184 research outputs found

    Locality and Singularity for Store-Atomic Memory Models

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    Robustness is a correctness notion for concurrent programs running under relaxed consistency models. The task is to check that the relaxed behavior coincides (up to traces) with sequential consistency (SC). Although computationally simple on paper (robustness has been shown to be PSPACE-complete for TSO, PGAS, and Power), building a practical robustness checker remains a challenge. The problem is that the various relaxations lead to a dramatic number of computations, only few of which violate robustness. In the present paper, we set out to reduce the search space for robustness checkers. We focus on store-atomic consistency models and establish two completeness results. The first result, called locality, states that a non-robust program always contains a violating computation where only one thread delays commands. The second result, called singularity, is even stronger but restricted to programs without lightweight fences. It states that there is a violating computation where a single store is delayed. As an application of the results, we derive a linear-size source-to-source translation of robustness to SC-reachability. It applies to general programs, regardless of the data domain and potentially with an unbounded number of threads and with unbounded buffers. We have implemented the translation and verified, for the first time, PGAS algorithms in a fully automated fashion. For TSO, our analysis outperforms existing tools

    Lazy Sequentialization for TSO and PSO via Shared Memory Abstractions

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    Lazy sequentialization is one of the most effective approaches for the bounded verification of concurrent programs. Existing tools assume sequential consistency (SC), thus the feasibility of lazy sequentializations for weak memory models (WMMs) remains untested. Here, we describe the first lazy sequentialization approach for the total store order (TSO) and partial store order (PSO) memory models. We replace all shared memory accesses with operations on a shared memory abstraction (SMA), an abstract data type that encapsulates the semantics of the underlying WMM and implements it under the simpler SC model. We give efficient SMA implementations for TSO and PSO that are based on temporal circular doubly-linked lists, a new data structure that allows an efficient simulation of the store buffers. We show experimentally, both on the SV-COMP concurrency benchmarks and a real world instance, that this approach works well in combination with lazy sequentialization on top of bounded model checking

    Embedding weak memory models within eager sequentialization

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    Sequentialization is one of the most promising approaches for the symbolic analysis of concurrent programs. However, existing sequentializations assume sequential consistency, which modern hardware architectures no longer guarantee. In this paper we describe an approach to embed weak memory models within eager sequentializations (a la Lal/Reps). Our approach is based on the separation of intra-thread computations from inter-thread communications by means of a shared memory abstraction (SMA). We give details of SMA implementations for the SC, TSO, and PSO memory models that are based on the idea of individual memory unwindings, and sketch an extension to the Power memory model. We use our approach to implement a new, efficient BMC-based bug finding tool for multi-threaded C programs under SC, TSO, or PSO based on these SMAs, and show experimentally that it is competitive to existing tools

    Partial Orders for Efficient BMC of Concurrent Software

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    This version previously deposited at arXiv:1301.1629v1 [cs.LO]The vast number of interleavings that a concurrent program can have is typically identified as the root cause of the difficulty of automatic analysis of concurrent software. Weak memory is generally believed to make this problem even harder. We address both issues by modelling programs' executions with partial orders rather than the interleaving semantics (SC). We implemented a software analysis tool based on these ideas. It scales to programs of sufficient size to achieve first-time formal verification of non-trivial concurrent systems code over a wide range of models, including SC, Intel x86 and IBM Power

    Software Verification for Weak Memory via Program Transformation

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    Despite multiprocessors implementing weak memory models, verification methods often assume Sequential Consistency (SC), thus may miss bugs due to weak memory. We propose a sound transformation of the program to verify, enabling SC tools to perform verification w.r.t. weak memory. We present experiments for a broad variety of models (from x86/TSO to Power/ARM) and a vast range of verification tools, quantify the additional cost of the transformation and highlight the cases when we can drastically reduce it. Our benchmarks include work-queue management code from PostgreSQL

    Separating computation from communication: a design approach for concurrent program verification

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    We describe an approach to design static analysis and verification tools for concurrent programs that separates intra-thread computation from inter-thread communication by means of a shared memory abstraction (SMA). We formally characterize the concept of thread-asynchronous transition systems that underpins our approach and that allows us to design tools as two independent components, the intra-thread analysis, which can be optimized separately, and the implementation of the SMA itself, which can be exchanged easily (e.g., from the SC to the TSO memory model). We describe the SMA’s API and show that several concurrent verification techniques from the literature can easily be recast in our setting and thus be extended to weak memory models. We give SMA implementations for the SC, TSO, and PSO memory models that are based on the idea of individual memory unwindings. We instantiate our approach by developing a new, efficient BMC-based bug finding tool for multi-threaded C programs under SC, TSO, or PSO based on these SMAs, and show experimentally that it is competitive to existing tools

    Verification under TSO with an infinite Data Domain

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    We examine verification of concurrent programs under the total store ordering (TSO) semantics used by the x86 architecture. In our model, threads manipulate variables over infinite domains and they can check whether variables are related for a range of relations. We show that, in general, the control state reachability problem is undecidable. This result is derived through a reduction from the state reachability problem of lossy channel systems with data (which is known to be undecidable). In the light of this undecidability, we turn our attention to a more tractable variant of the reachability problem. Specifically, we study context bounded runs, which provide an under-approximation of the program behavior by limiting the possible interactions between processes. A run consists of a number of contexts, with each context representing a sequence of steps where a only single designated thread is active. We prove that the control state reachability problem under bounded context switching is PSPACE complete

    Overcoming Memory Weakness with Unified Fairness

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    We consider the verification of liveness properties for concurrent programs running on weak memory models. To that end, we identify notions of fairness that preclude demonic non-determinism, are motivated by practical observations, and are amenable to algorithmic techniques. We provide both logical and stochastic definitions of our fairness notions and prove that they are equivalent in the context of liveness verification. In particular, we show that our fairness allows us to reduce the liveness problem (repeated control state reachability) to the problem of simple control state reachability. We show that this is a general phenomenon by developing a uniform framework which serves as the formal foundation of our fairness definition and can be instantiated to a wide landscape of memory models. These models include SC, TSO, PSO, (Strong/Weak) Release-Acquire, Strong Coherence, FIFO-consistency, and RMO.Comment: 32 pages. To appear in Proc. 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) 202

    Ogre and Pythia: An Invariance Proof Method for Weak Consistency Models

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    We design an invariance proof method for concurrent programs parameterised by a weak consistency model. The calculational design of the invariance proof method is by abstract interpretation of a truly parallel analytic semantics. This generalises the methods by Lamport and Owicki-Gries for sequential consistency. We use cat as an example of language to write consistency specifications of both concurrent programs and machine architectures
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