involving relationship satisfaction, emotional distress, severity of episode, relational harm, and causal attributions are discussed

    Corporate brand architecture in cross-border mergers and acquisitions

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    Crossborder merger and acquisition (CBM&A) is a dynamic and sustainable competitive strategy. However, the related issue of corporate brand architecture (CBA) has been emphasized to a limited extent in the last five decades of CBM&A studies. Consequently, this research endeavors to scrutinize the antecedents and performance of functionally effective CBA standardization in the postCBM&A phase. This study develops a theoretical framework based on the ResourceBased View and Industrial Organization theory in view of the StructureConductPerformance model. A web survey was conducted based on 124 acquiring companies in 29 countries that were engaged in CBM&A deals between 1990 and 2014. The PLSSEM method was applied to analyze the survey data using SmartPLS professional version 3. The empirical findings show that the firm’s intangible and strategic resources – such as the acquirer’s stronger brand management system, corporate reputation, corporate brand power and acquisition motives (i.e., global presence and extension of sales opportunities) – lead to a high degree of CBA standardization, while the stronger customerbased equity of the target yields a low degree of such standardization. Also, market orientation has a positive impact on the brand management system. Market factors such as the micro and macro environmental distance lead to a high degree of CBA standardization, while the acquirer’s country brand equity indirectly influences the high degree of CBA standardization through brand management system and corporate reputation. Remarkably, competitive intensity has no effect on CBA standardization. Moreover, a high degree of CBA standardization yields superior financial performance indirectly through synergistic competitive advantage and market performance in postCBM&A. Particularly, market performance has a substantial direct effect on financial performance compared to synergistic competitive advantage. This study suggests that the acquirer’s executives should sequentially apply firm and marketlevel factors such as brand management system, corporate reputation, corporate brand power, low customerbased equity of the target, micro and macro environmental distance, country brand equity, and acquisition motives to achieve an optimum degree of CBA standardization in postCBM&A. Similarly, the synergistic competitive advantage and market performance should be regarded sequentially as well to achieve superior financial performance in terms of the degree of CBA standardization. It is deemed that the findings as a whole establish a framework for the practice of corporate brand architecture in postCBM&A.Kansainvälinen fuusio ja yritysosto (CBM&A) on dynaaminen ja kestävä kilpailustrategia. Siihen liittyvää kysymystä yrityksen brändiarkkitehtuurista (CBA) ei kuitenkaan ole painotettu riittävästi CBM&A:ta koskevassa tutkimuksessa viimeisten viiden vuosikymmenen aikana. Tämä väitöstutkimus pyrkiikin selvittämään brändiarkkitehtuurin tehokkaan standardoinnin lähtökohtia ja tuloksia fuusion tai yrityskaupan jälkeisessä tilanteessa. Tutkimuksessa kehitetään resurssiperustaiseen näkemykseen (RVB) ja teollisen organisaation (IO) teoriaan pohjautuva teoreettinen viitekehys yrityksen kilpailutilannetta arvioivan SCPmallin (StructureConductPerformance) näkökulmasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin tekemällä verkkokysely 124:lle yritysjärjestelyissä vuosien 1990–2014 aikana mukana olleelle yritykselle 29 maassa. Tulokset analysoitiin käyttämällä osittaisten pienimpien neliösummien ja rakenneyhtälömallinnusta (PLSSEM) SmartPLS professional ohjelmiston versiolla 3. Empiirisen tulokset osoittavat, että yrityksen resurssit, kuten esimerkiksi ostajan vahvemmat brändijohtamisjärjestelmät, yrityksen maine, yrityksen brändin voima ja ostomotiivit – vaikuttavat positiivisesti brändiarkkitehtuurin korkeaan standardointiasteeseen. Toisaalta ostokohteen vahvempi asiakaslähtöinen brändin pääoma johtaa matalampaan standardointiasteeseen. Myös markkina¬orientoituneisuudella on positiivinen vaikutus brändin johtamisjärjestelmiin. Markkinatekijöillä kuten myyjän ja ostokohteen mikro ja makroympäristöjen etäisyydellä on positiivinen vaikutus brändiarkkitehtuurin standardointiin. Tästä huolimatta ostajan maan brändipääoma vaikuttaa epäsuorasti standardoinnin asteeseen brändijohtamisjärjestelmien ja yrityksen maineen kautta. Yllättävää kyllä, kilpailuintensiteetillä ei ollut vaikutusta standardointiin. Tämän lisäksi korkea standardointiaste johtaa epäsuorasti synergististen kilpailuetujen ja yrityksen markkinoilla menestymisen kautta parempaan taloudelliseen tulokseen yritysjärjestelyn jälkeisessä tilanteessa. Erityisesti markkkinoilla menestymisellä on tuntuva suora vaikutus taloudelliseen tulokseen synergistiseen kilpailuetuun verrattuna. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan ostajan johtajien tulisi järjestelmällisesti käyttää yritys ja markkinatason tekijöitä kuten brändin johtamisjärjestelmiä, yrityksen mainetta, yrityksen brändivoimaa, ostokohteen matalaa asiakaslähtöistä brändipääomaa, mikro ja makroympäristön etäisyyttä, maan brändipääomaa ja ostomotiiveita päästäkseen tehokkaaseen brändiarkkitehtuurin standardisointiin yritysoston tai fuusion jälkeisessä tilanteessa. Samalla tavoin synergististä kilpailuetua ja markkinatulosta tulisi tarkastella säännöllisesti, jotta brändiarkkitehtuurin standardisoinnin kautta voitaisiin saavuttaa taloudellista menestystä. Kokonaisuudessaan tulokset muodostavat viitekehyksen yritysoston tai fuusion jälkeiselle brändiarkkitehtuurin soveltamiselle.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Historical Epistemology of the Concept of Virulence: Molecular, Ecological, and Evolutionary Perspectives on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the 19th and 20th Century

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    This thesis focuses on the trajectory of the biomedical concept of virulence from 1880 until the present. Following the concept across disciplinary boundaries, from a longue durée history perspective, it explores how virulence was shaped through two distinct, although sometimes overlapping, “styles of reasoning”. Located at the intersection of several distinct research domains in biology and medicine, the concept of virulence provides, in addition, a window into the complex and changing relations between evolutionary biology and the health sciences (broadly construed) over the past two centuries. Moving back and forth between field experiments and the laboratory, this work examines, through the lens of historical epistemology, the emergence of what I call the molecular and the ecological styles, and their respective conceptual practices. It focuses on the ways in which these styles operationalize the distinction between virulent or avirulent organisms in sometimes opposite sense: Whereas in the molecular (or endogenous) style the expression of virulence is explained by properties of internal structures of the infectious agent (e.g. polysaccharide capsule, virulence gene, or pathogenicity island), the concept of virulence in the ecological (or exogenous) style reflects, in contrast, either a lack of adaptation between two species (avirulence hypothesis) or the existence of one or more ecological compromises between, say, the mode of transmission of a pathogen and its host’s recovery rate (trade-off model). Both styles can be said to originate in the medical bacteriology of the late-nineteenth century, but while the former grew mostly out of the work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in Europe, the latter was primarily shaped by Theobald Smith in the United States. Nearly a century later, the introduction of the category of emerging infectious disease within public health discourses in the mid-1990s facilitated a rapprochement between the two styles that had, so far, remained apart. Employing the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic as an example in which to illustrate the trajectory of the molecular and the ecological approaches, the diversity of explanatory schemes developed to account for the pandemic’s exceptional virulence points toward an unresolved, and yet productive, epistemic tension between the two styles, on the one hand, and the intrinsic polarity of the concept of virulence itself, on the other

    The Times of Deleuze: An Analysis of Deleuze's Concept of Temporality Through Reference to Ontology, Aesthetics, and Political Philosophy

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    I analyze Deleuze’s concept of temporality in terms of its ontology and axiological (political and aesthetic) aspects. For Deleuze, the concept of temporality is non-monolithic, in the senses that it is modified throughout his works — the monographs, lectures, and those works that were co-authored with Félix Guattari — and that it is developed through reference to a dizzying array of concepts, thinkers, artistic works, and social phenomena. I observe that Deleuze’s concept of temporality involves a complex ontology of difference, which I elaborate through reference to Deleuze’s analyses of Ancient Greek and Stoic conceptualizations of time. From Plato through to Chrysippus, temporality gradually comes to be identified as a form that comprehends the variation of particulars. Deleuze modifies the ancients’ concept of time to suggest that time obtains as a form of ceaseless ontological variation. Through reference to Deleuze’s reading of Gilbert Simondon, I further suggest that Deleuze tends to conceive of temporality as an ontogenetic force which participates in the complex process of individuation. A standout feature of this dissertation involves an analysis of how Deleuze’s concept of temporality is modified in his works on cinema. In Cinema 1: The Movement-Image and Cinema 2: The Time-Image, temporality comes to be characterized as something other than the measure of the movement of existents. In his detailed analyses of Bergson — in Cinema 1: The Movement-Image, Cinema 2: The Time-Image, and Bergsonism — Deleuze suggests that time involves an actualization of aspects of a virtual past as contemporaneous with the lived present. While not an outright denial of the relation of temporal succession, Deleuze’s claim implies a diminishment of this relation’s significance in an adequate elaboration of the nature of temporality. Further, I observe —through reference to Deleuze’s readings of Marx, Kierkegaard, and Spinoza — that (the explicitly temporal) change of societal forms of economic organization is non-reducible to that suggested by linear evolution. The claim is that putatively discrete modes of economic organization do not enjoy temporal displacement with respect to one another. This suggests that linear evolutionary models of societal development are inadequate. This further implies that temporality is non-reducible to the relation of temporal succession. In concrete terms, societal change is characterized as immanent temporal variation. Taken together, these analyses yield the conclusion that Deleuze tends to conceive of the nature of temporality as involving the ongoing realization of multiple — non-identical, sometimes contrary — aspects of a stochastic process of creation that is expressed in ontogenetic circumstances, social evolution, literary works, and filmic works

    A Corporative Theory of Corporate Law and Governance

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    This book investigates how a corporation, as a legal entity with certain specific attributes, but lacking human form, can take action in the “real world” of human activity. It contends that a corporation must take such action through, and by means of, an organization, both inside and outside its “corporate” legal limits, consisting of real individual persons and groups of persons. The corporation thus presents itself both as a legal entity assuming the legal form of a corporation and as a social entity taking the form of an organization. One form overlays the other. Those with whom it has legal relations, its legal counterparties, are also, in respect of its organization, participants in that organization. This theory of, or perspective on, the corporation and its governance is explicated here as “corporative”. The corporation comes into being, is situated, participates, and is “embedded”, in a complex sociopolitical-economic environment, which includes its legal counterparties and organizational participants. In addition to shareholders, they include employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, local, regional, and national communities, polities and governments, and non-governmental and other organizations, including those whose objectives include the environment, sustainability, governance, and social responsibility. Despite arguments from advocates of shareholder primacy and maximizing shareholder value, neither the corporation nor any of its participants, including shareholders, have any single objective. Instead, such participants have a variety of objectives which may be consistent to varying degrees with those of each other and with those of the corporation. However, the prosperity and well-being of corporations and their organizational participants, and the groups and other organizations of which organizational participants are members, at a macro-level, are, in many ways, interdependent. Today, prompted by various concerns (including the environment, sustainability, technology, changes in employment and other economic engagement patterns, and increasing income disparities), corporations, industry groups and NGOs, like governments, educational institutions, and other organizations, are facing challenges to the continued viability of contemporary capitalism and of its paradigmatic vehicle, the corporation. Addressing these challenges requires that corporations be considered in the context of the complex socio-political-economic environment in which they are situated and of which they partake. Drawing on analysis of corporate statutes and other relevant law, and historical, social, political, economic, organizational, business, and other theory, information and analysis, this work elucidates the corporative theory of, or perspective on, the corporation. It outlines how this might be applied in analyzing the corporation and its governance from a legal perspective. It illustrates how organizational participants may, and do, influence the behaviour of the relevant corporations; and how corporations may, and do, influence the behaviour of organizational participants. This contributes to understanding how such relationships may be employed, not only to “save” capitalism and the corporation, but to advance common interests in human prosperity, happiness, meaning, and even simple sustenance

    A Corporative Theory of Corporate Law and Governance

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    ABSTRACT This book investigates how a corporation, as a legal entity with certain specific attributes, but lacking human form, can take action in the real world of human activity. It contends that a corporation must take such action through, and by means of, an organization, both inside and outside its corporate legal limits, consisting of real individual persons and groups of persons. The corporation thus presents itself both as a legal entity assuming the legal form of a corporation and as a social entity taking the form of an organization. One form overlays the other. Those with whom it has legal relations, its legal counterparties, are also, in respect of its organization, participants in that organization. This theory of, or perspective on, the corporation and its governance is explicated here as corporative. The corporation comes into being, is situated, participates, and is embedded, in a complex sociopolitical-economic environment, which includes its legal counterparties and organizational participants. In addition to shareholders, they include employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, local, regional, and national communities, polities and governments, and non-governmental and other organizations, including those whose objectives include the environment, sustainability, governance, and social responsibility. Despite arguments from advocates of shareholder primacy and maximizing shareholder value, neither the corporation nor any of its participants, including shareholders, have any single objective. Instead, such participants have a variety of objectives which may be consistent to varying degrees with those of each other and with those of the corporation. However, the prosperity and well-being of corporations and their organizational participants, and the groups and other organizations of which organizational participants are members, at a macro-level, are, in many ways, interdependent. Today, prompted by various concerns (including the environment, sustainability, technology, changes in employment and other economic engagement patterns, and increasing income disparities), corporations, industry groups and NGOs, like governments, educational institutions, and other organizations, are facing challenges to the continued viability of contemporary capitalism and of its paradigmatic vehicle, the corporation. Addressing these challenges requires that corporations be considered in the context of the complex socio-political-economic environment in which they are situated and of which they partake. Drawing on analysis of corporate statutes and other relevant law, and historical, social, political, economic, organizational, business, and other theory, information and analysis, this work elucidates the corporative theory of, or perspective on, the corporation. It outlines how this might be applied in analyzing the corporation and its governance from a legal perspective. It illustrates how organizational participants may, and do, influence the behaviour of the relevant corporations; and how corporations may, and do, influence the behaviour of organizational participants. This contributes to understanding how such relationships may be employed, not only to save capitalism and the corporation, but to advance common interests in human prosperity, happiness, meaning, and even simple sustenance