26,200 research outputs found

    A Study of Speed of the Boundary Element Method as applied to the Realtime Computational Simulation of Biological Organs

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    In this work, possibility of simulating biological organs in realtime using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is investigated. Biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior, and constant boundary element is the element type used. First, a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to speed up the BEM computations to achieve the realtime performance. Next, instead of the GPU, a computer cluster is used. Results indicate that BEM is fast enough to provide for realtime graphics if biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior. Although the present work does not conduct any simulation using nonlinear material models, results from using the linear elastostatic material model imply that it would be difficult to obtain realtime performance if highly nonlinear material models that properly characterize biological organs are used. Although the use of BEM for the simulation of biological organs is not new, the results presented in the present study are not found elsewhere in the literature.Comment: preprint, draft, 2 tables, 47 references, 7 files, Codes that can solve three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements (of triangular shape) while ignoring body forces are provided as supplementary files; codes are distributed under the MIT License in three versions: i) MATLAB version ii) Fortran 90 version (sequential code) iii) Fortran 90 version (parallel code

    Analytic Methods for Optimizing Realtime Crowdsourcing

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    Realtime crowdsourcing research has demonstrated that it is possible to recruit paid crowds within seconds by managing a small, fast-reacting worker pool. Realtime crowds enable crowd-powered systems that respond at interactive speeds: for example, cameras, robots and instant opinion polls. So far, these techniques have mainly been proof-of-concept prototypes: research has not yet attempted to understand how they might work at large scale or optimize their cost/performance trade-offs. In this paper, we use queueing theory to analyze the retainer model for realtime crowdsourcing, in particular its expected wait time and cost to requesters. We provide an algorithm that allows requesters to minimize their cost subject to performance requirements. We then propose and analyze three techniques to improve performance: push notifications, shared retainer pools, and precruitment, which involves recalling retainer workers before a task actually arrives. An experimental validation finds that precruited workers begin a task 500 milliseconds after it is posted, delivering results below the one-second cognitive threshold for an end-user to stay in flow.Comment: Presented at Collective Intelligence conference, 201

    The driver concept for the DLR Lightweight Robot III

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    In this paper we present the synchronization and driver architecture of the DLR LWR-III, which supplies an easy to use interface for applications. For our purpose we abstracted the robot hardware entirely from the control algorithms using the common device driver concept of modern operating systems. The software architecture is split into two modular parts. On the one side, there are device drivers that communicate with the hardware components. On the other side, there are realtime ap- plications realized as Simulink Models, which provide advanced control algorithms. This ensures a clean separation between the two modules and provides a communication over a common and approved interface. Furthermore we investigated how we can ensure synchronization to the hardware over the device driver interfaces and how we can ensure that it meets hard realtime requirements. The main result of this paper is to realize a synchronization between LWR-III hardware and Simulink control applications while targeting small latencies with respect to hard realtime requirements. The design is implemented and verified on WindRiverTM VxWorksTM

    Four Years of Realtime GRB Followup by BOOTES-1B (2005-2008)

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    Four years of BOOTES-1B GRB follow-up history are summarised for the first time in the form of a table. The successfully followed events are described case by case. Further, the data are used to show the GRB trigger rate in Spain on a per-year basis, resulting in an estimate of 18 triggers and about 51 h of telescope time per year for real time triggers. These numbers grow to about 22 triggers and 77 h per year if we include also the GRBs observable within 2 hours after the trigger.Comment: 16 pages, Accepted into Proceedings of AstroRob Malaga 200

    Multi-camera Realtime 3D Tracking of Multiple Flying Animals

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    Automated tracking of animal movement allows analyses that would not otherwise be possible by providing great quantities of data. The additional capability of tracking in realtime - with minimal latency - opens up the experimental possibility of manipulating sensory feedback, thus allowing detailed explorations of the neural basis for control of behavior. Here we describe a new system capable of tracking the position and body orientation of animals such as flies and birds. The system operates with less than 40 msec latency and can track multiple animals simultaneously. To achieve these results, a multi target tracking algorithm was developed based on the Extended Kalman Filter and the Nearest Neighbor Standard Filter data association algorithm. In one implementation, an eleven camera system is capable of tracking three flies simultaneously at 60 frames per second using a gigabit network of nine standard Intel Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo computers. This manuscript presents the rationale and details of the algorithms employed and shows three implementations of the system. An experiment was performed using the tracking system to measure the effect of visual contrast on the flight speed of Drosophila melanogaster. At low contrasts, speed is more variable and faster on average than at high contrasts. Thus, the system is already a useful tool to study the neurobiology and behavior of freely flying animals. If combined with other techniques, such as `virtual reality'-type computer graphics or genetic manipulation, the tracking system would offer a powerful new way to investigate the biology of flying animals.Comment: pdfTeX using libpoppler 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6), 18 pages with 9 figure