622 research outputs found

    A Review on Multi-Terminal High Voltage Direct Current Networks for Wind Power Integration

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    With the growing pressure to substitute fossil fuel-based generation, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) have become one of the main solutions from the power sector in the fight against climate change. Offshore wind farms, for example, are an interesting alternative to increase renewable power production, but they represent a challenge when being interconnected to the grid, since new installations are being pushed further off the coast due to noise and visual pollution restrictions. In this context, Multi-Terminal High Voltage Direct Current (MT-HVDC) networks are the most preferred technology for this purpose and for onshore grid reinforcements. They also enable the delivery of power from the shore to offshore Oil and Gas (O&G) production platforms, which can help lower the emissions in the transition away from fossil fuels. In this work, we review relevant aspects of the operation and control of MT-HVDC networks for wind power integration. The review approaches topics such as the main characteristics of MT-HVDC projects under discussion/commissioned around the world, rising challenges in the control and the operation of MT-HVDC networks and the modeling and the control of the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) stations. To illustrate the challenges on designing the control system of a MT-HVDC network and to corroborate the technical discussions, a simulation of a three-terminal MT-HVDC network integrating wind power generation and offshore O&G production units to the onshore grid is performed in Matlab's Simscape Electrical toolbox. The results highlight the main differences between two alternatives to design the control system for an MT-HVDC network

    Control of modular multilevel converters in high voltage direct current power systems

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    This thesis focuses on a comprehensive analysis of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications from the viewpoint of presenting new mathematical dynamic models and designing novel control strategies. In the first step, two new mathematical dynamic models using differential flatness theory (DFT) and circulating currents components are introduced. Moreover, detailed step-by-step analysis-based relationships are achieved for accurate control of MMCs in both inverter and rectifier operating modes. After presenting these new mathematical equations-based descriptions of MMCs, suitable control techniques are designed in the next step. Because of the nonlinearity features of MMCs, two nonlinear control strategies based on direct Lyapunov method (DLM) and passivity theory-based controller combined with sliding mode surface are designed by the use of circulating currents componentsbased dynamic model to provide a stable operation of MMCs in HVDC applications under various operating conditions. The negative effects of the input disturbance, model errors and system uncertainties are suppressed by defining a Lyapunov control function to reach the integralproportional terms of the flat output errors that should be finally added to the initial inputs. Simulation results in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment verify the positive effects of the proposed dynamic models and control strategies in all operating conditions of the MMCs in inverter mode, rectifier mode and HVDC applications.Esta tese visa proceder a uma análise abrangente de conversores multinível modulares (MMC) para transmissão a alta tensão em corrente contínua (HVDC), almejando apresentar novos modelos matemáticos em sistemas dinâmicos e projetar novas estratégias de controlo. Na primeira etapa são introduzidos dois novos modelos matemáticos dinâmicos que usam differential flatness theory e as componentes de correntes circulantes. Ainda, é estabelecida uma modelação matemática para o controlo preciso dos MMCs, operando em modo inversor ou modo retificador. Depois de apresentar as novas equações matemáticas, as técnicas de controlo mais adequadas são delineadas. Devido às características não lineares dos MMCs, são projetadas duas estratégias de controlo não-lineares baseadas no método direto de Lyapunov e no controlo do tipo passivity theory-based combinado com controlo por modo de deslizamento através do uso de modelos dinâmicos baseados em correntes circulantes para fornecer uma operação estável aos MMCs em aplicações de HVDC sob várias condições de operação. Os efeitos negativos das perturbações de entrada, erros de modelação e incertezas do sistema são suprimidos através da definição da função de controlo de Lyapunov para alcançar os termos de integraçãoproporcionalidade dos erros de saída para que possam finalmente ser adicionados às entradas iniciais. Os resultados da simulação computacional realizados em ambiente MATLAB/SIMULINK verificam os efeitos positivos dos modelos dinâmicos propostos e das novas estratégias de controlo em todas as condições de operação dos MMCs no modo inversor, retificador e em aplicações HVDC

    Model-based cascade control of single-phase Modular Multilevel Converters using ideal capacitor voltages reference

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    Electrical power conversions are common in a large variety of engineering applications. With reference to AC/DC and DC/AC power conversions, a strong research interest resides in multilevel converters, thanks to the many advantages they provide over standard two-level converters. In this paper, a power-oriented model of single-phase Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) is first provided, followed by a detailed harmonic analysis. The model is given in the form of a Power Oriented Graphs block scheme that can be directly implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The performed harmonic analysis gives a deep and exact understanding of the different terms affecting the evolution of the voltage trajectories in the upper and lower arms of the converter. Next, a new model-based cascade control architecture for MMCs is proposed. Combined with the real-time calculation of the ideal average capacitor voltages reference, the proposed control architecture allows to properly track the desired load current while minimizing the tracking error and the harmonic content in the generated load current itself

    Control of cascaded DC-DC converter-based hybrid battery energy storage systems - Part I:stability Issue

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    There is an emerging application which uses a mixture of batteries within an energy storage system. These hybrid battery solutions may contain different battery types. A DC-side cascaded boost converters along with a module based distributed power sharing strategy has been proposed to cope with variations in battery parameters such as, state-of-charge and/or capacity. This power sharing strategy distributes the total power among the different battery modules according to these battery parameters. Each module controller consists of an outer voltage loop with an inner current loop where the desired control reference for each control loop needs to be dynamically varied according to battery parameters to undertake this sharing. As a result, the designed control bandwidth or stability margin of each module control loop may vary in a wide range which can cause a stability problem within the cascaded converter. This paper reports such a unique issue and thoroughly investigates the stability of the modular converter under the distributed sharing scheme. The paper shows that a cascaded PI control loop approach cannot guarantee the system stability throughout the operating conditions. A detailed analysis of the stability issue and the limitations of the conventional approach are highlighted. Finally in-depth experimental results are presented to prove the stability issue using a modular hybrid battery energy storage system prototype under various operating conditions

    Cascaded- and Modular-Multilevel Converter Laboratory Test System Options: A Review

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    The increasing importance of cascaded multilevel converters (CMCs), and the sub-category of modular multilevel converters (MMCs), is illustrated by their wide use in high voltage DC connections and in static compensators. Research is being undertaken into the use of these complex pieces of hardware and software for a variety of grid support services, on top of fundamental frequency power injection, requiring improved control for non-traditional duties. To validate these results, small-scale laboratory hardware prototypes are often required. Such systems have been built by many research teams around the globe and are also increasingly commercially available. Few publications go into detail on the construction options for prototype CMCs, and there is a lack of information on both design considerations and lessons learned from the build process, which will hinder research and the best application of these important units. This paper reviews options, gives key examples from leading research teams, and summarizes knowledge gained in the development of test rigs to clarify design considerations when constructing laboratory-scale CMCs.This work was supported in part by The University of Manchester supported by the National Innovation Allowance project ``VSC-HVDC Model Validation and Improvement'' and Dr. Heath's iCASE Ph.D. studentship supported through Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and National Grid, in part by the Imperial College London supported by EPSRC through the HubNet Extension under Grant EP/N030028/1, in part by an iCASE Ph.D. Studentship supported by EPSRC and EDF Energy and the CDT in Future Power Networks under Grant EP/L015471/1, in part by University of New South Wales (UNSW) supported by the Solar Flagships Program through the Education Infrastructure Fund (EIF), in part by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Early Career Research Award under Grant DECRA_DE170100370, in part by the Basque Government through the project HVDC-LINK3 under Grant ELKARTEK KK-2017/00083, in part by the L2EP research group at the University of Lille supported by the French TSO (RTE), and in part by the Hauts-de-France region of France with the European Regional Development Fund under Grant FEDER 17007725

    Cost-Effective Model Predictive Control Techniques for Modular Multilevel Converters

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    In this thesis, model predictive control (MPC) techniques are investigated with their applications to modular multilevel converters (MMCs). Since normally a large number of submodule (SM) capacitor voltages and gate signals need to be handled in an MMC, the MPC schemes studied in this thesis are employed for determining only the voltage levels of converter arms, while gate signals are subsequently generated by the conventional sorting method. Emphasis is given to inner-loop current control in terms of phase current and circulating current, aiming at performance enhancement and computation reduction. A variable rounding level control (VRLC) approach is developed in this thesis, which is based on a modification of the conventional nearest level control (NLC) scheme: instead of the conventional nearest integer function, a proper rounding function is selected for each arm of the MMC employing the MPC method. As a result, the simplicity of the NLC is maintained while the current regulating ability is improved. The VRLC technique can also be generalized from an MPC perspective. Different current controllers can be considered to generate the arm voltage references as input of the VRLC block, thus refining the control sets of the MPC. Based on the decoupled current models, the accumulated effect of SM capacitor voltage ripples is investigated, revealing that the VRLC strategy may not achieve a proper performance if the accumulated ripple is nontrivial compared to the voltage per level. Two indexes are also proposed for quantifying the current controllability of the VRLC. Benefiting from this analysis, A SM-grouping solution is put forward to apply such MPC techniques to an MMC with a large number of SMs, leading to an equivalent operation of an MMC with much reduced number of SMs, which significantly increases the current regulating capability with reduced complexity. As an example, the SM-grouping VRLC proposal is analyzed and its system design principles are described. This thesis also develops another MPC technique which directly optimizes the cost function using quadratic programming technique. Both a rigorous and a simplified procedure are provided to solve the optimization problem. Compared with the conventional finite control set (FCS)-MPC method which evaluates all voltage level combinations, the proposed scheme presents apparent advantage in terms of calculation cost while achieving similar performance

    DC/DC converter for offshore DC collection network

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    Large wind farms, especially large offshore wind farms, present a challenge for the electrical networks that will provide interconnection of turbines and onward transmission to the onshore power network. High wind farm capacity combined with a move to larger wind turbines will result in a large geographical footprint requiring a substantial sub-sea power network to provide internal interconnection. While advanced HVDC transmission has addressed the issue of long-distance transmission, internal wind farm power networks have seen relatively little innovation. Recent studies have highlighted the potential benefits of DC collection networks. First with appropriate selection of DC voltage, reduced losses can be expected. In addition, the size and weight of the electrical plant may also be reduced through the use of medium- or high-frequency transformers to step up the generator output voltage for connection to a medium-voltage network suitable for wide-area interconnection. However, achieving DC/DC conversion at the required voltage and power levels presents a significant challenge for wind-turbine power electronics.This thesis first proposes a modular DC/DC converter with input-parallel output-series connection, consisting of full-bridge DC/DC modules. A new master-slave control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing under all operating conditions, including during failure of a master module by allowing the status of master module to be reallocated to another healthy module. Secondly, a novel modular DC/DC converter with input-series-input-parallel output-series connection is presented. In addition, a robust control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing between practical modules even where modules have mismatched parameters or when there is a faulted module. Further, the control strategy is able to isolate faulted modules to ensure fault ride-through during internal module faults, whilst maintaining good transient performance. The ISIPOS connection is then applied to a converter with bidirectional power flow capability, realised using dual-active bridge modules.The small- and large-signal analyses of the proposed converters are performed in order to deduce the control structure for the converter input and output stages. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate and validate the proposed converters and associated control schemes.Large wind farms, especially large offshore wind farms, present a challenge for the electrical networks that will provide interconnection of turbines and onward transmission to the onshore power network. High wind farm capacity combined with a move to larger wind turbines will result in a large geographical footprint requiring a substantial sub-sea power network to provide internal interconnection. While advanced HVDC transmission has addressed the issue of long-distance transmission, internal wind farm power networks have seen relatively little innovation. Recent studies have highlighted the potential benefits of DC collection networks. First with appropriate selection of DC voltage, reduced losses can be expected. In addition, the size and weight of the electrical plant may also be reduced through the use of medium- or high-frequency transformers to step up the generator output voltage for connection to a medium-voltage network suitable for wide-area interconnection. However, achieving DC/DC conversion at the required voltage and power levels presents a significant challenge for wind-turbine power electronics.This thesis first proposes a modular DC/DC converter with input-parallel output-series connection, consisting of full-bridge DC/DC modules. A new master-slave control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing under all operating conditions, including during failure of a master module by allowing the status of master module to be reallocated to another healthy module. Secondly, a novel modular DC/DC converter with input-series-input-parallel output-series connection is presented. In addition, a robust control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing between practical modules even where modules have mismatched parameters or when there is a faulted module. Further, the control strategy is able to isolate faulted modules to ensure fault ride-through during internal module faults, whilst maintaining good transient performance. The ISIPOS connection is then applied to a converter with bidirectional power flow capability, realised using dual-active bridge modules.The small- and large-signal analyses of the proposed converters are performed in order to deduce the control structure for the converter input and output stages. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate and validate the proposed converters and associated control schemes

    Operation of HVDC Modular Multilevel Converters under DC pole imbalances

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