4 research outputs found

    JCS-Net : joint classification and super-resolution network for small-scale pedestrian detection in surveillance images

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    While Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based pedestrian detection methods have proven to be successful in various applications, detecting small-scale pedestrian from surveillance images is still challenging.The major reason is that the small-scale pedestrians lack much detailed information compared to the large-scale pedestrians. To solve this problem, we propose to utilize the relationship between the large-scale pedestrians and the corresponding small-scale pedestrians to help recover the detailed information of the small-scale pedestrians, thus improving the performance of detecting small-scale pedestrians. Specifically, a unified network (called JCS-Net) is proposed for small-scale pedestrian detection, which integrates the classification task and the super-resolution task in a unified framework. As a result, the super-resolution and classification are fully engaged and the super-resolution sub-network can recover some useful detailed information for the subsequent classification. Based on HOG+LUV and JCS-Net, multi-layer channel features (MCF) are constructed to train the detector. Experimental results on the Caltech pedestrian dataset and the KITTI benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. To further enhance the detection, multi-scale MCF based on JCS-Net for pedestrian detection is also proposed, which achieves the state-of-the-art performance

    Hierarchical shot detector

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    Single shot detector simultaneously predicts object categories and regression offsets of the default boxes. Despite of high efficiency, this structure has some inappropriate designs: (1) The classification result of the default box is improperly assigned to that of the regressed box during inference, (2) Only regression once is not good enough for accurate object detection. To solve the first problem, a novel reg-offset-cls (ROC) module is proposed. It contains three hierarchical steps: box regression, the feature sampling location predication, and the regressed box classification with the features of offset locations. To further solve the second problem, a hierarchical shot detector (HSD) is proposed, which stacks two ROC modules and one feature enhanced module. The second ROC treats the regressed boxes and the feature sampling locations of features in the first ROC as the inputs. Meanwhile, the feature enhanced module injected between two ROCs aims to extract the local and non-local context. Experiments on the MS COCO and PASCAL VOC datasets demonstrate the superiority of proposed HSD. Without the bells or whistles, HSD outperforms all one-stage methods at real-time speed