2,763 research outputs found

    Average Consensus in the Presence of Delays and Dynamically Changing Directed Graph Topologies

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    Classical approaches for asymptotic convergence to the global average in a distributed fashion typically assume timely and reliable exchange of information between neighboring components of a given multi-component system. These assumptions are not necessarily valid in practical settings due to varying delays that might affect transmissions at different times, as well as possible changes in the underlying interconnection topology (e.g., due to component mobility). In this work, we propose protocols to overcome these limitations. We first consider a fixed interconnection topology (captured by a - possibly directed - graph) and propose a discrete-time protocol that can reach asymptotic average consensus in a distributed fashion, despite the presence of arbitrary (but bounded) delays in the communication links. The protocol requires that each component has knowledge of the number of its outgoing links (i.e., the number of components to which it sends information). We subsequently extend the protocol to also handle changes in the underlying interconnection topology and describe a variety of rather loose conditions under which the modified protocol allows the components to reach asymptotic average consensus. The proposed algorithms are illustrated via examples.Comment: 37 page

    Output consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown control directions

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    In this paper, we consider an output consensus problem for a general class of nonlinear multi-agent systems without a prior knowledge of the agents' control directions. Two distributed Nussbaumtype control laws are proposed to solve the leaderless and leader-following adaptive consensus for heterogeneous multiple agents. Examples and simulations are given to verify their effectivenessComment: 10 pages;2 figure

    Synchronisation of linear continuous multi-agent systems with switching topology and communication delay

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    A distributed dynamic output feedback control is designed by Scardovi and Sepulchre for the synchronization of a network of identical linear systems, known as agents in literature. The design is based on some mild conditions allowing switching topology. But it assumes that there is no time delay in signal transfer between the neighbouring agents. In this paper we extend their work to include known time delay in communications. Furthermore, our design has some special features: (a) the delay can be arbitrary and only need to be uniformly bounded by a constant, (b) the conditions that time delay should be the same and sufficiently small in some literature are not required here, and (c) no local buffer is required to store past data due to time-delay effect

    Effects of Delay on the Functionality of Large-scale Networks

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    Networked systems are common across engineering and the physical sciences. Examples include the Internet, coordinated motion of multi-agent systems, synchronization phenomena in nature etc. Their robust functionality is important to ensure smooth operation in the presence of uncertainty and unmodelled dynamics. Many such networked systems can be viewed under a unified optimization framework and several approaches to assess their nominal behaviour have been developed. In this paper, we consider what effect multiple, non-commensurate (heterogeneous) communication delays can have on the functionality of large-scale networked systems with nonlinear dynamics. We show that for some networked systems, the structure of the delayed dynamics allows functionality to be retained for arbitrary communication delays, even for switching topologies under certain connectivity conditions; whereas in other cases the loop gains have to be compensated for by the delay size, in order to render functionality delay-independent for arbitrary network sizes. Consensus reaching in multi-agent systems and stability of network congestion control for the Internet are used as examples. The differences and similarities of the two cases are explained in detail, and the application of the methodology to other technological and physical networks is discussed

    Matrix Representation of Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Directed Graphs

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    This paper presents a proof of correctness of an iterative approximate Byzantine consensus (IABC) algorithm for directed graphs. The iterative algorithm allows fault- free nodes to reach approximate conensus despite the presence of up to f Byzantine faults. Necessary conditions on the underlying network graph for the existence of a correct IABC algorithm were shown in our recent work [15, 16]. [15] also analyzed a specific IABC algorithm and showed that it performs correctly in any network graph that satisfies the necessary condition, proving that the necessary condition is also sufficient. In this paper, we present an alternate proof of correctness of the IABC algorithm, using a familiar technique based on transition matrices [9, 3, 17, 19]. The key contribution of this paper is to exploit the following observation: for a given evolution of the state vector corresponding to the state of the fault-free nodes, many alternate state transition matrices may be chosen to model that evolution cor- rectly. For a given state evolution, we identify one approach to suitably "design" the transition matrices so that the standard tools for proving convergence can be applied to the Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm as well. In particular, the transition matrix for each iteration is designed such that each row of the matrix contains a large enough number of elements that are bounded away from 0
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