47 research outputs found

    Glueballs and the Pomeron

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    We present our latest results on the glueball spectrum of SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions for spins ranging from 0 to 6 inclusive, as well as preliminary results for SU(3) in 3+1 dimensions. Simple glueball models and the relation of the even-spin spectrum to the 'Pomeron' are discussed.Comment: LAT03 proceedings (spectrum), 3 pages, 3 figures, talk by H.Meye

    Semiclassical strings on confining backgrounds

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    This paper discusses some results on semiclassical string configurations lying in the IR sector of supergravity backgrounds dual to confining gauge theories. On the gauge theory side, the string states we analyse correspond to Wilson loops, glueballs and KK-hadrons. The 1-loop correction to the classical energy is never subleading, but can be viewed as a coupling dependent rescaling of the dimensionful parameters of the theory.Comment: 11 pages, contribution for the proceedings of the RTN Workshop, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 5-10 Sep 200

    Holographic Description of Glueball and Baryon in Noncommutative Dipole Gauge Theory

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    We study the glueball spectrum in the supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric 4D non-commutative dipole gauge theory from the holographic description. We adopt the semiclassical WKB approximation to solve the dilaton and antisymmetric tensor field equations on the dual supergravity backgrounds to find the analytic formula of the spectrum of 0++0^{++} and 1−−1^{--} glueballs, respectively. In the supersymmetric theory we see that the dipole length plays the intrinsic scale which reflects the discrete spectrum therein. In the non-supersymmetric theory, the temperature (or the radius of compactification) in there will now play the intrinsic scale and we see that the dipole has an effect to produce attractive force between the gluons within the glueball. We also study the confining force between the quarks within the baryon via strings that hang into the dipole deformed AdS geometry and see that the dipole could also produce an attractive force between the quarks. In particular, we find that the baryon has two phases in which a big baryon is dual to the static string while a small baryon is described by a moving dual string .Comment: Latex 18 page

    Glueballs and the Pomeron

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    Glueballs are considered to be bound states of constituent gluons. Relativistic wave equation for two massive gluons interacting by the funnel-type potential is analyzed. Using two exact asymptotic solutions of the equation, we derive an interpolating mass formula and calculate glueball masses in agreement with the lattice data. We obtain the complex non-linear Pomeron trajectory, αP(t)\alpha_P(t), in the whole region of tt. The real part of the trajectory corresponds to the soft Pomeron, parameters of which are found from the fit of recent HERA data.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; The X international school-seminar on the actual problems of microword physics Gomel (Belarus), July 15-16, 200

    The Holographic Models of the scalar sector of QCD

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    We investigate the AdS/QCD duality for the two-point correlation functions of the lowest dimension scalar meson and scalar glueball operators, in the case of the Soft Wall holographic model of QCD. Masses and decay constants as well as gluon condensates are compared to their QCD estimates. In particular, the role of the boundary conditions for the bulk-to-boundary propagators is emphasized.Comment: Invited talk at the 5th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics QNP'09, Beijing, China, 21-26 September 2009. To be published in Chinese Physics