1,774 research outputs found

    Offshoring and Its Effects on the Labour Market and Productivity: A Survey of Recent Literature

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    Offshoring has become an increasingly prominent aspect of the globalization process. Evidence over the past two decades suggests that offshoring has not exerted a noticeable impact on overall employment and earnings growth in advanced economies, but it has likely contributed to shifting the demand for labour towards higher-skilled jobs. There appear to be some positive effects of offshoring on productivity, but such effects differ by country.

    Unraveling the Shift to the Entrepreneurial Economy

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    A major shift in the organization of developed economies has been taking place: away from what has been characterized as the managed economy towards the entrepreneurial economy, or what Kirchhoff (1994) has called dynamic capitalism. In particular, the empirical evidence provides consistent support that (1) the role of entrepreneurship has significantly increased, and (2) a positive relationship exists between entrepreneurial activity and economic performance. However, the factors underlying this observed shift have not been identified in a systematic manner. The purpose of this paper is to suggest some of the factors leading to this shift and implications for public policy. In particular, we find that technological change is a fundamental catalyst underlying the shift from the managed to the entrepreneurial economy. However, it was not just technological change but rather involved a multitude of factors, ranging from the demise of the communist system, increased globalization, new competition for multinational firms and higher levels of prosperity. Recognition of the causes of the shift from the managed to the entrepreneurial economy implies a shift in public policy directions. Rather than to focus of directly and exclusively on promoting new firms and small firms, it may be that the current approach to entrepreneurship policy is misguided. The priority should not be on entrepreneurship policy but rather a more pervasive and encompassing approach, policy consistent with an entrepreneurial economy.

    Growing Income Inequalities in Advanced

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    In this paper, we survey the literature that studies the issue of growing inequalities in advanced countries (the North). We firstly unveil the main facts concerning widening inequality in the North and we underlie the differences between countries and groups of countries. We put forward the concomitance of the rise in inequality with three key developments that are the three major explanations given to growing inequality : globalization, skill biased technological progress and institutional changes. We finally expose the mechanisms behind each explanation and examine the results of the empirical works that attempt to appraise their respective impacts. The overall diagnosis is that the three explanations are valid but (i) their weight may substantially differ across countries and sectors, and (ii) they interact in the determination of inequality

    R&D offshoring and the domestic science base in India and China

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    This paper uses patent and publication data to assess the nature of technological advantages that are attracting R&D offshoring and outsourcing activities to India and China and the possible consequences of such R&D offshoring in increasing domestic innovative capability and building domestic research infrastructure. We find evidence that domestic patenting is concentrated in sectors that are different from sectors of R&D offshoring. Furthermore, whilst the domestic science base (as measured by publications data) in India and China shows strong complementarities in its specialisation profile to that in the US, our data also suggest that the location of international R&D activity in these economies from 1995 may not have strengthened the science base of these economies. Foreign patenting activities in India and China are also marked by a low attachment to the science base.R&D offshoring/internationalisation, Science base, Emerging economies, India and China

    Different competences, different modes in the globalization of innovation?. A comparative study of the Pune and Beijing regions

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    Since the seminal work of Archibugi and Michie (1995) on the globalization of innovation, several authors have tried to understand the complex relationship between innovation and internationalization, mainly using firm or sectoral level data. However, most of them tend to focus on just one form of globalization of innovation – exploitation of technology, research collaboration or offshoring of R&D – and often One traditional indicator of innovation, like patents or R&D investments, thus ignoring the complexity of the phenomenon. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the interplay of the micro characteristics of firms, the region in which they are embedded and different forms of globalization of innovation. Our paper is based on three distinct modes of globalization of innovation: global exploitation of innovation, global sourcing of technology and global research collaboration, thus adapting Archibugi and Michie’s taxonomy to a developing country context. We then use this taxonomy to explore empirically the linkages of firm-level competences, the nature of the international activities and the region in which the firms are located: Pune in India and Beijing in China. We use primary data on the two regions to show that the Pune region is specialized in the three types of globalization of innovation, and in particular in the exploitation of innovation more than Beijing. A deeper analysis of the micro characteristics of the firms shows that the three modes of globalization of innovation are associated to different competences. Firms with technological and organizational competences show a higher propensity to develop international linkages, while firms with a high level of educated human resources seems to focus more on the domestic market.globalization; innovation; regions; competences; China; India

    DIPL 4555 AA/AB Economic Aspects of International Affairs

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    This course provides upper level undergraduates in International Relations with the key economic principles to understand the causes and consequences of international flow of goods, services, investment, and people. The first half of the semester covers the basic trade theories to explain why nations trade, what and with whom they trade, and who within a country gains and loses from trade. Next, we explore the international movement of labor (migration) and capital (foreign direct investment) as alternatives to conventional trade in goods and services. Finally, we will analyze national motives for regulation in cross-border flows of trade, capital and labor, and the effects of these policies on economic welfare. The course will address current national and international debates such as: Does trade cost jobs and increase wage inequality? Should developing countries liberalize trade? Does the US benefit from the TPP? Should we globalize labour markets

    From pyramids to diamonds: legal process offshoring, employment systems, and labor markets for lawyers in the United States and India

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    In this article, the authors argue that offshoring of legal work from the United States has contributed to the fracturing of the longestablished internal labor market arrangements in large U.S. law firms. Drawing on evidence from the United States and India on legal employment, the growth of offshoring, and the rapidly changing nature of work that is offshored, the authors contend that the changes in employment systems in law firms are likely to be permanent, in contrast to other researchers who suggest they are temporary adjustments to the financial crisis. As U.S. law firms are dismantling their internal labor market systems, Indian law firms are partially recreating them

    The Role of Technological Complexity and Absorptive Capacity in Internalization Decision

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    Technology transfer costs have a profound influence on the firm’s entry mode into a production sharing relationship. To explore this nexus, we associate technological complexity of the off-shored input with the organizational mode of international production sharing by extending the Antràs (2005) model. We modify the Antràs model by proposing that the low-tech input, as qualified within the model, cannot be produced in the low wage south without costly technology transfer. The cost of technology transfer in turn depends on three factors, which are the technological complexity of this input, the absorptive capacity of the host country and the wages of the host country. Our model refines the results obtained in Antràs (2005). We find that 1. For high-tech goods, intra-firm transfer is preferred vis-à-vis outsourcing only for intermediate range of technological complexity of the off-shored input, 2. On the other hand, for low-tech goods, where the likelihood of outsourcing is higher in Antràs, intra-firm offshore contract is still possible for low range of technological complexity. Our model has policy suggestions for host countries which aspire to maximize their benefits from the exploding global production phenomenon. As the wage gap between the source and the host country falls, cost considerations for offshoring disappear. New sources of comparative advantage should therefore be created in the host country by subsidizing technology investment and higher education to build higher absorptive capacity.Outsourcing, Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Transfer, Absorptive Capacity.