76,512 research outputs found

    Hybrid - Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution for Reduction of Real Power Loss and Preservation of Voltage Stability Limits

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    In this paper, a Hybrid algorithm based on - Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE) is used for solving reactive power dispatch problem. It needs progressing the population to create the individual optimal positions by means of the PSO algorithm, and then the algorithm come in DE phase and progresses the individual optimal positions by smearing the DE algorithm. In order to comprehend co-evolution of DE and PSO algorithm, an information-sharing mechanism is presented, which progresses the capability of the algorithm to fence out of the local optimum. Additionally, in optimization procedure, we espouse the hybrid inertia weight stratagem, time-varying acceleration coefficients tactic and arbitrary scaling factor stratagem. The proposed Hybrid algorithm based on - Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution (H-PSDE) has been tested on standard IEEE 30, 57,118 bus test systems and simulation results show clearly about the better performance of the proposed algorithm in reducing the real power loss. Keywords:Optimal Reactive Power; Transmission loss; Particle Swarm Optimization; Differential Evolution; Global Search; Local Search; Inertia Weight

    A Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Design Optimization Problems with Discrete Variables

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    Real-world computationally expensive design optimization problems with discrete variables pose challenges to surrogate-based optimization methods in terms of both efficiency and search ability. In this paper, a new method is introduced, called surrogate model-aware differential evolution with neighbourhood exploration, which has two phases. The first phase adopts a surrogate-based optimization method based on efficient surrogate model-aware search framework, the goal of which is to reach at least the neighbourhood of the global optimum. In the second phase, a neighbourhood exploration method for discrete variables is developed and collaborates with the first phase to further improve the obtained solutions. Empirical studies on various benchmark problems and a real-world network-on-chip design optimization problem show the combined advantages in terms of efficiency and search ability: when only a very limited number of exact evaluations are allowed, the proposed method is not slower than one of the most efficient methods for the targeted problem; when more evaluations are allowed, the proposed method can obtain results with comparable quality compared to standard differential evolution, but it requires only 1% to 30% of exact function evaluations

    A Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Computationally Expensive Design Optimization Problems with Discrete Variables

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    Real-world computationally expensive design optimization problems with discrete variables pose challenges to surrogate-based optimization methods in terms of both efficiency and search ability. In this paper, a new method is introduced, called surrogate model-aware differential evolution with neighbourhood exploration, which has two phases. The first phase adopts a surrogate-based optimization method based on efficient surrogate model-aware search framework, the goal of which is to reach at least the neighbourhood of the global optimum. In the second phase, a neighbourhood exploration method for discrete variables is developed and collaborates with the first phase to further improve the obtained solutions. Empirical studies on various benchmark problems and a real-world network-on-chip design optimization problem show the combined advantages in terms of efficiency and search ability: when only a very limited number of exact evaluations are allowed, the proposed method is not slower than one of the most efficient methods for the targeted problem; when more evaluations are allowed, the proposed method can obtain results with comparable quality compared to standard differential evolution, but it requires only 1% to 30% of exact function evaluations

    An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Numerical Optimization Problems

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    The differential evolution algorithm has gained popularity for solving complex optimization problems because of its simplicity and efficiency. However, it has several drawbacks, such as a slow convergence rate, high sensitivity to the values of control parameters, and the ease of getting trapped in local optima. In order to overcome these drawbacks, this paper integrates three novel strategies into the original differential evolution. First, a population improvement strategy based on a multi-level sampling mechanism is used to accelerate convergence and increase the diversity of the population. Second, a new self-adaptive mutation strategy balances the exploration and exploitation abilities of the algorithm by dynamically determining an appropriate value of the mutation parameters; this improves the search ability and helps the algorithm escape from local optima when it gets stuck. Third, a new selection strategy guides the search to avoid local optima. Twelve benchmark functions of different characteristics are used to validate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs significantly better than the original DE in terms of the ability to locate the global optimum, convergence speed, and scalability. In addition, the proposed algorithm is able to find the global optimal solutions on 8 out of 12 benchmark functions, while 7 other well-established metaheuristic algorithms, namely NBOLDE, ODE, DE, SaDE, JADE, PSO, and GA, can obtain only 6, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, and 1 functions, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-014 Full Text: PD

    A general framework of multi-population methods with clustering in undetectable dynamic environments

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEETo solve dynamic optimization problems, multiple population methods are used to enhance the population diversity for an algorithm with the aim of maintaining multiple populations in different sub-areas in the fitness landscape. Many experimental studies have shown that locating and tracking multiple relatively good optima rather than a single global optimum is an effective idea in dynamic environments. However, several challenges need to be addressed when multi-population methods are applied, e.g., how to create multiple populations, how to maintain them in different sub-areas, and how to deal with the situation where changes can not be detected or predicted. To address these issues, this paper investigates a hierarchical clustering method to locate and track multiple optima for dynamic optimization problems. To deal with undetectable dynamic environments, this paper applies the random immigrants method without change detection based on a mechanism that can automatically reduce redundant individuals in the search space throughout the run. These methods are implemented into several research areas, including particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, and differential evolution. An experimental study is conducted based on the moving peaks benchmark to test the performance with several other algorithms from the literature. The experimental results show the efficiency of the clustering method for locating and tracking multiple optima in comparison with other algorithms based on multi-population methods on the moving peaks benchmark