7 research outputs found

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Cryogenic Control Beyond 100 Qubits

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    Quantum computation has been a major focus of research in the past two decades, with recent experiments demonstrating basic algorithms on small numbers of qubits. A large-scale universal quantum computer would have a profound impact on science and technology, providing a solution to several problems intractable for classical computers. To realise such a machine, today's small experiments must be scaled up, and a system must be built which provides control and measurement of many hundreds of qubits. A device of this scale is challenging: qubits are highly sensitive to their environment, and sophisticated isolation techniques are required to preserve the qubits' fragile states. Solid-state qubits require deep-cryogenic cooling to suppress thermal excitations. Yet current state-of-the-art experiments use room-temperature electronics which are electrically connected to the qubits. This thesis investigates various scalable technologies and techniques which can be used to control quantum systems. With the requirements for semiconductor spin-qubits in mind, several custom electronic systems, to provide quantum control from deep cryogenic temperatures, are designed and measured. A system architecture is proposed for quantum control, providing a scalable approach to executing quantum algorithms on a large number of qubits. Control of a gallium arsenide qubit is demonstrated using a cryogenically operated FPGA driving custom gallium arsenide switches. The cryogenic performance of a commercial FPGA is measured, as the main logic processor in a cryogenic quantum control system, and digital-to-analog converters are analysed during cryogenic operation. Recent work towards a 100-qubit cryogenic control system is shown, including the design of interconnect solutions and multiplexing circuitry. With qubit fidelity over the fault-tolerant threshold for certain error correcting codes, accompanying control platforms will play a key role in the development of a scalable quantum machine

    Fault-tolerant fpga for mission-critical applications.

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    One of the devices that play a great role in electronic circuits design, specifically safety-critical design applications, is Field programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This is because of its high performance, re-configurability and low development cost. FPGAs are used in many applications such as data processing, networks, automotive, space and industrial applications. Negative impacts on the reliability of such applications result from moving to smaller feature sizes in the latest FPGA architectures. This increases the need for fault-tolerant techniques to improve reliability and extend system lifetime of FPGA-based applications. In this thesis, two fault-tolerant techniques for FPGA-based applications are proposed with a built-in fault detection region. A low cost fault detection scheme is proposed for detecting faults using the fault detection region used in both schemes. The fault detection scheme primarily detects open faults in the programmable interconnect resources in the FPGAs. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can be detected. For fault recovery, each scheme has its own fault recovery approach. The first approach uses a spare module and a 2-to-1 multiplexer to recover from any fault detected. On the other hand, the second approach recovers from any fault detected using the property of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) in the FPGAs. It relies on identifying a Partially Reconfigurable block (P_b) in the FPGA that is used in the recovery process after the first faulty module is identified in the system. This technique uses only one location to recover from faults in any of the FPGA’s modules and the FPGA interconnects. Simulation results show that both techniques can detect and recover from open faults. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can also be detected. Finally, both techniques require low area overhead

    Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation zum Thema „Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications“ wurde auf Basis einer 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technologie ein Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Technologiemodul zur Herstellung elektrischer Durchkontaktierungen für die Anwendung im Millimeterwellen und Sub-THz Frequenzbereich entwickelt. TSVs wurden mittels elektromagnetischer Simulationen modelliert und in Bezug auf ihre elektrischen Eigenschaften bis in den sub-THz Bereich bis zu 300 GHz optimiert. Es wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Modellierung, Fertigungstechnologie und den elektrischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die technologischen Einflussfaktoren gelegt. Daraus schlussfolgernd wurde das TSV Technologiemodul entwickelt und in eine SiGe BiCMOS Technologie integriert. Hierzu wurde eine Via-Middle Integration gewählt, welche eine Freilegung der TSVs von der Wafer Rückseite erfordert. Durch die geringe Waferdicke von ca. 75 μm wird einen Carrier Wafer Handling Prozess verwendet. Dieser Prozess wurde unter der Randbedingung entwickelt, dass eine nachfolgende Bearbeitung der Wafer innerhalb der BiCMOS Pilotlinie erfolgen kann. Die Rückseitenbearbeitung zielt darauf ab, einen Redistribution Layer auf der Rückseite der BiCMOS Wafer zu realisieren. Hierzu wurde ein Prozess entwickelt, um gleichzeitig verschiedene TSV Strukturen mit variablen Geometrien zu realisieren und damit eine hohe TSV Design Flexibilität zu gewährleisten. Die TSV Strukturen wurden von DC bis über 300 GHz charakterisiert und die elektrischen Eigenschaften extrahiert. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass TSV Verbindungen mit sehr geringer Dämpfung <1 dB bis 300 GHz realisierbar sind und somit ausgezeichnete Hochfrequenzeigenschaften aufweisen. Zuletzt wurden vielfältige Anwendungen wie das Grounding von Hochfrequenzschaltkreisen, Interposer mit Waveguides und 300 GHz Antennen dargestellt. Das Potential für Millimeterwellen Packaging und 3D Integration wurde evaluiert. TSV Technologien sind heutzutage in vielen Anwendungen z.B. im Bereich der Systemintegration von Digitalschaltkreisen und der Spannungsversorgung von integrierten Schaltkreisen etabliert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einsatz von TSVs für Millimeterwellen und dem sub-THz Frequenzbereich untersucht und die Anwendung für den sub-THz Bereich bis 300 GHz demonstriert. Dadurch werden neue Möglichkeiten der Systemintegration und des Packaging von Höchstfrequenzsystemen geschaffen.:Bibliographische Beschreibung List of symbols and abbreviations Acknowledgement 1. Introduction 2. FEM Modeling of BiCMOS & Interposer Through-Silicon Vias 3. Fabrication of BiCMOS & Silicon Interposer with TSVs 4. Characterization of BiCMOS Embedded Through-Silicon Vias 5. Applications 6. Conclusion and Future Work 7. Appendix 8. Publications & Patents 9. Bibliography 10. List of Figures and Table

    Analysis and design of ΣΔ Modulators for Radio Frequency Switchmode Power Amplifiers

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    Power amplifiers are an integral part of every basestation, macrocell, microcell and mobile phone, enabling data to be sent over the distances needed to reach the receiver’s antenna. While linear operation is needed for transmitting WCDMA and OFDM signals, linear operation of a power amplifier is characterized by low power efficiency, and contributes to unwanted power dissipation in a transmitter. Recently, a switchmode power amplifier operation was considered for reducing power losses in a RF transmitter. A linear and efficient operation of a PA can be achieved when the transmitted RF signal is ΣΔ modu- lated, and subsequently amplified by a nonlinear device. Although in theory this approach offers linearity and efficiency reaching 100%, the use of ΣΔ modulation for transmitting wideband signals causes problems in practical implementation: it requires high sampling rate by the digital hardware, which is needed for shaping large contents of a quantization noise induced by the modulator but also, the binary output from the modulator needs an RF power amplifier operating over very wide frequency band. This thesis addresses the problem of noise shaping in a ΣΔ modulator and nonlinear distortion caused by broadband operation in switchmode power amplifier driven by a ΣΔ modulated waveform. The problem of sampling rate increase in a ΣΔ modulator is solved by optimizing structure of the modulator, and subsequent processing of an input signal’s samples in parallel. Independent from the above, a novel technique for reducing quan- tization noise in a bandpass ΣΔ modulator using single bit quantizer is presented. The technique combines error pulse shaping and 3-level quantization for improving signal to noise ratio in a 2-level output. The improvement is achieved without the increase of a digital hardware’s sampling rate, which is advantageous also from the perspective of power consumption. The new method is explored in the course of analysis, and verified by simulated and experimental results. The process of RF signal conversion from the Cartesian to polar form is analyzed, and a signal modulator for a polar transmitter with a ΣΔ-digitized envelope signal is designed and implemented. The new modulator takes an advantage of bandpass digital to analog conversion for simplifying the analog part of the modulator. A deformation of the pulsed RF signal in the experimental modulator is demonstrated to have an effect primarily on amplitude of the RF signal, which is correctable with simple predistortion

    Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application

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    The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, is based on the advancement of CMOS integrated circuit (IC) technology that enables them to implement high-performance chipsets. In addition to development in the traditional fields of analog and digital integrated circuits, the development of CMOS IC design and application in high-power and high-frequency operations, which was previously thought to be possible only with compound semiconductor technology, is a core technology that drives rapid industrial development. This book aims to highlight advances in all aspects of CMOS integrated circuit design and applications without discriminating between different operating frequencies, output powers, and the analog/digital domains. Specific topics in the book include: Next-generation CMOS circuit design and application; CMOS RF/microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave integrated circuits and systems; CMOS integrated circuits specially used for wireless or wired systems and applications such as converters, sensors, interfaces, frequency synthesizers/generators/rectifiers, and so on; Algorithm and signal-processing methods to improve the performance of CMOS circuits and systems