22 research outputs found

    Proceedings of AUTOMATA 2010: 16th International workshop on cellular automata and discrete complex systems

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    International audienceThese local proceedings hold the papers of two catgeories: (a) Short, non-reviewed papers (b) Full paper

    Algebraic Methods for Finite Linear Cellular Automata

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    PhDCellular automata are a simple class of extended dynamical systems which have been much studied in recent years. Linear cellular automata are the class of cellular automata most amenable to algebraic analytic treatments, algebraic techniques are used to study finite linear cellular automata and also finite linear cellular automata with external inputs. General results are developed for state alphabet a finite commutative ring and a notion of qualitative dynamical similarity is introduced for those systems consisting of a fixed linear cellular automata rule but with distinct time independent inputs. Sufficient conditions for qualitative dynamical similarity are obtained in the general case. Exact results are obtained for the case of state alphabet a finite field, including new results for finite linear cellular automata without inputs and a complete description of the behaviour of the corresponding system with time independent inputs. Necessary and sufficient conditions for qualitative dynamical similarity in this case are given. Results for the hitherto untreated case of state alphabet the integers modulo pk, p prime and k>1, are obtained from those for the finite field case by the technique of idempotent lifting. These two cases suffice for the treatment of the general case of st, ),t e alphabet the integers modulo any positive integer m>1, in particular a necessary and sufficient condition for qualitatively similar dynamics in the presence of time independent inputs is given for this case. The extension of the results for time independent inputs to the case of periodic and eventually periodic inputs is treated and the generalisation of the techniques developed to higher dimensional linear cellular automata is discussed

    Analysis and solutions of congestion of vehicles using DTCA, FUZZY logic, and ITS on highways

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    Dynamic Traffic Cellular Automata (DTCA) method has been used to develop a mathematical model of vehicular traffic flow based on acceleration, velocity and position. This model is extended to investigate human driver behavior using Fuzzy Logic algorithms including; asymmetric auto driving, symmetric auto driving, and the driver behavior using ITS. Congestions have been created and solutions are offered thus leading to a better understanding traffic flow, aggregate fuel consumption, and emissions caused by clusters of vehicles. In simulation, ITS is used to provide inter-vehicular information leading to avoidance of congestions, fuel control, and emission reduction

    Global Cellular Automata

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    Global cellular automata are introduced as a generalization of 1-dimensional cellular automata allowing the next state of a cell to depend on a "regular" global context rather than just a fixed size neighborhood. A number of well known results for 1-dimensional cellular automata is extended to global cellular automata. 1 Introduction Cellular automata (CA) are models of complex systems in which an infinite lattice of cells is updated in parallel according to a simple local rule. A dynamical system on the lattice of cells is a continuous and shift-invariant function iff it can be specified by a CA. We will generalize 1-dimensional CA to provide for a "regular" global context, while still using simple transition rules specified by a simple finite transducer called an !!-sequential machine. Our global cellular automaton (GCA) will retain most of the properties of CA and at the same time allow us to define many non-continuous transition functions. An important special case is the possibil..

    Implementing the Global Cellular Automata on CUDA

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    GCA: global cellular automata: a flexible parallel model

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