20 research outputs found

    Automatic and Accurate Classification of Hotel Bathrooms from Images with Deep Learning

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    Hotel bathrooms are one of the most important places in terms of customer satisfaction, and where the most complaints are reported. To share their experiences, guests rate hotels, comment, and share images of their positive or negative ratings. An important part of the room images shared by guests is related to bathrooms. Guests tend to prove their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the bathrooms with images in their comments. These Positive or negative comments and visuals potentially affect the prospective guests. In this study, two different versions of a deep learning algorithm were designed to classify hotel bathrooms as satisfactory (good) or unsatisfactory (bad, when any defects such as dirtiness, deficiencies, malfunctions were present) by analyzing images. The best-performer between the two models was determined as a result of a series of extensive experimental studies. The models were trained for each of 144 combinations of 5 hyper-parameter sets with a data set containing more than 11 thousand bathroom images, specially created for this study. The "HotelBath" data set was shared also with the community with this study. Four different image sizes were taken into consideration: 128, 256, 512 and 1024 pixels in both directions. The classification performances of the models were measured with several metrics. Both algorithms showed very attractive performances even with many combinations of hyper-parameters. They can classify bathroom images with very high accuracy. Suh that the top algorithm achieved an accuracy of 92.4% and an AUC (area under the curve) score of 0.967. In addition, other metrics also proved the success..

    Unwrapping black box models: a case study in credit risk

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    The past two decades have witnessed the rapid development of machine learning techniques, which have proven to be powerful tools for the construction of predictive models, such as those used in credit risk management. A considerable volume of published work has looked at the utility of machine learning for this purpose, the increased predictive capacities delivered and how new types of data can be exploited. However, these benefits come at the cost of increased complexity, which may render the models uninterpretable. To overcome this issue a new field has emerged under the name of explainable artificial intelligence, with numerous tools being proposed to gain an insight into the inner workings of these models. This type of understanding is fundamental in credit risk in order to ensure compliance with the existing regulatory requirements and to comprehend the factors driving the predictions and their macro-economic implications. This paper studies the effectiveness of some of the most widely-used interpretability techniques on a neural network trained on real data. These techniques are found to be useful for understanding the model, even though some limitations have been encountered.En las dos últimas décadas se ha observado un rápido desarrollo de las técnicas de aprendizaje automático, que han demostrado ser herramientas muy potentes para elaborar modelos de predicción, como los utilizados en la gestión del riesgo de crédito. En un volumen considerable de trabajos publicados se analizan la utilidad del aprendizaje automático para este fin, las mayores capacidades predictivas que ofrece y la forma en la que se pueden explotar nuevos tipos de datos. Sin embargo, estas ventajas llevan aparejada una mayor complejidad, que puede imposibilitar la interpretación de los modelos. Para solventar este punto ha surgido un nuevo campo de investigación, denominado «inteligencia artificial explicable» (del inglés explicable artificial intelligence), en el que se proponen numerosas herramientas para obtener información relativa al funcionamiento interno de estos modelos. Este tipo de conocimiento es fundamental en materia de riesgo de crédito para garantizar que se cumplen los requerimientos regulatorios existentes y para comprender los factores determinantes de las predicciones y sus implicaciones macroeconómicas. En este artículo se estudia la eficacia de algunas de las técnicas de interpretabilidad más utilizadas en una red neuronal entrenada con datos reales. Estas técnicas se consideran útiles para la comprensión del modelo, pese a que se han detectado algunas limitaciones

    Explainable AI for Interpretable Credit Scoring

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    With the ever-growing achievements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the recent boosted enthusiasm in Financial Technology (FinTech), applications such as credit scoring have gained substantial academic interest. Credit scoring helps financial experts make better decisions regarding whether or not to accept a loan application, such that loans with a high probability of default are not accepted. Apart from the noisy and highly imbalanced data challenges faced by such credit scoring models, recent regulations such as the `right to explanation' introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) have added the need for model interpretability to ensure that algorithmic decisions are understandable and coherent. An interesting concept that has been recently introduced is eXplainable AI (XAI), which focuses on making black-box models more interpretable. In this work, we present a credit scoring model that is both accurate and interpretable. For classification, state-of-the-art performance on the Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) and Lending Club (LC) Datasets is achieved using the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model. The model is then further enhanced with a 360-degree explanation framework, which provides different explanations (i.e. global, local feature-based and local instance-based) that are required by different people in different situations. Evaluation through the use of functionallygrounded, application-grounded and human-grounded analysis show that the explanations provided are simple, consistent as well as satisfy the six predetermined hypotheses testing for correctness, effectiveness, easy understanding, detail sufficiency and trustworthiness.Comment: 19 pages, David C. Wyld et al. (Eds): ACITY, DPPR, VLSI, WeST, DSA, CNDC, IoTE, AIAA, NLPTA - 202